imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
The only thing about WDW's version that is better is the exterior and qeue line. DL's actual ride blows WDW's version out of the water in almost every aspect.


Active Member
I do LOVE the ride at Disneyland. The swamp scene and the two drops are awesome. I do like the different ending too.

The main "core" of the ride is largely the same, except for the beginning and the end as previously said.

Another difference that Disneyland has is that before the drop, the skull sets up the story. WDW's version had to take it out, because it distracted from the new "eerieness" of the ride when they renovated the ride by putting in Jack Sparrow, and the gang. :(


New Member
As for Small World, I would say that the ride itself has been vastly better than Disneyland's since its 2005 overhaul. It has always had a "flooded building," compared to Disneyland's cheap trough-plopped-in-a-warehouse feeling, and also, you can't see all of the mechanics of the ride from the boats. This is also due to the actual river inside the building, and being eye level with the sets, rather than above them.

Also, the final scene is much more lively, and in general, the ride is much more polished. While Disneyland's had its audio digitalized in the late 90's, and exterior repainted in 2002, that was pretty much the extent of it. It really does look hideously run down inside compared to MK's, and it's something that should be brought up more in these MK vs. DL maintenance comparisons.

"Hideously run down?" I beg to differ. It's far FROM that. SW just underwent a massive refurb when they completely redid all the audio a few years ago; not to mention they restored the facade as well.

And the only reason our SW is like a "trough-plopped-in-a-warehouse" is because it was designed as a temporary attraction for the '65 World's Fair. It would've been much more complex for them to design the attraction to be "flooded," especially since the World's Fair didn't last that long.


Active Member
Disneyland's Pirates is just a hair over 15 minutes long. WDW's Pirates is just a hair under 8 minutes long. That's about 7 minutes "missing" from the WDW Pirates.
It's a fascinating story as to why WDW's Pirates is the way it is.

DL's Jungle Cruise is what, a mere 6 1/2 minutes, compared to WDW's just over 10? I'm not saying one's better than the other (although I am biased). I'm just saying that length isn't a valid argument. It's all about quality and upkeep. WDW's Jungle's upkeep is poor compared to DL.

One thing I don't think that's been brought up yet is location. New Orleans Square vs. Adventureland. A bayue doesn't really fit in Adventureland. WDW's Adventureland is really 3 different stereotypical areas, Jungle Outpost (Jungle Cruise, Tiki, Treehouse, Sunshine Tree Terrace, Bwanna Bobs), Agrabah (Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Bazzar) and Caribbean Plaza (Pirates, El Pirata, Crows Nest). Pardon the spellings on some of the stuff.

As pointed out, Pirates was thrown together and opened shortly after the park did-- starting the downhill spiral of Adventureland. A highly planned and themed land, had a knot thrown in the plans with Pirates. How do you theme Pirates to, what I call "Jungle Outpost?" Together with El Pirata, House of Treasure, Caribbean Arcade, etc..., Caribbean Plaza is like it's own seperate land--even has its own music; albeit similar to the rest of Adventureland.

I hope some of this has made some sort of sense. Adventureland is an incredibly special place for me and sometimes it's hard putting it into words.

Dj Corona

Active Member
Well, to throw in my two cents after finally riding the "revamped" POTC, I can see where after two movies that made more then the gross national product that most countries make in a year combined, I can see where they felt the need to combine the two,....not overly impressed over the changes, and hate to say it, but it seems like there's a lot of open space to make more "additions" that many people on these boards seem to be already cringing over.


Park History nut
Premium Member
And anyways, Paris's is the best. End of argument. :king:
On both counts!

Reharding IASW Orlando`s indoor queue, I too was dissapointed that the roof wasn`t taken off during the rehab (it`s a different structure to the show building) - climate is a poor excuse; Paris has just as much as Orlando (not to mention snow) and there you have the layout of Orlando but with the queue, ramps, load, unload and the entry and exit canals covered with an ornate canopy - and an exterior facade on the showbuilding similar to Anaheims.


Well-Known Member
Why can't we all just get along?? haha. The rides should be different at the different parks. It's what makes traveling to them fresh. Some things need maintenance, yes, but Disney is doing their best to getting to them. If they threw all of their effort into rehabbs all of the time, then people would be getting on the boards complaining about the lack of new rides and shows. Enjoy the magic for what is is, and let the rehabbs come in their own time.


I have seen both, and like both. It was kind of cool to see DL's being I am used to WDW. I liked the little differences between the two, but neither is better than the other.

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