I have kids and I don't like being trapped on a ride. I got stuck on the rock and roll coaster (whatever the name) for a good 15 minutes. I didn't like being all strapped in without the ability to move much, those rides should be evaced pretty quickly. I won't do mission space again for the same reason, first time I was on it they just shut the door and there we sat probably a wheel chair or something being loaded in a cart but I do not like to be locked in a steel coffin staring at a black screen 12 inches from my face. That one flat out made me jumpy and I won't go on that ride again. Not sure if I could deal with a long wait trapped on that ride. Another time I was stuck on the the golf ball looking ride at Epcot for a good 30 minutes as I was turned back wards going down the hill. Didn't really mind that, sort of took a nap looking up at the stars worse part was they kept coming on saying don't leave the ride vehicle stay seated etc. If they just left the music on I would have taken a 30 minute nap, would have been fine with that. HM has almost become unrideable because they stop that all the time for wheel chairs or whatever hopefully that has been improved with the last make over.