It would end up like this. For free people will make a reservation at the earliest time they can and then use or not use the cabana depending on what they feel like that day. I have been in hotels that did that and it ends up a waste. Same people who do that type of thing will tell everyone they know how they had a cabana every day to show off, they'll take some pictures of them in it but the cabana will sit there mostly unused. The parking meter plan won't work unless it involves some sort of penalty, money or otherwise.
I didn't say use advanced reservations... I said use the magic band. It provides a simple digital token a system can be driven by.
Your examples of "no intention to use" would be solved by a system that "releases" any hold (physical or virtual) if the unit is not used.
The parking meter reference is an example of a system where a start and end time is referenced. You could have a system where a guest can identify a unit as free due to a display... take it via their magic band... and now a timer starts. Then you can decide what happens at expiration. Allow the party to renew? Notify staff... whatever. I would say just let them renew if they are still there. If not, now you have indication to staff the unit should be reset.
No need for money or penalties- just a means to instigate usage and feedback with low friction.
If you can come up with some sort of system that works other then money I'm sure many hotels out their would love to hear your solution. Every place I have been uses money to regulate chairs and cabanas or they just have a free for all.
Start by defining the desired outcomes, constraints, and tolerances and you can propose ideas. It's just a setup to say come up with one system that solves every problem... each has their own points, needs, motivations, and metrics for success.
Many charge for these amenities simply because they can... they create a tiered service and monetize it. Many others chose to add a service and not charge for it. For instance, when I was at the aria a few weeks ago they had staff that would go around and reset chairs that simply had towels spread out after a period of time. They also had free ice water with lemon stations all around the pool deck... in addition to their wait staff that would circle the deck.
They also had premium cabanas setup they charged for... because they were a premium service offer. The water is simply a customer perk that also helps them avoid people getting dehydrated. (Win win)
Disney cracked down on people making multiple restaurant reservations for the same reason. It's not a couple of bad apples it's many people who will make as many reservations as they can just in case. Some restaurants have gone to taking credit card numbers for a reservation. If you are a reservation only restaurant and people don't show for their reservation it loses them money but as related to the pool deck it's just a rude thing to do but many will if given the chance.
ADR is a very different situation with different consequences and motivations. No show adrs cost Disney due to reduced utilization of the restaurant that Disney is trying to maximize. It literally costs them lost revenue. That does not apply here... a cabana tied up by a guest unnecessarily is a customer sat issue and can drive demand for resources unnecessarily. If no one shows.. it's not lost revenue for Disney.
Don't confuse similar tools with similar needs/motivations/tolerances.