Pop Warner & Dec. 2010


New Member
Hello all! We are planning on going to WDW in Dec. of next year. My concern is Pop Warner. I would rather not overlap with them. I have nothing against the organization, but I'm assuming that their group might be a bit rowdy. I think they are going in early December this year.

Does anyone know if they usually go in early December? Or when they might be going to WDW in '10?



Well-Known Member
The dates for 2010, will not be released till some time next summer... But from past years, it is usually the first into the second week of December... We were there this past December during Pop Warner and honestly we rarely saw any of them... They are at games all day long so the only time you will really run into them is at the parks later, DTD and the hotel if you are staying in one they are staying in. Past years they have alway used the All Star resort, with the spill over staying at POR, however, there are rumbling that they may be using CSR this year, but I have checked their website, and could not find any info to confirm that.

Seriously, don't let them stop you from going in December, it is an awesome time of the year to go!!!
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Well-Known Member
It also depends where you are planning to stay. Most stay at values, and they practice in the parking lots early in the morning. During the day, you barely see them. Last December, we went from Dec 1-8, and we only started to see them around the 6th.
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