I think people on both sides would do well to acknowledge that neither side was guiltless. The "white man" as the settlers were called was not necessarily the noble figure that we sometimes make him out to be. Yes, the settlers robbed the Indians of their land and committed heinous acts of treachery against them.
However, the Indians, likewise, were not the peaceloving Martin Luther King type martyrs that revisionist historians would like to make them out to be. They did their fair share of scalping and brutally murdering innocent men, women and children.
History is written by people who want to practically deify those of their side and make the other side into brutal savages. Truth is, history is seldom that black and white. There is often brutal oppression and wickedness exhibited by both sides. And ignoring it in the case of the Indians out of a guilt ridden sense of political correctness is just as silly as ignoring it in the case of the settlers just because we'd rather think that the founding fathers were noble, godly men who were incapable of any wrongdoing and were the most holy group since the twelve apostles, as some would seem to make them out to be.