Pirates Update


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Any new news on the possible rehab at the WDW version of Pirates of the Carribean? I am hoping that Disney keeps rehabbing some of their older rides (ala - IASW) to keep these older attractions fresh. Pirates and Haunted Mansion could both use some extra TLC.


New Member
Honestly I think the Mansion is more in need of a rehab then Pirates... I think pirates needs a major re-working... theres nothing really *wrong* with the ride but it can be SOO much better... so they should do a good rehab of HM get a new sound system and better lighting...get rid of the carnival glow in the dark spiders and such... and put some more modern/eeire effects in... especiall where the staircase is... there is nothing good there... Pirates needs new audio allso...more convincing fire... maybe a few more drops to keep it more thrilling b/c lots of people new to disney are dissapointed with it lately...its my fave tho


I hear that any upgrades to the mansion are on hold until a decision is made regarding Haunted Mansion Holliday.


New Member
yup thats what ive heard too... It would be fantastic to get it b/c it would probably mean new sound/lighting/fixed effects etc.


New Member
-SIR- said:
Honestly I think the Mansion is more in need of a rehab then Pirates... I think pirates needs a major re-working... theres nothing really *wrong* with the ride but it can be SOO much better... so they should do a good rehab of HM get a new sound system and better lighting...get rid of the carnival glow in the dark spiders and such... and put some more modern/eeire effects in... especiall where the staircase is... there is nothing good there... Pirates needs new audio allso...more convincing fire... maybe a few more drops to keep it more thrilling b/c lots of people new to disney are dissapointed with it lately...its my fave tho

Awwwww, I've always loved the fire effect from pirates :(

The swashbuckling shadows from DL's pirates is a nice effect, wouldn't mind seeing that little addition at WDW


Active Member
-SIR- said:
Honestly I think the Mansion is more in need of a rehab then Pirates... I think pirates needs a major re-working... theres nothing really *wrong* with the ride but it can be SOO much better... so they should do a good rehab of HM get a new sound system and better lighting...get rid of the carnival glow in the dark spiders and such... and put some more modern/eeire effects in... especiall where the staircase is... there is nothing good there... Pirates needs new audio allso...more convincing fire... maybe a few more drops to keep it more thrilling b/c lots of people new to disney are dissapointed with it lately...its my fave tho
I suppose new sound would be OK or maybe a new affect here and there, but nothing to change the ride dramatically. I always thought the fire looked great on Pirates? I dont think they need any more drops to make it "better". I hope they keep it basically just like it is. If people that are there for the first time are that disappointed in the rides maybe they should just continue to visit their local amusement parks for roller coaster thrills?


Well-Known Member
Added effects (small) would be nice...

How about something similar to the dart effect on Indy over at DL...the pirates could start shooting at each other and the boat caught in the middle...the sensation of bullets flying by your head...barely missing...is somewhat thrilling...no?

I think it would be costly and perhaps impossible to add more drops to the ride...unless I'm mistaken...

Just a thought...

Question though, which one would get the rehab first Pirates of Haunted Mansion?


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I<!--StartFragment --> do think WDW needs to add the swashbuckling pirates shadows and the spanish conquistadors AA's to the fort scene. These effects were added to DL's fort scene back in the late 90's.

Also, it would seem that HMH would be a no-brainer for WDW. It is such a HUGE thing for DL. Why wouldn't WDW want to add it and all the merchandise sales that come along with this attraction? No doubt the addition of HMH would mean a greatly improved (lighting/sound/etc) regular version of the HM. DL's mansion got a lot of general refurbishment thanks to the HMH.


jmuboy said:
Why wouldn't WDW want to add it and all the merchandise sales that come along with this attraction?

Oh, they do want it.

It was all set for last year...props built...decorations...the whole thing.

However, management decided to hold it off for various reasons...so everything got shipped to Tokyo where they had their first HMH.


PhotoDave219 said:
Lee can you confirm/deny that the money for HMH instead went to the Stitch Makeover of AE?

Not definatively, no....but I don't think so.

However, Stitch's opening was one reason HMH was put off.


The HM definitely needs a bit of a refurb. I would love to see the new stuff they have added over at DL be added to WDW as well.


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Lee said:
I hear that any upgrades to the mansion are on hold until a decision is made regarding Haunted Mansion Holliday.
COOL! i hope they bring the holiday to wdw.

2 thumbs up from me if they do.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, HMH would have given WDW a lot more GOOD press and positive gust responce then Stitch has! Lesson's learned (yeah right!)


Well-Known Member
-SIR- - Honestly I think the Mansion is more in need of a rehab then Pirates...
Those ghosts popping up in the attic and graveyard could use some more body. You can so see the arm they're on. HeHe


New Member
Unfortunatly this seems like one of those "you can't make everybody happy" scenerios. If PotC gets a major rehab which it should, nothing much will probably be added, just updated (i.e. sound, water pumps, paint, etc), which will make the traditionalists very happy, and the thrill seekers very unhappy.
I am a traditionalist and would not like if PotC had a whole different story when it reopened, i want the new digital sound and some updated animatronics and the idea of the indy type blow gun effects would be nice, but don't change the essence of a historic ride. The thrills should come from new attractions, not from historic ones.

As far as HMH i'm all up for it. I have seen what they do at DL every year and it is pretty amazing, I would love for MK to have a little more holiday in that area of the park :xmas: . As far as rehabing HM, same as with PotC, update but don't change, there is a awesome story that goes along with that attraction (even if some don't believe it exists) and I don't want to lose that.

Steve :cool:


New Member
As these two attractions are my favorites, I would hate to see either one shut down for an extended period of time. Yes, the each show their age, but that's what makes them E ticket attractions. The idea of changing POTC into the movie version is not a good one. It's best to keep the movies out of the rides, especially for those that were around before the movies were created. How would you feel about seeing Eddie Murphy running around the Haunted House??? I agree with updating the audio and lighting effects, but other than that, leave them alone. Would you fix Michelangelo's David?

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Lee said:
I hear that any upgrades to the mansion are on hold until a decision is made regarding Haunted Mansion Holliday.
So are they doing a Nightmare before Christmas theme or something unique?

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