Pirates rehab and enhancements confirmed!


Me too :lol:

Personally for SM I'm hoping for a gutting of the attraction, and something more along the lines of DLP's SM Rollercoaster wise, but with The Tommorow Land Theme, instead of Discovery Land.

Remember for It's time SM was a very scary ride, along the lines of how ToT is perceived today. Which is why i think it’s one ride which needs to be completely gutted inside and rebuilt to bring it back up to something resembling a signature thrill ride for The MK. I think this is the only way to return SM to former glory.

Just think how great SM could be with modern coaster tech, it could have a proper upwards launch (Like RnRc but on a upwards plain), into a inversion which takes you beneath a planet and around it to simulate a slingshot, we could have near miss's with asteroids, and black holes, it would be great weaving in and out of a asteroid field (Think Millenium Falcon, SW, Empire Strikes Back), which could all add up to make a great adventure, which will also keep thrill seekers happy.


New Member
Wait...both POTC's are going down in March for rehab? I was hoping to ride the one in Disneyland my trip in March.:cry: I hope it doesn't close until after my visit.:zipit:


MuRkErY said:
Me too :lol:

Personally for SM I'm hoping for a gutting of the attraction, and something more along the lines of DLP's SM Rollercoaster wise, but with The Tommorow Land Theme, instead of Discovery Land.

Remember for It's time SM was a very scary ride, along the lines of how ToT is perceived today. Which is why i think it’s one ride which needs to be completely gutted inside and rebuilt to bring it back up to something resembling a signature thrill ride for The MK. I think this is the only way to return SM to former glory.

Just think how great SM could be with modern coaster tech, it could have a proper upwards launch (Like RnRc but on a upwards plain), into a inversion which takes you beneath a planet and around it to simulate a slingshot, we could have near miss's with asteroids, and black holes, it would be great weaving in and out of a asteroid field (Think Millenium Falcon, SW, Empire Strikes Back), which could all add up to make a great adventure, which will also keep thrill seekers happy.

I think it would be great but I don't think it's necessary to give the ride an inversion that would automatically heighten the height restriction and effectively taking away its charming status of walking the line between thrilling and still being family oriented. Plus we'd lose the two tracks and effectively make it take longer to ride it. Maybe just replace the tracks but keep the layout. Add in projections and an upwards launch like Hulk.


I think it would be great but I don't think it's necessary to give the ride an inversion that would automatically heighten the height restriction and effectively taking away its charming status of walking the line between thrilling and still being family oriented. Plus we'd lose the two tracks and effectively make it take longer to ride it. Maybe just replace the tracks but keep the layout. Add in projections and an upwards launch like Hulk.

The thing is with SM, I think it's meant to be a very thrilling ride, and not exactly 100% family orientated.

I think BTM fills the family oriented adventure slot perfectly at MK, with SM I would not mind this one ride in the park being aimed more to the teenager/adults section. After all ride's like Dumbo are aimed entirely at children, so I think we can have one ride in MK that panders more to higher age groups.

I think SM should at the very least be as thrilling as RnRc which it is currently upstaged by in the thrill stakes. After all, SM is about being in space, a subject which lends it's self very much to high thrills.


Well-Known Member
I will save the SM debate for the dozens of other threads that have talked about it. Just say that I will HIGHLY complain if we get a DLP SM. We have RnRC. SM is such a great coaster because it is great fun without giant elements. Don't fix what ain't broken I guess. DL Rebuild, that might be different, espeically if it gets darkened up. But, no DLP. OK. done there.

I will go back to the Pirates debate. First, I am a staunch defender of WDW's Pirates because for many of us, that is the only one we know. However, I LOVE this concept of re-invigorating the classics with new concepts. There are several reasons:
1. This is PROGRESS. You keep the stuff that works, make it shine, and always maintain the spirit.
2. This is incrimental. It doesn't take such a long time down that inevitably brings huge anticipation and expectation so that let down is very easy.
3. It is a cheaper. You are brining in something new by using something old.
4. It is cheaper to change. let's say they put too much Jack in and people say that, it is very fast to take him back out and add something else (or too add another one if it is too little). When you don't gut, you can restore very easily.

Many attractions this would not be appropriate for, but to have things like Pirates, Mansion, SSE, etc. constantly tweaked, cleaned, and added to, you really satisfy both sides. Actually, I can't remember the number of times friends (and myself) said, "Didn't they change such and such?" So, there clearly would be no backlash since people already think that. And, it makes it actualy true. Just my $0.02


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
Walter said:
Look, I'm sorry, and you can all flame me if you want to, but I'm just expressing my opinion. This is another sign of Disney losing their vision to capitalism. POTC was a work of art on its own, and now their changing it because it might make another dime. POTC was always one of those things that I thought would at least stay the same, at least I hoped Disney wasn't that heartless. It's just not the same anymore. I don't mind rehabs, but this is a Disney icon. For god sake, it just doesn't feel magical anymore to me. It all seems to be going downhill, and this is just another sign of it.

evolve or die

and i dont mean you, i mean theme parks with technology


New Member
ruca said:
I may have missed this, but when is the rehab scheduled? I am going in late March and I will be so sad if it is closed. I was in Disneyland Paris this summer and was so sad because their Pirates was under rehab.....

One rumour says March and May-June, anoyther says May-September. I'm hoping it's the latter because I caught the first day of the Paris rehab last year, and like you will be heading to the World in late March...


I understand that things need to improve and change in a park, but this seems like a step backward to me. Then again, I'm biased, seeing as I was one of the few people who disliked the movie. I'm just worried that the original vision will be diminished, not that it was that strong to begin with. PotC is one of the few rides I can think of without a good storyline to it. Hopefully this will change that.
S.E.A. said:
i'm surprised to hear people defending the old version of WDW's POTC, it is the least impressionable, least impressive version of the ride there is. It is a cheaply cut cliffs notes version of the original. ANY kind of add-ons would make it better. At least when Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl shows up, it becomes a more unique attraction.

and to the person wo made a crack about Project Gemini: Soarin is now in The Land, Mission:Space has been built, The Living Seas is now being re-themed, The Wonders of Life is closed, and The Universe Of Energy has gone seasonal. Yes, Project Gemini is upon us.

100% Agree.

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