TP lowered the crowd calendar levels twice for my trip in the last week. I suspect it is because the parks have been way less busy this year than the previous 3 years. I am at work and don't have it handy with me now, but I have a spreadsheet that I keep track of the daily crowd predictions and actual levels as well as the previous year's levels. Since May, other than a few weeks in June, the parks have been consistently less crowded than the predicted crowd levels. There have even been a few 2s and 3s this summer which is pretty nuts compared to last year. To put it into perspective, there have been at least 2 weeks this summer where the avg crowd at DW was only 4.75-5.25. Last summer, the lowest was 6.25.
Early Sep is usually one of the least crowded times, but I suspect this year it is going to be even less if the last 3 months have been any indication. Potentially fantastic news for those of us who planned a trip in late Aug/early Sep this year!!