Pleasure Island's Last night


I know I'm new to these threads but I want to put my two cents in about the alcohol debate. PI is a unique experience without or with alcohol as long as the individual is responsible in both ways. A majority of the people who consume alcohol are doing socially and don't intend to get hammered. Conservative/ liberal views aside a human being is responsible for their own decisions.

My observation of PI the last time I went in Sept '07 is that way too many issues arose between the locals and tourists. Disney might look at PI as breach in their realm of illusion. The whole idea of WDW is to feel like you escape from the real world and PI (perhaps DTD) might just infringe on that concept. My wife and I had a great time while we were there. I think bad experiences that are had at PI are due to the people not the clubs or alcohol.

As several posters have noted- if you don't like it don't go. Opinions should be respected as long as they are relevant to the dicussion. And alcohol is not the original discussion. It seems that the alcohol debate was started due to anger built up from a local non-Disney experience. You cannot bash something only on speculation. I live around college kids and I don't hate the alcohol that they drink, I don't like the decisions they make. Therefore, what is your real issue with PI? Is it because you think it's sinful? PI is one of the tamest night club areas I have ever been to.

It's a real shame that AC is going away. I hope that it might show up again where it can be appreciated by all alcohol included or not. I agree it was a magical Disney experience.


Well-Known Member
I could potentially have to same values as he, but it isn't right to shove them in peoples face. BTW, he has admitted before to being sheltered and a bit conservative. That is fine.... I'm not knocking his lifestyle, don't knock mine.

Power Team: awesome. I never got the memo I'm a member

Now, the arguement is old and tired, lets go grab a beer. :D
Wouldn't the converse be true about shoving a pro-alcohol agenda on him?

Timmay said:
The fact is, if “adult only” entertainment were actually in demand at WDW, there would be some. Some of you people have to pull yourselves up by the boot straps and move on…seriously. If you feel you have to “get away from the kiddies”, then vacation elsewhere, or leave WDW for a night or two. I am not sure why you think WDW has to cater to the small percentage of adults that want something like PI. I don’t go to WDW or DL and then get upset because there is a lack of giant 120mph roller coasters…that is not what it is about!!
This about sums it up.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Wouldn't the converse be true about shoving a pro-alcohol agenda on him?
Pro alcohol agenda isnt being shoved on him, it is just stating that it is a personal choice and those people arent "sad" that choose it to accompany entertainment (dancing, live music etc) in a form of more then 1 beverage.

Now, the arguement is old and tired, lets go grab a beer or a Coca Cola. :D Seriously, we can all have fun with whatever your drink of choice is. Beverly anyone? :slurp:


Well I guess we'll still have Jellyrolls and there is still Atlantic Dance (which) Ive never seen with more than 50 people...

Uh oh!!! Idea Incoming...

Remodel Atlantic Dance into AC!!!!!

Like many out there my wife and I have decided on not having kids. Point is we enjoy ourselvs and are probably a tad bit selfish to be honest. On our honeymoon we joined DVC and we go to Disney approx 5-7 times a year. I think I've read every "Disney Without Kids" travel book published.

We are realists and know fully what to expect from DW; It's a family place afterall. Quite frankly we enjoy seeing people happy and carefree like we are when we're there. I think Disney affords the opportunity to make what you want out of your time there if you plan properly. My wife and I plan adult oriented trips. This includes hotels on property that don't cater to the youth as much as the All Stars or POPs, later dining times, and planning attendence to the Magic Kingdon late on EMH nights. We both drink during our vacation, at times maybe one to much, but we are responsible in our actions keeping in mind that it is a family attraction. I've seen people get out of control especially at Epcot and have no problem flagging down a CM or security.. There is no place for that behavior.

In the 6 years we have been married we went to PI twice and one of those times was for New Years Eve. I think one of the reasons they are closing is because PI really isn't attractive to its target market. With 6 dollar beers and 10 dollar martinis, lets face it over half of the people going can't afford to drink to get drunk so what generally happens is people "pre-game" in the parking lot or on he way so they are good and loaded going in (Was told this by a CM at PI when I scoffed at the price of a beer.) Hence no liquor sales once inside, and if you know anything of the nightclubs business beer and booze is what pays the bills.

