I'm sorry if this has been posted somewhere, but I currently have 2 reservations and I am not sure which one to choose. One is for 7 nights at Portfolio Bay, the other is at Royal Pacific for 7 nights. I am beginning the trip planning process thus the two reservations. The reservations are over a 2 week period, we will be deciding this week which week we want to keep, and I do understand deciding the week may decide the resort but with more information that may influence the week we choose as well. I ended up getting a much better deal on the Royal Pacific room, by almost 1,000$, but I know nothing about that resort at all and I know very little about Portofino Bay. Has anyone stayed at either place? I have only stayed at the Hard Rock in 2000. We are going in October planning on doing 2-3 nights of HHN and the parks during the day. The rest of the vacation is not planned activity-wise so I may refine the number of nights later if we change hotels. It is important to us to stay on property for the EP for the rides during the day, early entry to Harry Potter, as well as, the ease of getting to the resorts/parks/city walk. I am just looking for any advice from any know that has stayed at either place. Thank you in advance!!