PotC storyline question

Originally posted by goofyguy
Okay … after thinking about this for a while, here's my timeline of events:

· Bootstrap is tossed overboard.

· The pirates discover that in order to remove the curse the gold, along with the blood of each person who took the gold, must be put in the chest. (My justification for this is that Sparrow cut his own hand when he tossed his piece of gold back, thus contributing his blood).

If he was thrown overboard, why did they never go back and get him to get his blood. They could walk under water, after all. :confused:
Originally posted by AndyMagic
Ok, I have seen it a billion times (film major here) so I can clear things up for people who are confused. The curse is lifted by returning every single piece of gold AND every person who stole gold must give their blood to the chest. Yes, the pirates do bleed, this was shown when Elizabeth stabbed Barbosa. The knife was coated in blood. Also Barbosa explains this in a very quick line toward the end of the film. "Who here has given their blood?" and all the pirates scream. Bootstrap was obviously part of the stealing, otherwise they wouldn't need his blood to lift the curse in the first place. So we know Bootstrap was cursed too. This obviously means that he didn't die under the ocean. Judging by the lack of explanation regarding Bootstraps state when he was dumped, leads me to believe he will be a character in the sequel. We already know that the pirates are very good at walking under water. (This was shown when they, "went for a walk" as Barbosa said.) So it seems like a good deal of forshadowing to me. Spending years down there, he probably devised some sort of plan of escape before the curse was lifted. Expect to see Bootstrap in Pirates 2. Any other questions I can answer?

So, let me ask you this: When the monkey took the gold that reinstated the curse, correct. Does that mean that all of the pirates are cursed again? Or just the monkey? I wondered this because when Jack shot Barbosa, the curse hadn't been lifted yet. Will put the coins with blood back in the chest and Barbosa started to bleed. Since he died (assuming he did die) from something that happened before the curse was lifted, would he be cursed again even though he died before the curse was reinstated? :lookaroun
Since we're all pondering and going too deep into the plot here, I thought I should bring this up. I just got back from numero cinco (5,w/e i cant spell) and when barbossa takes the dress from elizabeth he says its still warm but didnt he say something to the effect of 'i cant feel the spray of the ocean or the warmth of a womans touch...'. Also, I think im going crazy but I couldnt of sworn Jack had 3 braids toward the beginning. This movie is starting to mess with my head


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
Since we're all pondering and going too deep into the plot here, I thought I should bring this up. I just got back from numero cinco (5,w/e i cant spell) and when barbossa takes the dress from elizabeth he says its still warm but didnt he say something to the effect of 'i cant feel the spray of the ocean or the warmth of a womans touch...'. Also, I think im going crazy but I couldnt of sworn Jack had 3 braids toward the beginning. This movie is starting to mess with my head
Very good point. This was a common mistake throughout the film. For example, when Elizabeth scorches one of the pirates with ashes from above the door, he screamed, "It burns!" It's just something we have to accept I suppose. No movies are perfect.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by Mary Poppins
So, let me ask you this: When the monkey took the gold that reinstated the curse, correct. Does that mean that all of the pirates are cursed again? Or just the monkey? I wondered this because when Jack shot Barbosa, the curse hadn't been lifted yet. Will put the coins with blood back in the chest and Barbosa started to bleed. Since he died (assuming he did die) from something that happened before the curse was lifted, would he be cursed again even though he died before the curse was reinstated? :lookaroun
Nope, just the monkey is cursed. The other curse was lifted already so just because someone steals it again, doesn't mean it would cause everyone else to become cursed.


Well-Known Member
Re: esquela de film

Originally posted by Timekeeper
Hmmmm... I wasn't aware that film school students were concerned with modern Hollywood pop culture. Things must have really changed since, well, let's just say "before." I just hope that Gore hasn't replaced Alfred when it comes to the classroom.

I don't really know what you are saying. Obviously we aren't tested on Gore Verbinski films or Terminator movies but I can assure you that us film majors see everything from Dancer in the Dark to The Matrix. Steven Spielberg started with low budget art films and eventually went on to direct Jurassic Park so film majors should be aware of all forms of cinema.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
Since we're all pondering and going too deep into the plot here, I thought I should bring this up. I just got back from numero cinco (5,w/e i cant spell) and when barbossa takes the dress from elizabeth he says its still warm but didnt he say something to the effect of 'i cant feel the spray of the ocean or the warmth of a womans touch...'. Also, I think im going crazy but I couldnt of sworn Jack had 3 braids toward the beginning. This movie is starting to mess with my head

5 times! You rule! :D I still have to see it at least two more times. Anyway, I think Barbossa was just being a jerk and saying that it was still warm to mock Elizabeth. Where do you mean 3 braids? I know he has them in his hair and on his beard, but I thought there were at least 4 braids? I could be wrong. Imagineergurl, you were right about OB...I was wrong. You can't beat at least 2 hours of Orlando Bloom.:sohappy: I need an OB avatar...Haha.:lol:


New Member
Here is my current take on the movie:

Bootstrap was blasted into the ocean before the pirates knew of the curse. Once they found out they needed Bootstrap's blood they went looking for him and figured he either floated away or was blasted into pieces. These aren't rocket scientists.

