Port Orleans Riverside?


New Member
We're arriving next month to Disney! Concern is, I've been reading over and over on several boards recently about the poor conditions of the rooms at POR. We really have our hearts set on POR and booked it last year after lots of studying all the choices. It looks amazing! Now, wondering about seeing if we can switch our room over to newly reburb'd room at POFQ. I realize it can't be guaranteed over there, but maybe a better chance?

Any suggestions? Anyone just back from POR and could recommend one of the mansion rooms for us at POR that was nice? I don't mind if the room has a few dings or scuffs, but we have very young kids and we will be back in the room more than most. A dirty room is just not what I'm paying for on a vacation. This is our 1st time staying on site and we want it to be magical!

Please help. Thanks!

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Here is my advice...don't worry. While the rooms might not be freshly refurbished, Disney isn't a roadside motel either. Your room might not have the newest furniture and features, but it most certainly won't be dirty or in severe disrepair. Since your heart is set on Riverside, go there and have a great time.
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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry one bit. I've been there twice in the past two years and everything has been tip top.

Going again in 3 weeks!:sohappy:

I learned a long time ago to take critical messages on message boards with a huge grain of salt.
People complain much louder than actual conditions warrant, it seems.

NOW, of course, this is a message on a message board, lol.

Just know that I have had two completely satisfied experiences there and I am looking forward to
going back. I believe you will have a magical stay!
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I've never had issues with POR either, and I'm a little picky. I actually left ASMu after 15 min because the room was gross, there was luggage up and down the hallway, and it was too loud. I usually stay in moderate or deluxe, and POR is one of my favorites. Especially love the Alligator Bayou section! :)
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Active Member
I agree. Dont worry. We have stayed at POR four times in both Alligator Bayou and Magnolia Bend. Never a problem with the rooms. Or anything for that matter. We are big fans. We recommend Magnolia Bend if you can get it.
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Well-Known Member
I was just at PO:R from Jan 7 - Jan 11. Room #1716

In fact I have pictures of the room. Most likely I can put them up on Saturday (maybe tonight if luck is with me, but chances are no)

Minor problems.

The damper in the bathroom fan bangs in the wind - solution, shut the door.

The mini-fridge is in need of a SERIOUS defrosting. Not really a problem, just that I noticed the 5 lb block of ice in it.

Other than that, everything was fine. The room was in great shape. Not 'dirty' at all. When I left they had huge gangs (20+ people) painting the exterior of that building

While that room is nice, it is a bit of a walk to 'Ol Man Island (feature pool) but it is right near a quiet pool. Up to you if that matters or not. The walk to the main busses is easy, if you go around the side of the main building, by the RAC desk.

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New Member
We stayed at Riverside (in Magnolia Bend) a couple of months ago for our first ever Disney experience. The room was okay, but nothing to write home about. It was smaller than what I thought it would be, but accomodated a family of 4 without any problem. The tub was pretty grungy when we first got there and one of the glasses had dried milk stuck on the bottom, but after calling housekeeping, we had no problems for the rest of the week. I found it to be a very quiet resort and the landscaping was awesome. I wouldn't hesitate to return. I certainly don't think it is worth changing plans unless you want to upgrade to a deluxe resort.
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New Member

POR is my favorite moderate Disney Resort, especially the Magnolia Bend section. I was there in Halloween in 2010 and 2009, and the rooms are just fine. They are a little worn, but very comfortable. Both the rooms and the grounds are really pretty.

The only issue we had is that the door to the bathroom was broken. We checked in, and my mother went to use the bathroom, only to get stuck in there for fortyfive minutes. Maintanence was quick to come to the room to attempt to open the door. They ended up sawing off the door , then bending the metal door jam. The resort offered nothing to us for the inconvenience other than a free van ride to the park so we wouldn't have to wait for a bus. Mom asked for five of the refillable mugs for the food court.

When we returned to the room that night, the metal shavings and wood chips were still on the floor around the bathroom door. We figured, "Okay, we'll wait for housekeeping to clean it up tomorrow when we're out at the parks." We got back the following afternoon, beds were made, fresh towels placed, and the mess still remained on the floor in the door way. After another trip to the front desk and demanding that they do something for our inconvenience, we got half off one day's stay.

