pin code and switching resorts


New Member
Question about switching resorts....I have a pin code (20/30/40) good for most days thru end of year; and we were thinking of late August. I wanted to do 4 nights at CBR and 2 nights at BC. The pin code is for room only, so I don't have to worry about booking a package and I understand that I will need to do two room only reservations. I'm wondering what needs to happen as far as purchasing a 7 day park hopper. Do I check in at CBR and purchase a 7 day ticket? Wondering how that transfers when I switch resorts. Do they apply the unused days to your new room key? Thanks for any info!


Well-Known Member
Question about switching resorts....I have a pin code (20/30/40) good for most days thru end of year; and we were thinking of late August. I wanted to do 4 nights at CBR and 2 nights at BC. The pin code is for room only, so I don't have to worry about booking a package and I understand that I will need to do two room only reservations. I'm wondering what needs to happen as far as purchasing a 7 day park hopper. Do I check in at CBR and purchase a 7 day ticket? Wondering how that transfers when I switch resorts. Do they apply the unused days to your new room key? Thanks for any info!

My understanding is that you cannot split discount offers between two different reservations, which is what switching resorts entails, so you only get the discount on one of those reservations. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my understanding. You can add ticket media to any room reservation, so I would imagine that when you switch resorts, they will be able to transfer the remaining days over to your new reservation.
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My understanding is that you cannot split discount offers between two different reservations, which is what switching resorts entails, so you only get the discount on one of those reservations. Someone else can correct me if I'm wrong, but that was my understanding.

I was able to get a 40% discount on a split stay for this upcoming May. I didn't have any problem booking it.

It was either a PIN code offer or an AP rate (can't remember which I used, but they were both 40% off). Anyway, I booked 2 rooms at GF for 3 nights, and then 2 rooms at AKL for the next 2 nights. I've got 40% off each booking, and I have four different reservation numbers for the whole shebang. A bit complicated, yes, but worth it to get what we wanted.

This is just off the top of my head, but....I would say if the CM on the phone tells you you can't get the discount on both reservations, book one and then call back later and book the other, or have your travelling companion book the second one.
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Well-Known Member
I don't *think* the PIN code offers are a one-time-use only... I'm sure I've read of people book multiple trips on one PIN code offer (each trip fell within the dates offered).

As for the park tickets...You have a couple options.

First, you could buy your tickets separately, and leave them as separate physical tickets your entire trip. You'd have to deal with one piece of media to get into the parks, and the room key for whichever resort you're currently at to get into your room.

Or, you could buy your tickets and have them encoded onto your CBR room keys. Then when you check out, you continue to use the CBR keys as your park tickets (the tickets will still work after you've checked out of CBR), and then use your BC room keys for your BC room.

Lastly, you can do as I just said, but when you check into the Beach Club, stop by the Lobby Concierge and have them try and transfer the tickets from your CBR room keys to your BC room keys. It may take a little while, and a manager may have to get involved, but it's theoretically possible.

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Premium Member
Or, you could buy your tickets and have them encoded onto your CBR room keys. Then when you check out, you continue to use the CBR keys as your park tickets (the tickets will still work after you've checked out of CBR), and then use your BC room keys for your BC room.

Lastly, you can do as I just said, but when you check into the Beach Club, stop by the Lobby Concierge and have them try and transfer the tickets from your CBR room keys to your BC room keys. It may take a little while, and a manager may have to get involved, but it's theoretically possible.

This is what DH and I are going to try doing on our next trip, we will be at CSR for 5 nights getting the giftcard, but we are getting 10 day hopper tickets, then we switch over to WL (using a pin code for room only) and we are hoping to put the remaining park admissions onto our new room key at WL.

And as previous posters have said, it is definitely ok to use a pin code for two different reservations, the thing is they are both under your name since the pin can only be used under the name it addressed to. You cant have your travel buddy make the 2nd one and use YOUR pin, but you *should* have no problem making 2 or more under your name, with the same pin.
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Original Poster
pin code, resorts and dinin

Thanks to everyone's responses and help. After reading some of the posts about splitting ressies due to different promotions, it got me thinking. Let's say I make two reservations now with room only discount pin, with the intention of splitting our stay. Then, April rolls around and free dining is available, can the following scenario work:
Covert first part of trip that was booked as room only w/discount to free dining package. With that being said, have park tickets as the full 7 day hopper, but still transfer to BC on last two nights, keeping that same original room only reservation with the pin code discount? Then I guess as mentioned in previous posts, either transfer days or continue using original key for park access....Whew! Sounds complex, but when you see it in writing, it kind of makes sense. Thoughts or advice? Thanks!!!!
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New Member
Original Poster more thing.........I guess it would help to make the first ressie a magic your way package so if and when free dining comes out, it will be easier to apply the promotion to the reservation?
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