Pop Century


New Member
Originally posted by FutureCEO
that and the All Star and Movies has to be the biggest waste of space there is.

You are so wrong!!! They are the best USE of space!! Do you realize how much money these resorts generate???? Do you realize how busy they are??? All those people that could not afford the other resorts would stay off property and Disney would lose that money. More money means more rides. You should thank all of us that choose the All-Stars over staying off site!


New Member
Originally posted by Terp02
Biggest waste of money EVER even before 9/11

My above post applies to your comment as well, Terp02!! I bet the stock holders don't think it's a waste of money! And now that the tourism is almost back to pre-9/11, I bet they'll open up that Pop Century, and you know what????? It will be packed!! Packed with people giving Disney, instead of Days Inn their money!!!


Active Member
Everyone has different tastes when it comes to these things. I personally like the look of the value resorts, and at the same time I don't like the theming of some of the other resorts. Disney is all about having fun and I don't think any of the other resorts on property convey this as well as the value resorts. Just my opinion...


Well-Known Member
Future CEO, Terp02, and whoever has the same opinion they do, lemme try to give you the opinion from the other side of the coin, so to speak. It's very hard for you to imagine how it is for a 3rd world family to travel ANYWHERE in the US, much less WDW. You guys kinda had a taste of bad economy after 9/11, but you'll never get to the point when your currency equals 1/3 of another (Real to Dollar). And Brazil is one of the richest, if not the richest, 3rd world country. So besides the whole kids-point-of-view (seriously, a caribbean beach is more "disney" than a giant Buzz Lightyear or a giant Mowgli?) and the money-point-of-view (All-Stars instead of Holliday Inn), remember that for MANY countries all over the world, not only the 3d world ones, but I figure some Europeans as well, there wouldn't be a magical resort vacation if there weren't Value hotels.

*steps off soapbox*

Originally posted by Merlin0402
Everyone has different tastes when it comes to these things. I personally like the look of the value resorts, and at the same time I don't like the theming of some of the other resorts. Disney is all about having fun and I don't think any of the other resorts on property convey this as well as the value resorts. Just my opinion...

Exactly. Personally, I'd never stay at the CBR, the theme doesn't appeal to me. The only resort I really wanna stay besides AS-Mo and PC (I have only stayed at AS-Mu) is Wilderness Lodge. But I guess I'd consider Contemporary for the view and Port Orleans for the theme. All the others, not so much.


Active Member

When I win the lottery I am staying a week at each Disney hotel and when I leave the last one I am starting all over again. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
I don't think All-stars are a waste. Disney needed that value for some of their customers. Now I think Pop century is a waste of land. And brings the value resorts to beyond total saturation of that market.

Big Pooh

New Member
I'll add my $1.50 here(my opinion is worth more than 2 cents:D ). Even though I could afford to stay at the Wilderness Lodge or the Poly or for that matter the Grand Floridian, one of the reasons I could afford it, is because I would'nt pay $200-$400 a night for a hotel if it was the ONLY hotel left on the planet. Once you close your hotel room door, it's just that...a HOTEL ROOM. IMHO, Disney or anyone else charging someone $400 per night for a hotel room is gouging people, and it amazes me how many people will let themselves be gouged just for the privilege of staying on-site. Until the All-Stars opened, I never stayed on-site. If I can get Coronado or Port Orleans for $70 to $90 per night with a code, I'll stay there, but I can stay at the All-Star resorts for 8 nights for $400 to $500 with a code. I don't think I would stay at Pop Century, but it's because I don't care for the theme, not because it cheapens WDW. But that's just MY opinion.:) :animwink:



New Member


That is the great part of visiting Disney World. They have given us all the ability to choose what themed property we like the most. I have stayed at the Music once and the Sport twice.

I am okay with the theme. I just choose to spend my money in the parks instead of my room.

I booked late once and had to stay of site at a motel. Pink bedspreads and purple carpet. It was not 4 star or any star at all but I was at Disney and enjoying myself.

Thanks for your thoughts. We all have them. I personally don't like the Dinoland part of Animal Kingdom. Looked to carnival for my taste and not Disney at all. Very much like Knotts Berry feeling. But I will go back and find something I like about it.

115 days to go and counting ...

Don L Duck

New Member
Not only are they attractive and beautiful,they are clean, fun and well taken care of.
They are also a great place for kids and adults and are very well themed.
These resorts are some of the best maintained and friendliest resorts on site.
As for the giant props well I think it's terrific there's nothing like seeing a child light up when they see it for the first and 50th time.


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53


no. ;). sorry, had to. :)

on that note, only reason we can even go up to Disney so often is b/c of the All Star resorts. I've stayed offsite once in the past 5 years out of like 50 trips, and I hated it.

we do however LOVE Old Key West... and are staying there for part of our Honeymoon.. along with a possible Disney Cruise, next June :)


New Member
The Value All Star resorts are the best no matter what, I think they are fun to stay at & is affordable for any family to stay on Disney grounds.I mean why pay so much for a room that you will go and sleep then leave the next day to the parks.I will only stay at All Star resorts to me and my family they are great and fun.:D


Well-Known Member
true they are great for you family and many people have that mentality of there head is just going to sleep their for the night LOL. But when my parents come down, they either stay at OKW(dvc members) or the Yacht club. But they are not park commandos. They love to relax, swim,and soak up the atmosphere of both resorts. They love disney and have been enough that they sleep in>>>Go to the park and have a nice sit down lunch>>ride a few rides>> and go back to the resort. LOL they crack me up. Now families with little kids probably a great place, I know I would have been amazed by the larger than life icons. But my brother's ages are spread out so they have always had a teenager. So they have to have a room bigger than their walk in closet ;).


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by FutureCEO
seeing a 40 ft. football helmet is...well, they can do better

glad I'm not the only one that think so.

I do like the Movies though...I will say that...I like the Giant Buzz and the Giant Love Bug and the Giant Pongo...that is GREAT for kids...but what kids actually relate to Giant Morraccas (sp.)


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

glad I'm not the only one that think so.

I do like the Movies though...I will say that...I like the Giant Buzz and the Giant Love Bug and the Giant Pongo...that is GREAT for kids...but what kids actually relate to Giant Morraccas (sp.)

Isn't there suppose to be a giant Big Wheel and Rubic's Cube at the Pop Century? Is the Pop going to be visible from CBR?


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man

Isn't there suppose to be a giant Big Wheel and Rubic's Cube at the Pop Century? Is the Pop going to be visible from CBR?

Yup, the bowling pins are in and the big wheel and rubiks cube are supposed to be there...(tons of little kids know what a rubik's cube is...and poodle skirts)


New Member
Originally posted by WDWFREAK53

Yup, the bowling pins are in and the big wheel and rubiks cube are supposed to be there...(tons of little kids know what a rubik's cube is...and poodle skirts)

They need a giant frustrated kid throwing the messed up Rubik's toward the Hotels.:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by spider-man

They need a giant frustrated kid throwing the messed up Rubik's toward the Hotels.:lol:


Yeah, or a kid peeling the stickers off and putting them where they are supposed to be :)


New Member
The All Stars are all necessary resorts to provide an economical solutions for the people who can't afford or wouldn't considered a more expensive resort. They are themed well but could afford to put some restaurants in bc the food courts just don't cut it.

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