POR room question


New Member
Hey, I am planing on staying at the Port Orleans Riverside for my honeymoon but I am not sure how to select a certain building. I would really like of the buildings that is near a bus stop and not to far from the main building. Like Acadian House, Magnolia Terrace, or Oak Manor.

When you order online I can't find anyway to select a certain room. Would I have to call in for this or could I just ask when checking in.


Well-Known Member
Hey, I am planing on staying at the Port Orleans Riverside for my honeymoon but I am not sure how to select a certain building. I would really like of the buildings that is near a bus stop and not to far from the main building. Like Acadian House, Magnolia Terrace, or Oak Manor.

When you order online I can't find anyway to select a certain room. Would I have to call in for this or could I just ask when checking in.

I bet you have to call in for that. We're also staying there for our trip in April and my wife wanted to stay in the Magnolia Bend Mansions. I requested that on the phone when I made the reservations and they noted that on the computer. However, when I received the confirmation in the mail, although it said that Magnolia Bend was requested, it also said "Not gtd" or not guaranteed. So just keep that in mind as well. You can make that request on the phone and I'm sure they will do their best to accomodate you, but it's not guaranteed.

And if you wait until you check in to announce which room type you want, in all likeliehood, you'll be out of luck, as I'm sure your room is picked for you by then and the other rooms are probably spoken for. I've never stayed on property before, but I would imagine that the chances of you just waltzing in on check-in day and them having a room of your preference open and available for that day and the entire length of your stay, is very slim indeed. ;)

Congratulations on your upcoming wedding, btw.
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Active Member
:wave: Dont forget the carriage rides at night for a honeymoon. very romantic. also, grab pins at the info. desks in the parks and wear them. you get all kinds of attention. they say best wishes or congratulations. we got free desserts,etc. congratulations on the wedding. we honeymooned at DW too!! And back for many anniversaries!!:sohappy: P.s. forgot the bride and groom Mickey ears!!
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New Member
This is our favorite resort. I think Oak Manor is a smoking building. Parterre Place (spelling) and Magnolia Manor are the closest to the lobby. Arcadia House is farther. There are additional bus stops near each builidng, other than the main one. I suggest that you request 'a room near the lobby so we don't have to walk far'. That way they will know what you want. Tks.
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New Member
On the web site, when making your room reservations for real, you'll eventually come to a box for Special Requests or similar about the room. In that place you can say 'Request room near the lobby.' In your case you might say, 'On Honeymoon. Request a room near the lobby.' That way they will maybe do something extra for you. We have always had our special requests granted as long as you give them some leeway and keep it general.
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Original Poster
Thanks for all the advice guys.

Turns out the future little lady already called the trip planning number and talked to somebody about this. According to the guy on the phone if you tell them its your honnymoon and you want a certain building they do prettymuch everything they can to get you that building. He also that the time we are going is looking pretty slow so we have a good chance of getting the building we want.

Any sugestions on which building I should ask for?
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Active Member

Hey, I am planing on staying at the Port Orleans Riverside for my honeymoon but I am not sure how to select a certain building. I would really like of the buildings that is near a bus stop and not to far from the main building. Like Acadian House, Magnolia Terrace, or Oak Manor.

When you order online I can't find anyway to select a certain room. Would I have to call in for this or could I just ask when checking in.

Call and ask for Magnolia Bend on your reservation. This will at least reserve your preference. Also tell them the building you would like. Magnolia Terrace and Oak Manor are best. There is a bus stop on the back side of the resort behind both of these buildings that is easier than the main one due to the fact that it NEVER gets crowded. I think it is the East bus stop. Also Oak is just over the bridge from the main buildings and it has a quiet pool to the south side of it so you dont have to go over to Ol Man Island to swim.

Just my two cents.
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Chris K

New Member
just read this thread and seen that oak manor is a smoking building is this true? If so im going to have to call and alter my preference again! thanks.
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Active Member

This map shows the bus stops. Magnolia Terrace is closer than Oak Manor to the bus stop but Oak Manor is closer to the Main building. You can take a boat on the Sassagoula River to Downtown Disney and that is half way from either building.

The bus stop in the main building aka south depot is in the front of that building. This means you have to cross the river and go through the main building to catch a bus. The East Depot is right in front of Magnolia Terrace and you only would have to walk across the parking lot to get the bus.

Oak Manor is a smoking building but not sure yet what they mean
Here are some nice pictures of the buildings in that area.
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We always stay at the Magnolia Terrace for the reason it's so close to a bus stop. Plus it has that beautiful gazebo out front. In fact, last year we took a picture for a honeymoon couple sitting in it. Very pretty building.
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New Member
One comment about the bus stops.........

Sometimes the buses fill up, especially early morning before park openings, at the main bus stop at POR, so sometimes you have to wait a bit longer for another bus at the secondary bus depots. The buses tend to go to POFQ first and then over to POR, so they can get filled up faster.

On our last stay at POR we were in Partierre Place, and it really wasn't a bad walk to get to the main bus depot.
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New Member
We just went to Disney this past May and stayed at POR. You will not
be disappointed. I had requested the Magnolia Terrace, however when
we got there they had put us somewhere else. But after talking to them
about it at check it and the rest of our group (we where traveling with
others) they were very accomadating and we did stay at Magnolia Terrace.
That bldg. is nice and close to everything and the grounds are beautiful.
(it is a non-smoking bldg.) Have fun!:sohappy:
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Original Poster
Smokeing building would not bother me as we have been twice before as a couple and she had to stay in a smokeing room. I have found that the Disney smokeing rooms don't smell like smoke ( I wanna know what they clean with).

The future wife is kicking the habit :sohappy: and only smokes outside now so I guess we could stay in any of the buildings.

I didn't know that the busses stoped at POF first. Hopefully that won't make any diffrence since we are going in Sepember.
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