real mad hatter
Well-Known Member
Maybe it's just me, but I've read a couple of threads recently where one person is disappointed about the weather, and another person is disappointed about the crowds.....I wanted to put my answer in but I saw one OP asking one person not to be so rude....So I didn't..However when we plan our 14 day vacation. We do not worry about the weather..We do not worry about crowds..If the skies open up..Let it be..If there's South American tour groups everywhere..So be it......I feel lucky enough to get to be at a place where others only dream about going..So what's your take on this.?..Do you let certain things get you down, or do you just get on with having a magical time.....P.S. If any of the OP,s read this, please this is not a dig at yourselfs, I'am only interested how other people react to things that they hadn't planned on...Cheers..