Well-Known Member
I just don't believe Jim is as big of an insider as he lets on. He misses the mark so many times. If he did have access to the information above like you said he does, then he should have posted it. He was a fool not to. I personally don't believe he did. His site is all about what if and what could have been, never what is.
We played the raw audio of him telling us about the Seven Dwarf's Mine train on our show, I believe it was on Episode #059 (Steve, if you want me to unlink I will).
As I said though, when he got the Seven Dwarf's Mine Train story he wasn't chasing that story. He was in the right place at the right time and was presented the information. Then he couldn't get anyone to go on record to confirm it, so he didn't post it.
It's impossible to have your hand on everything in the company. More recently Jim came on our show and mentioned the Tron Coaster, and then shortly there after we found out the information was outdated (thanks to Lee for the updated information). We posted a note about it in the show notes.
That show happened last month, and Jim's information was from February. If you remember the Project Z thread it will give you an idea of how fast things change. This was something that Tom Staggs was pushing for and yet it still didn't get done. It really comes down to any rumor. They're fun to speculate about, but no rumor is guaranteed. A rumor is gossip - usually there's an element of truth to it but if it doesn't come true it doesn't negate that element of truth.
Not everything is black and white. In fact most things aren't. The sooner people can recognize that the world (and the internet) will be a far less cynical place.