I still love the resort, and will go back to it. They are in the process of remodeling all the rooms, so I look forward to new bedding, and TVs! :sohappy:
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We were just there in December. I would not say the rooms were worn at all. We were in the Alligator Bayou section. The only issue and it is so minor to mention...the bed was noisy. Our youngest daughter has active dreams and I had to get out of bed a couple of nights to settle her back down and make sure she was not going to fall out of bed and the bed made what I thought was a lot of noise and woke my husband. No big deal, he can fall asleep at the drop of a hat so he was back to sleep as soon as I was settled. Loved, Loved, Loved, the resort. It was our first time at POR and we will be staying there our next trip! I would not change resorts. It is up to you but everything there was great. The pool looked great, it was too cold when we were there to swim, the playground was wonderful, our girls had a great time playing there, the food court was good, I could go on and on. Lovely resort.
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Well-Known Member
I might as well chime in too, Big fan of POR stayed there up until we became DVC members and even then switching to a different resort I was hesitant...
But I LOVE my SSR , but POR will always be a special place for us(just check my signature)...In fact we'll be going there next weekend...So if I were you keep your stay there.. Form your own opinions...We've had friends that we have recommended to stay there as well within the year and became fans of the resort as well.
We stayed in both sections but ALigator bayou we love...Buildings 14, 16 and 18 are close to main dining hall, pool and bus stop..

And don't forget to check out Piano man BOB at POR..Great fun for the whole family ....

Overall don't stress over it...If you read to much into the negative of what others find you may start looking for things that are'nt even there!
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Original Poster
Thank you all SO much for all the suggestions and advice! You've been more helpful than you can imagine. Now I definitely feel more confident about POR and I'm really looking forward to the trip! Sounds like I may even run into a few of you around the resort. :)

This message board has so much great info on it! Thanks again!
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Well-Known Member
We stayed at por 4 years ago and we didn't have any problems with the room or service. I don't know when the last refurb was but the furniture looked fine, it was the right theme for the hotel.
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Well-Known Member
I stayed there on a solo trip in Dec 09 and thought it was a lovely resort. So quiet and peaceful. The room was clean and well themed. I was in Magnolia Bend, and had requested a room close to a bus stop as that was more important to me than the food court. I could see the bus stop from my room, which was great, and it was still only a 5 minute walk to the food court. It is a big resort and I got lost once or twice so make sure you get your bearings in the daylight that first day! And, make sure you see Piano Bob!
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Well-Known Member
POR is lovely vwe stayed there in 2007 with NO complaints. We just got back from POFQ a couple offstage ago. It is lovely as well. You will have a great room at POR. Enjoy your trip.
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New Member
I stayed at POR last year and will do so again in February. I found the rooms to be fine. We mostly stay in Magnolia Bend.

The only time I've ever had a reason to complain was when we stayed in Alligator Bayou due to the bayou theme being a little too real. There were mosquitoes always outside waiting to bite us because of the bit of swampy landscaping in front of our room. But that's now a part of our family park lore. So I even look at that fondly.

As for the walk to and from the food court, I actually like it and look forward to it every day thanks to the landscaping.
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We have stayed at POR 20 times and counting, it is our favorite resort. We have had some rooms the could have been cleaner , we had great rooms and there was some that were clean but were worn and needed rehab. Overall it is a great resort. Enjoy your stay.
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Well-Known Member
As promised - Pictures.

These were taken 8 days ago. They are of room 9716





As I said, the biggest problem was the mini-fridge is in serious need of a defrosting.


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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for the pictures Dave! I really appreciate it. The room looks pretty nice to me from these. That is some block of ice in the fridge, but like you said, no big deal. (Cant remember the last time I defrosted my freezer either). :)
Sounds like rooms are kind of hit or miss, but I'm sure they will move us to another room if we have any problems.

Thanks again to everyone for all your feedback! You've all been so helpful!
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