I do regret never going into AC... hopefully they find a new home for it.


New Member
Just got back from WDW and took my last look at Pleasure Island and took lots of pictures. I was hoping the A.C. would have tee-shirts so I could have a souvenier of the place but they didn't :cry: Oh well I'll miss it.


Active Member
The sooner PI closes the better…even if only to simply end this nonsense.

The fact is, if “adult only” entertainment were actually in demand at WDW, there would be some.

I think the fact that this thread exists is evidence of some sort of demand for it.

Some of you people have to pull yourselves up by the boot straps and move on…seriously. If you feel you have to “get away from the kiddies”, then vacation elsewhere, or leave WDW for a night or two.

Why Should we? For more than 20 years PI has been marketed to us for an adults way to get out and about. Why can't there be something for everyone? Why does that seem so unreasonable to you? We love WDW, and usually enjoy being around the families. All we are saying is it is nice to be able to not have to be surrounded by little kids ALL the time. So I should incur additional travel expenses to go off site to avoid the kids.

I am not sure why you think WDW has to cater to the small percentage of adults that want something like PI. I don’t go to WDW or DL and then get upset because there is a lack of giant 120mph roller coasters…that is not what it is about!!

I would hardly call 1 locatation out of the thousands of acres that Disney has as catering to us. Remember PI has been around since the late 80's. How would you feel if tomorrow they announced they were closing Fantasyland? There was never giant 120 mph coasters here and then taken away. So of course you would not complain, it was understood in advance. Pleasure Island was marketed and intergrated into a generations vacation plans. I think it is reasonable to be a little put off about the decision to close it.

I wonder when people will ever enjoy WDW for what it is…not for what it isn’t, or what it was, or what they want it to be, or etc etc?

Oh, wait…probably never.

What a huge misunderstanding of my position. I have said it before and I will say it again. We love WDW. It is just a matter of keeping the ammenities that are in place as broad and appealing as they can be. When the people that were once at PI and safely away from the families start enjoying themselves in the hotel lobby bars, I suspect the families will then call for the hotel bars to close. They wouldn't want to have to walk through a lobby where someone was drinking.


Well-Known Member
I know it couldn't cost them much to water the shrubs surronding PI. I myself have watered them many a times waiting for a bus @ 2am back to my resort. How many times i've just got to get on the last avalable bus and beg them to take me to Fort Wilderness when he was going Animal Kingdom lodge. ya know 360 days a year i'm a conservitive man i like to let loose i like to bring my family on vacation. or go on vacation with my entire family and now we're limited to where we go out for a few drinks.

oh and i have been on many trips to WDW w/o kids from the time i was old enough to vacation with friends we have made many a trips to WDW and PI was always a highlight... that and seeing if we could fill the entire front window of our "trailer" at FW with beer cans lol oh the old days

...and as a closing argument, I give you the above testament as to why some people dislike alcohol at the World. :brick::brick:

While I hate that the Island is closing, this is at least in part the problem:

"Wow...I'm too trashed to see if that is my bus...I'll just get on any bus and demand (I'm drunk, who'll say no??) they take me to my resort!"

"Wow...I'm sloshed, need to relieve myself and cannot find the bathrooms...I'll just use this here bush...Sorry Ma'am...I didn't see you standing there next to me - I didn't mean to get your shoes wet!"

Alcohol isn't the problem (so no, I am NOT saying it is...I drink a bit now and then myself). People that cannot drink responsibly are the problem, and my guess is that Disney does not want to deal with them any more.

[EDIT]I feel the need to edit this further...I am NOT saying that there are drunks all over the Island...what I am saying is that the 1% that are drunken idiots are what gives the rest a bad name.[/EDIT]


New Member
We already have the crime.. might as well have the fun to go along with it.

