I think that you'll notice that the trend for most amusement parks and theme parks is to have an outrageously high sticker price, but season passes that are barely any more and offer lavish perks. Its funny that casual guests who haven't been to business school like to say "well they want you to come to the parks for next to nothing so that you'll spend money on food and park." It doesn't explain why parking is included for free in already cheap season pass. It doesn't explain why they don't lower gate prices if they're pretty much a restaurant with loss leader rides.
I really don't agree with the dirt cheap season passes, but I think its the park's way of making guests think that they're getting a great deal when in reality, extra visits are just a cost that's passed onto other guests. So really, if you want park visits to be cheap, you have to strategically plan our where our passes are going to be.
Everybody talks about how Disney is bankrupting their family, but I bought a $320 M-F AP in November and have been to WDW 16 times. Never once paid for parking, bought a $8 poncho once, but no merch besides that. Rarely ever buy food. Bought an After Hours ticket once. Pretty much only spend money on alcohol, which isn't priced that bad.
Season passes are the way to go at parks. I'm carrying six at the moment.