The "Take A Walk" part is there to let us viewers know that the cursed pirates can survive under water and move quite freely about. This sets the stage for the possibility of Bootstrap being alive in the next movie.

As for the cursed monkey, I just don't get it.


New Member
Originally posted by HebeJebe
Here is my current take on the movie:

Bootstrap was blasted into the ocean before the pirates knew of the curse. Once they found out they needed Bootstrap's blood they went looking for him and figured he either floated away or was blasted into pieces. These aren't rocket scientists.

The "Take A Walk" part is there to let us viewers know that the cursed pirates can survive under water and move quite freely about. This sets the stage for the possibility of Bootstrap being alive in the next movie.

As for the cursed monkey, I just don't get it.

Bootstrap being alive would make sense b/c of the curse. I think the cursed monkey at the end basically said that the curse was reactivated. I don't know why, but it was weird. That monkey scared my friend half to death. That was amusing after a fantastic movie. :lol:

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
Perhaps in the second film the monkey will be hung as a French spy. ( This will only happen if part of the film is shot in Hartelepool)


New Member
I saw it again yesterday.

What do you think the 2nd film will be about?

If Bootstrap is indeed in the 2nd film, what role do you think he will play? He was upset at Barbosa for mistreating Jack. Now that that's over, what will be his motivation?

At the end, Jack is looking at the compass. Do you think he goes back for the treasure again?

What about Will and Elizabeth? Do they join up with Jack?


New Member
Originally posted by turkey leg boy
I saw it again yesterday.

What do you think the 2nd film will be about?

If Bootstrap is indeed in the 2nd film, what role do you think he will play? He was upset at Barbosa for mistreating Jack. Now that that's over, what will be his motivation?

At the end, Jack is looking at the compass. Do you think he goes back for the treasure again?

What about Will and Elizabeth? Do they join up with Jack?

Do you remember at the end when Norrington says that he'll give Sparrow a day's head start? Well, my mom and I think that will start up the 2nd film.


New Member
Bootstrap Bill give his piece of the treasure to his son, but he was still cursed because he took the treasure out of the chest. As Barbosa explains, whoever removes gold from the chest would be cursed.

As soon as they sent Bill to the bottom of the ocean with a cannon tied to his bootstraps, he sank, and was probably still alive at the bottom.

As soon as the curse was lifted, Bootstrap Bill would have drowned immediately.

That is if he wasn't blown to pieces by the cannon.

We saw in the movie that pieces (i.e. a hand) could survive. SO pieces of BIll could have been alive, but as soon as the curse was lifted, he's probably gonna be dead.

I've heard lots of arguments about the continuity of this movie, i saw it 3 times, and found absolutely NO HOLES IN THE PLOT!


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Original Poster
But a few of us were thinking that if an "undead" man were strapped to a cannon on the bottom of the ocean for 10 years, would he honestly just stand there and not try to free himself? If he couldn't figure out a way to get his bootstraps undone from the cannon after 10 years, I guess he deserved to die when the curse was lifted!


And what is to stop Bootstrap from hammering away at his bindings with a rock/piece of cannon/sharp thing for 10 years until he is free? He's not dying and has plenty of time to chip away at his constraint until it shatters apart. Think Shawshank Redemption where Tim Robins used a spoon and his pantleg to slowly dig his way out of prison over those many, many years. You'd be surprised what you could accomplish given very long periods of time.


New Member
Why not just cut off his leg and put it back? I mean the hand was alive after being cut off, so wouldn;t bottstraps leg be the same type of thing? Then again when the curse is lifted he might be legless and bleeding.
I totally agree with you guys. In ten years Bootstrap had to have gotten out of the ocean. This may just be me, but did anyone else get the feeling that Jack and Will are more than just friends (mind out of the gutter people) like related.


New Member
Originally posted by imagineergurl
I totally agree with you guys. In ten years Bootstrap had to have gotten out of the ocean. This may just be me, but did anyone else get the feeling that Jack and Will are more than just friends (mind out of the gutter people) like related.

What do you mean "Jack and Will are more than just friends"?
Originally posted by DixieBelle97
What do you mean "Jack and Will are more than just friends"?


see, this is what happens when you see the movie 9 times. it goes straight to your head worse(or better i should say) than a brain freeze.

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