Port Orleans....Riverside or French Quarter?


Active Member
We are planning a possible trip for Thanksgiving this year and we are looking to stay at Port orleans. My question is which is better? We are looking at the the possibility of a royal room so I know that would have to be riverside. Our concern is that I have heard about having to walk forever to get to buses or main building. Is it really that far? I have also heard horror stories about the busing situation(i.e. long waits and very crowded). Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
I have stayed at the French quarter a few times. Our most recent trip we stayed at riverside. It was ok, but I wasn't really impressed and I wouldn't go back to the resort. However, I've always liked the French quarter a lot. Definitely choose that one. Everything about it tops riverside (rooms, decor, pool, lobby, food court, overall atmosphere)!
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Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Depending on where you are in PORS it can be a decent walk to the main building, but there are multiple bus stops so your walk to them will not be far. If size and length of walks concerns you go with POFQ as it is a good deal smaller.
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Tinkerbell 8

Well-Known Member
I love POFQ. Its a very small, quiet, intimate moderate resort. I love the themeing, the rooms are great, and no matter what building you are in its no more than a 5 minute walk to the buses and the main building. When I stayed at RS it felt too big and we had to wait forever for a bus, we were also at one of the last bus stops so the buses were usually pretty packed and often they didn't stop. I know during slower times of the year buses stop at POFQ first and then go to PORS.
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real mad hatter

Well-Known Member
Having stayed at FQ in 2006 and loved it.We decided to try RS in 2008.. It's our favourite and have been back in 2010 & 2012. Now let me say when I read about all this walking at riverside from buildings to food court,I had this impression of this complex stretching out for miles.If someone has a problem with walking,by all means,pick FQ , however don't let the bigger resort RS put you off.The grounds are beautiful and strolling around is a pleasure..What ever resort you pick,in my opinion is a winner.;)
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Well-Known Member
PORS is bigger, which means bigger pool, gift shop, better counter service and stuff for the kids to do.

POFQ is a smaller reosrt. Nice pool & great lanscaping. We stayed at POFQ and liked that everything was very close.
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Well-Known Member
Both places have pluses and minuses. French quarter small and quaint, Riverside big but beautiful. One has a restaurant, the other does not, food courts are what they are, pretty much the same at all mods. Busing, POFQ one stop, POR many stops, either way, you will have to wait, and varies at any time with any resort, including deluxes. Base your decision on which resort you think will be more comfortable, not on busing or food. What room fits you, type of grounds you want to be surrounded by. Both have boat access as well. remember, you walk all day at the parks, so how important is resort size when it's small in nature compared to the size of EPCOT or MK.
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New Member
They are both nice place's to stay. We are going back to POFQ in the fall. They both have their pros and cons. POR has a great sit down restaraunt in boatwrights(the prim rib was excellent) and POFQ does not. Both of their food courts are similar. POFQ is smaller and has a cozy atmosphere. The door guy when you first walk in is super nice! Plus if you stay at POFQ there is only one bus depot(POR has 4) which stops at POR after so you will be on the bus first and will likely have less of a wait to get on the bus. On the way back from the parks is opposite so you will be dropped off last. I like the pool at POFQ better but they have multiple pools at POR. So in my opinion i would have to say POFQ for sure.
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We are planning a possible trip for Thanksgiving this year and we are looking to stay at Port orleans. My question is which is better? We are looking at the the possibility of a royal room so I know that would have to be riverside. Our concern is that I have heard about having to walk forever to get to buses or main building. Is it really that far? I have also heard horror stories about the busing situation(i.e. long waits and very crowded). Thanks for the help.
I would have to say Riverside unless you like the odd looking building in French Quarters. I don't like the looks of French Quarters odd painted buildings, but that is me. Riverside has 3 bus stops French Quarters has one. The bus stops are the same at both resorts unless Riverside people filled up the buses and to wait for another bus. If you can get it AB 18 it is a preferred room. It is by most stuff not much working anywhere. Give extra time for busses its a big resort a lot of people. Plus Riverside has Boatwrights and quit pools.
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Well-Known Member
Not going to go into it too much after what has already been said. I will just say my vote is for French Quarter, But, I will say that you cant go wrong with either choice. Have a magical time.
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Well-Known Member
Having stayed at FQ in 2006 and loved it.We decided to try RS in 2008.. It's our favourite and have been back in 2010 & 2012. Now let me say when I read about all this walking at riverside from buildings to food court,I had this impression of this complex stretching out for miles.If someone has a problem with walking,by all means,pick FQ , however don't let the bigger resort RS put you off.The grounds are beautiful and strolling around is a pleasure..What ever resort you pick,in my opinion is a winner.;)
Ditto this.
While there is some walking, it is so beautiful that it is enjoyable.
Love Riverside:) (I haven't yet stayed at FQ, so I am a little biased)
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Roo Bear

We have stayed at PORS twice. The resort is pretty large, but the grounds are so beautiful & if you get up early enough to see the mist rising over the river when you walk to the Food Court for breakfast it is a lovely sight & well worth the walk from the room! As other members have mentioned, there are 4 bus stops to choose from & we have not had too much of an issue with buses (15 minutes is not that long to wait). We have stayed once in December & once in October, so not too busy. We might opt for POFQ next time just to ring the changes, but would be equally happy back at PORS if this was the only option. The main pool is busy but there are quieter pools & the one near the laundry near to the mansions is usually peaceful - handy if you want to have a dip while your laundry is "cooking"!
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Well-Known Member
Of the two I have only stayed at FQ and we loved it! It was not a far walk to the pool, main building or the boat launch. We only ever shared a bus with riverside once in our 7 days. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend FQ in a heartbeat. Infact when looking at resorts for our upcoming trip I keep swaying back to FQ , even tho I would really like to try a different resort each trip.
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Well-Known Member
Just got in on POFQ. For us its about the smaller cozy atmosphere. Friends who have stayed at PORS have had varying bus wait times/ drop off experiences. We always at some point in our stay walk to PORS to see YeeHaa Bob but have never eaten at their restaurant.
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Well-Known Member
Never stayed at POFQ (have visited a couple different times), but I've stayed at POR 4 or 5 times. I'm staying there in June, also. It's a great resort. Great food court, gift shop, pools. It's peaceful (never too loud). The rooms are nice, as is the lobby, and really the entire resort. I didn't get the same feeling about the food court and lobby at POFQ, but maybe it's that I've never stayed there.
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Well-Known Member
Stayed at both resorts and love them both.. POFQ a little more for its small size! Riverside has the better pool, foodcourt and giftshop.. but also has all the amenities like sit-down restaurant, boat rentals, bikes and horse drawn carriage rides. I stayed at FQ in September and it was wonderful as always. We chose Riverside for our trip in November so that we can try the Royal Guest Rooms! Both are very nice!
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