Pirates of the Caribbean 3



I've read the first half of an early draft of the script.
Yes...pirate councel ("Bretheren")
Yes...waterfall off the edge of the world.

How's this for a cool line...I hope they kept it:
Now don't be so unkind, my child
after all, ye might not survive the trip...
these may be the last friendly words you hear.


Naturally Grumpy
Well, my guess is as good as any...

Barbossa leads the pirates (with Will, Elizabeth and Tia Dalma) to the "worlds end" in the far east where they have to deal with Chinese pirates, the British Navy (which now has Davey Jones' heart (therefore controls Davey Jones and the Kracken).

Will and Jack are most probably releated.
Jack escapes the Kracken with the help of Tia and the things he took from her hut during their visit.
Will and Elizabeth get the heart back, save Davey Jones and he in turn releases Bootstrap.

All live happily ever after.


New Member
Couldn't the ring Jack took be part of the cursed treasure? Couldn't that be the reason he is unable to die? Just a thought....I saw Pirates for the second time this weekend and I cought the scene with the black boots(possibly Barbosa's body) at Tia's hut, but those boots don't look like the boots Barbosa is wearning when he re-appers at the end of the movie, those are more brownish.


Active Member
MickeyMan101 said:
i'm thinking there will be a BIG fight between barbosa's men and Davie Jones men, but... who will win? seeing as how neither can die b/c the curse was put back on the pirates when the monkey took a piece of the gold from the chest at the end of the first movie(thats how jack survives the Kraken at the end of the second movie) so i think jone's men are going to hunt for the aztec gold when barbosa's men will be hunting for the heart...

Barbosa and his men aren't cursed only the monkey Barbosa ate his apple remember and he enjoyed it too so that proves it lol Keith Richards is not going to be in it it was all a rumor I think The next one is probubly gonna pan out concluding the story but that does not mean its going to be the last one Bruckheimer said he would love to make more if the cast would all come back but still this one will most likely be the last And I found a artical on the first clip shown to the public it was at the comic con it sounds pretty sweet and they have a teaser poster
<img src="http://comingsoon.net/nextraimages/pirates3comiccon.jpg">
Here comes the spoiler so beware

The footage was about two minutes long and included brief interviews with producer Bruckheimer and Bloom. Chow Yun-Fat's character had many speaking lines in the clip, which featured lots of Singapore floating village shots, a rescue Captain Jack Sparrow scene, a scene where Sparrow has to convince the crew to run back and forth on the shipdeck to rock a ship over, Jack the undead monkey in Chinese Warrior armor, shots of Barbossa and Sparrow amid a huge shipboard sword battle, and a swordfight between Sparrow and Davy Jones atop a crows nest in a giant storm


So this one seems like its going to be the best of the 3 with out a doubt I'm lookin to see if some1 videoed it at the ComicCon all Post a link if I find it
I'm think Barbossa is gonna be killed ... agian CAN'T WAIT TILL MAY 25!!!!!:sohappy:


ClemsonTigger said:
Jack escapes the Kracken with the help of Tia and the things he took from her hut during their visit.


In the script I read, Jack's already out of the Kracken when they get to him. The stuff he took isn't involved his rescue.


New Member
My theories

Tia Dalma is the woman that Davy Jones longs for and was the reason he cut out is own heart for the following reasons:

1) they have the same heart-shaped locket (Hers: on the table in her hut while Jack is stealing the ring; His: while Will is stealing the key) And it is also etched on the DMC around the keyhole

2) her reaction to the "I heard it was the sea" "I heard it was the..." when she was telling the Davy Jones story seemed like she was miffed that the story had been embellished to more than it really was

So I think it will play out that she brings Jack back to life in the same/similar means she brought Barbosa back. Jack isn't undead because of finding the monkey's stolen coin for the same reason Elizabeth wasn't undead when she took Will's medallion. Jack has been given a reprieve by Davy Jones when the Kraken ate him... the "debt paid" line, assuming he's a Man/Octopi/Crustacean of his word. But Davy Jones is still a central character due to Will's father still having to serve his eternity.

Davy Jones and Tia will settle their differences somehow. Maybe that will free the crew of their servitude.

Jack will sail away with his true love, the Black Pearl, at the end. During the course of the movie, we'll see Jack's father, who just so happens to be the original owner of the Pearl, in a flashback showing Jack the tricks of the trade and telling him that one day the Pearl will be his, but then shortly after we'll see the Pearl attacked by Cutler Beckett, with Jack's father dying as the ship sinks to Davy Jones locker. Jack will then be taken prisoner by Beckett and branded, and then the scene will fade back to Jack being in the rumored purgatory plot line

Will and Elizabeth will still be married after Will realizes that it wasn't Jack that Elizabeth wanted, but the adventure of a "Pirate's Life for Me"

Then Mick and the rest of the Stones will sing the end credits Yo-Ho theme. Okay, that was just put in for the joke, because that would be too cheesy.


Active Member
I think Barbossa will lead them to Davy Jones Locker where Jack is being held, since Barbossa died, he probably escaped and knows where it is. Wouldn't it be cool since the crew needs a new ship, they sailed on the Wicked Wench from the ride? From what I hear after months of convincing and nagging, Disney did get Kieth Richards to make a cameo.But I never heard Jack say uncle. Aren't Bootstrap and Jack basically the same age?


Well-Known Member
metscool said:
There is a hint in this movie when before Bootstrap Bill gives him the black spot Jack calls him "uncle". I heard it and some people from where I work at (a movie theater) heard the same thing.

There is no indication from the movie that Jack and Will are related. Everyone is misunderstanding what Jack actually said. Excuse the quote, I don't know it word for word. Jack said, "To what do I owe the displeasure (*or pleasure*) of your barnacle (*or carbuncle*)."
A barnacle is a marine crustacean that remains attached to a hard surface. Jack could be pointing out the stuff that's growing on Bootstraps arms and face. A carbuncle is a sort of skin disease, but I really think it's barnacle that people are confusing with uncle.


Active Member
I think also that Barbossa might steal an aztec coin again for "insurance" when so he can be immortal for a little while and there will be a big fight between him and Davy Jones.


darthjohnny said:
I think Barbossa will lead them to Davy Jones Locker where Jack is being held, since Barbossa died, he probably escaped and knows where it is. Wouldn't it be cool since the crew needs a new ship, they sailed on the Wicked Wench from the ride?


Unless something changed in later drafts, they find their way to Purgatory (where Jack is stuck in a desert) from mystical charts that they get from Chow Yun Fat's character. They get there by sailing off the edge of the world, over a waterfall.
The ship they sail to the "world's end" is not the Wicked Wench, but a Chinese Junk. They come back on the Pearl.

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