I have hung out in Downtown many many mannnnny times and never had a problem with all the "crime" people talk about. I love Downtown, absolutely love it, I have had some of the best times at Makos, The Globe, Monkey Bar, etc.... I have seen tons of great bands at the Globe. (Go check out Christian Wilson when hes playing) I suggest anyone who REALLY wants a great party to go check it out....Pleasure Island never really appealed to me, it was too "mickey mouse adult" fun for me, like "have fun but dont get TOO wild or you will upset the white collar police"....go to Downtown, the REAL downtown by Lake Eloa, go swing on a swing and get a drink from a half naked guy wearing a kilt!(makos peeps will know what I mean!) PARTYY!!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
As much as we bicker and fight about the stupid decisions Disney (and in some ways it's guests) have made when it comes to the Adventurers Club, including Pleasure Island as a whole, this video sums up my feelings on the everything.

I am sad that we're losing another unique destination - a bar in which so many memorable memories have been made - to run of the mill venues. To restaurants and retailers who neither embody Walt's passion nor innovative objectives.

It's sad that the company has lost it's core values and disheartening for those among us who are still striving for them. Fans and Cast alike.


I hope that you do indeed plan on joining the closing night mkt. I watched a "regular" brandish a thermos, take out tea bags, and make his own beverage in the library not too long ago from his rather large backpack. It was embarrassing, but I made it through the show without throwing the specialty drink menu at him.

I'll be waiting patiently in probably a long line outside of the club on the 27th for one last hoopla and I hope I can convince a few friends to make the journey.


New Member
PI was one of the ways I convinced my wife to participate in our first WDW vacation together in 00'. We enjoyed the AC, Mannequins and the live street entertainment (PI = RIP:cry:).


Active Member
I have hung out in Downtown many many mannnnny times and never had a problem with all the "crime" people talk about. I love Downtown, absolutely love it, I have had some of the best times at Makos, The Globe, Monkey Bar, etc.... I have seen tons of great bands at the Globe. (Go check out Christian Wilson when hes playing) I suggest anyone who REALLY wants a great party to go check it out....Pleasure Island never really appealed to me, it was too "mickey mouse adult" fun for me, like "have fun but dont get TOO wild or you will upset the white collar police"....go to Downtown, the REAL downtown by Lake Eloa, go swing on a swing and get a drink from a half naked guy wearing a kilt!(makos peeps will know what I mean!) PARTYY!!! :lol:

Orlando has been in the top 25 most dangerous cities in the United States for quite a few years now.
I have two things to say here.

First, Disney Corp is making a huge mistake. Now, if they replace the bars with more restaurants like Raglan Road then we might be getting somewhere. But there's already plenty of shopping and not enough seating for meals. My husband and I had the BEST time having a late dinner and listening to the band at Raglan Road... and incidentally, we didn't even have one drink. I think the adult atmosphere is fantastic and would love to see a Carribbean restaurant with a steel drum band.

Next, the adults that bring their children to Disney world deserve a break if they want it. My entire family comes every three years. My dad's generation, my generation and my neice's generation all come together. We have a great time with the kids during the day in the parks and I wouldn't trade a minute of that time. However, every adult needs some adult time away from the kids. PI was the place to go. We didn't drink... we danced at the clubs and laughed ourselves sick at AC. If others wanted to drink, have at it.

Yes, Disney is family oriented and always will be. There is nothing wrong with having a little time to yourselves in an adult environment. Drink or no drink... it doesn't matter. Each person should have the right to choose for themselves... That's why we have "free will".


Well-Known Member
I actually saw the colonel call out one of the regulars who was particularly annoying to my crew of AC newbies.

One night, Otis opened the "Emergency Exit Only" library door (which leads to the alley between AC and BET) and rolled one of the "regulars" out on his chair. Needless to say, it got alot of laughs; although, I thought it was very ballsy on the CM's part. I was worried he might get in trouble.

citcatt1 said:
Just got back from WDW and took my last look at Pleasure Island and took lots of pictures. I was hoping the A.C. would have tee-shirts so I could have a souvenier of the place but they didn't Oh well I'll miss it.
It's funny how the one thing we're all dying to buy, Disney won't provide.

