Well-Known Member
Chicago has legal recourse for individuals that have damages to their vehicles because of potholes. It is painfully slow but eventually they pay.
These type of attorneys are also discriminating too about which cases they will move forward to court. They will not waste their time if they know the odds are they will loose and receive nothing themselves.
I don't believe that is correct. My cousin cracked his spine in pool accident. He recovered. Several years later he was in a rear end car accident and the neck re-cracked leaving him paralized for the rest of his life neck down.
He won the court case even though there was a pre-existing condition. The big IF here to me in this case is if indeed Disney changed from a slip resistant pad to a non slip resistant pad, lessening the safety measures they once had in place there by removing added precautions. This is not as simple as slipping on a wet sidewalk.
Disney even initially denied responsibility in the Monorail accident correct? So it isn't an unusual procedure for Disney to spout safety standards initially or any other defendant, I would not expect Disney to say ooops our bad.
I just know what's in the complaint.