Pirates Rumor from Screamscape


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For what it is worth:

Pirates Rehab - (2/16/05) Lately there has been all kinds of speculation about what kind of rehabs Disney may be thinking of doing to Pirates, both in California and in Florida to add tie ins to the Pirates movies. So much so that I think it’s gotten to the point where just about every blue sky idea has grown legs and went running in different directions. The latest rumors for the Florida version talk about adding several new animatronic figures in addition to Captain Jack Sparrow, but also a dramatic change to the the ride itself. The rumor claims that the loading station and queue will be reconfigured to allow for it to load two boats at once from the same side and allow for riders to exit at the same time from the right side platform where they will likely make a new exit out into the shopping area. So what this really means is that the ride would be extended to add a new scene where the boats used to exit and then allow the riders to go with the boats back up the lift hill to the top. Again... this is all the way that it’s done on the Disneyland version of the ride and certainly in general I think it may be possible. I’ve never ridden up the lift as is right now, so I don’t know if there are any access or height issues on the lift. That said, I think the main issue to contend with may be the lift itself... because adding the increased weight from several loaded boats to a lift that most likely was not designed with this purpose in mind may just be too much for it and require a major overhaul. Of course, this could all just be blue sky dreaming and nothing more...


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Lee said:
Eh...Lance is a bit slow on this one.
We've been tossing this around for a month or so...... :rolleyes:

I was thinking that he has been behind the times on many things. I'll read about it here and then two or three weeks later he'll jump on it.


Well-Known Member
im not sure if they mean it will be more similiar to what the DL verision is proposed to be with the skeletons and all. i sure hope so. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
Didn't I read somewhere that the Imagineers or Walt or somebody didn't like the guests having to ride back up the lift hill? dunno -- maybe I'm just imagining things.

Mission: SPACE

New Member
The only problem I see with this proposal is that the area between the unload and load is (obviously) not themed, and from what I've seen in picures, I don't know how easy it would be to hide this (it looks like it would be kinda noisy) or cost effective.

imagineer boy

Well-Known Member
Yay! A scream scape rumor that I actually hope is true! :lol:

I would really like the boats to head up the water fall back to civilization. Hopfully they'll do this. The WDW pirates has always been in need of a huge rehab.


brkgnews said:
Didn't I read somewhere that the Imagineers or Walt or somebody didn't like the guests having to ride back up the lift hill?

Yes you did:

"There are some things that I think we did wrong on the attraction, and I would go back and change them if I could...I don't like the fact that when the ride is over, you have to sit at the bottom of that ramp and then go chug, chug, chugging up this hill and then out, wondering what the **** you're going to do next. In Florida we got the people out of the boats, and then they go up a speedramp and out."
Marc Davis, The "E" Ticket magazine, #32, Fall 1999, Page 13

Here's a good thought for an addition though, which is also a quote from this same story:

"Here's something I tried to do for Florida...a pirate that would turn into a skeleton. It's sort of a 'pepper's ghost' effect. Florida was going to have a kind of island, and this stuff was never done."

Sound's pretty cool to me.



New Member
I kind of like the idea of the Ghost pirate transforming into a skeleton effect. That would be an easy way to tie it in the movies, being that the pirates show their Ghost Forms under the Moonlight.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, ScrapIron. Now I know I'm not crazy (well... at least not because of that). When I took Keys to the Kingdom, they said the drop was supposed to be you going back in time (since the first scene with the skeletons and flag supposedly shows the end result of their debauchery). If that's the case, then I suppose any jump back up a waterfall would have to be semi-themed into bringing you back into the present day. I think the change could definitely be done, but yep, it would require some work.


Active Member
brkgnews said:
Thanks, ScrapIron. Now I know I'm not crazy (well... at least not because of that). When I took Keys to the Kingdom, they said the drop was supposed to be you going back in time (since the first scene with the skeletons and flag supposedly shows the end result of their debauchery). If that's the case, then I suppose any jump back up a waterfall would have to be semi-themed into bringing you back into the present day. I think the change could definitely be done, but yep, it would require some work.
the ending of the DL version ties it all together a little better too: an underground bunker with lots of explosives laying about, and greedy pirates fighting over the loot... closes the mystery of how they wound up in that cave.
now if WDW would actually get an ending i'd be happy


New Member
This is exactly what I want done to Pirates and I have been wanting this to happen now for years. Despite what Marc Davis said, I think what the WDW version did was very bad in design and other stuch things. Especially when the boats back up into the scenes.


Park History nut
Premium Member
The Paris ending is superb - pity there isn`t nearly enough room in Florida (ot Anaheim) for it.

Remember - Walt Disney World`s PotC happened by accident. It was never planned to get built. It went from blue sky to opening day in less than 25 months, and as such was unfortunatley a rushed job. Not to mention the biggest problem was the site chosen was never meant to handle such an attraction, never could, and this dictated the overall building size.

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Still a screamscape rumor...so I won't hold my breath. I really don't want to see them tie in the movie with the ride. I like the ride, I just wish there was more story like at DL.

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