I'm hoping to make the last Hoopla, and I'm thinking Hurricane Gustav may have actually made it possible by pushing the conflicting school schedule back. If not, I hope everyone gets great pics and audio. I wish Disney would sell a DVD of the entire night, so even if I can go, I can relive it.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that this thread exists is evidence of some sort of demand for it.
I can make a thread about anything. That doesn'tmean there is enough demand to keep it open.

Why Should we? For more than 20 years PI has been marketed to us for an adults way to get out and about. Why can't there be something for everyone? Why does that seem so unreasonable to you? We love WDW, and usually enjoy being around the families. All we are saying is it is nice to be able to not have to be surrounded by little kids ALL the time. So I should incur additional travel expenses to go off site to avoid the kids.
There are still clubs on property. There is Atlantic Dance, Jellyrolls and the club at CS that I can't remeber the name of. There are also bars at every hotel.

I would hardly call 1 locatation out of the thousands of acres that Disney has as catering to us. Remember PI has been around since the late 80's. How would you feel if tomorrow they announced they were closing Fantasyland? There was never giant 120 mph coasters here and then taken away. So of course you would not complain, it was understood in advance. Pleasure Island was marketed and intergrated into a generations vacation plans. I think it is reasonable to be a little put off about the decision to close it.
I agree, that you can be upset, as that is your prerogative, but asking a company that exsist solely to make a profit off of a luxury item to keep open prime real estate that is not generating suffecient income,is asking them to cater to you, at their detriment.

What a huge misunderstanding of my position. I have said it before and I will say it again. We love WDW. It is just a matter of keeping the ammenities that are in place as broad and appealing as they can be. When the people that were once at PI and safely away from the families start enjoying themselves in the hotel lobby bars, I suspect the families will then call for the hotel bars to close. They wouldn't want to have to walk through a lobby where someone was drinking.
That would be the assumption that PI was closed due to the alcohol. It would seem more likely that PI was closed because it was not making money or enough money.


It was a bit too much and WAY overreacting.
agreed 100%... I'm a bit put off by the way some folks responded- definitely uncalled for. Granted this is coming from a 21 year old who went on a date saturday night and did what...??? dinner and mini-golf! :lol:

The fact is, if “adult only” entertainment were actually in demand at WDW, there would be some.

this simple statement solves the entire issue of this thread. Yes, there's a fair amount of people here on the boards that are mourning the loss, but they are a very small percentage of the total number of Disney visitors. MKT, how many people were at PI that night I went with you??? If I remember right, it was pretty much a ghost town. There simply isn't that big of a demand for it, so Disney feels there is a better way to utilize that space.

I wonder when people will ever enjoy WDW for what it is…not for what it isn’t, or what it was, or what they want it to be, or etc etc?

Isn't that the truth?? I find it interesting how people get so stuck on "well when I was a kid, the parks were ______ and so and so didn't make decisions like ______ and ______ were taken care of better......" but 30 years down the road, my generation will be saying the same darn thing- "man, I can't believe they got rid of the hard-ticket events" or whatever it may be. Quite frankly, I'm glad that I don't have the same park that my parents did when they were kids-- Disney needs to keep up with the times, and we need to let them, without all the unnecessary complaining.

I think the fact that this thread exists is evidence of some sort of demand for it.

there's threads about paint chipping on trash cans, whether you can find spring action shooters in other places in the park, singles who are desperate for a disney date, crane sightings, and miley cyrus' birthday.... simply because a thread exists hardly means it's of any importance... :brick:

Now look at the Picture of the Day thread and its history... now we're talking about important things :animwink:

...and as a closing argument, I give you the above testament as to why some people dislike alcohol at the World. :brick::brick:

that was pretty much my exact thought when I read that post "right.... now I see why I've avoided PI all this time.... sure reaffirms my belief that I've missed out on nothing" While I was a CP I never understood what the draw was... and I still don't

And for the record (for whomever it was that stated that adult families need PI for entertainment when they visit) My family has no small children, we've never gone to PI, and we've spent little time at DTD.... and we always have plenty to do and have a fabulous vacation

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