1: I'm pretty sure both resorts have been renovated within the past 2 years. I'm not 100% sure about POFQ, but I booked a King-Sized room at PO-R around Spring Break of 05. Making the request of Alligator Bayou, I was told by the CM assisting me that that was a good choice, AB just went through a renovation, and the mansions were next in line, followed by POFQ. Of course, we've all heard news from a CM that wasn't 100% true (remember, we're only 18 months away from a fifth gate! WITH a Harry Potter ride! AND monorail access! :lol: ), but the room sure seemed recently renovated to me. Very clean, which is all the more ironic considering how "lived-in" Alligator Bayou rooms are supposed to look...
Which brings me to Point The Second: Don't ask me why, but some people seem to think that because Alligator Bayou rooms are supposed to look rustic and lived-in, that they are in fact, decrepid and filthy. It takes all kinds...