Pop Secret Popcorn to sponsor Fantasmic! as part of new strategic alliance with Diamond Foods Inc


Well-Known Member
Since Fantasmic has a new sponsor...maybe we'll get a few more upgrades to the experience?
Your kidding right? The last update was adding the animated characters post-Eisner to the bubble montage..I won't hold my breath for anything else except for a loud speaker announcement for pop secret as their sponsor.


Well-Known Member
Actually, compared to the late 80's/early 90's, (before the internet age) sponsors where much more prevalent throughout the parks imo. The internet has made it so that you don't need to put your name on something inside of a theme park..

Unfortunately, a similar correlation can be made between the ambition and upkeep of attractions between that period and the present. It seems Disney is only interested in investing in maintenance that impacts the guest experience and redevelopment of existing attractions when a sponsor makes it a condition of their name being attached to it.

Test Track sponsorship shifted from GM to Chevy - major overhaul. Spaceship Earth went from absent sponsor to Siemens - costly enhancements made. What about Imagination, Universe of Energy and Living Seas Finding Nemo*? Umm.. yeah. I have to think if France had a current sponsor, there'd be a movie showcasing people who probably haven't dropped dead from old age. Don't get me wrong. I like the France movie but my opinion of European fashion and hair styles are probably decades off as a result of watching so many times over the course of my life. ;)

While it may sound incredibly cynical to say, I think today, sponsorships are a great thing, maybe not for enhancements or improvements we would like to see to things but at least as a way to ensure that Disney will continue to maintain sponsored attractions at at least their current level. It gives them a corporate partner they are accountable to and having your name over the door to an attraction in disrepair isn't something most companies are willing to tolerate when they are paying to have their name there.

Anything that improves as a result of a corporate sponsorship being added to an attraction should, I think, be considered an unexpected surprise, these days. Maybe it's a sad shift of my expectations from Disney but I'm actually okay with that.

*To be fair, maintaining this pavilion has to be costly to Disney and they did invest in lengthening the track and adding the clam-shell cars but the actual ride is a pretty big let-down, evidenced by the staggering lack of line and huge empty queue you have to wind through to get to the boarding area.


Well-Known Member
I understand most of the comments about a sponsor not meaning much, but you never know what a sponsor may or may not do when brought on board. Plus weren't there rumors a few months back about Fantasmic getting redone when the digital projectors came online? This honestly just seems like it will add more flame to the fire.

Uncle Lupe

Well-Known Member

Trans fat.....


Well-Known Member
I would imagine that there will be no noticeable difference in taste. The actual kernels have less to do with the flavor than the oil and seasoning.

ODF at Disney uses some sort of blend for popping the corn. Exactly what it is, idk.

However..... If anyone happens to know, please share the recipie!


Well-Known Member
I could care less as long as the popcorn is good and do not go past $4. The cost is ridiculous as it stands for something that costs pennies to make. I hope this does not mean Fantasmic! is on its way out. However, the last few times I have seen the show it has not been that great but of course, I have felt this way ever since I saw World of Color at Disneyland.

Mr Bill

Well-Known Member
ODF at Disney uses some sort of blend for popping the corn. Exactly what it is, idk.

However..... If anyone happens to know, please share the recipie!
It's a blend of canola and coconut oils with some flavoring. Lou-Ana Pop N Lite is the brand name.

Coconut oil is what movie theaters have traditionally used but it's mostly saturated fat and that gave it a bad reputation. A bunch of places started switching over to canola oil instead as a healthier option. This stuff's a compromise.

As others have said, the oil and the seasoning is going to make a bigger impact on the taste of the popcorn than the brand of kernel being used. This is going be about as big of a deal as if they switched from TG Lee to Publix milk in the milkshakes at Beaches and Cream.


Well-Known Member
it really depends on the kernel... that is where you fluffiness and loft comes from, you wouldnt want small rubbery popped kernels


Well-Known Member
It's a blend of canola and coconut oils with some flavoring. Lou-Ana Pop N Lite is the brand name.

Coconut oil is what movie theaters have traditionally used but it's mostly saturated fat and that gave it a bad reputation. A bunch of places started switching over to canola oil instead as a healthier option. This stuff's a compromise.

As others have said, the oil and the seasoning is going to make a bigger impact on the taste of the popcorn than the brand of kernel being used. This is going be about as big of a deal as if they switched from TG Lee to Publix milk in the milkshakes at Beaches and Cream.

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