A path where I can walk around I just walk around... If they can take a photo in 5 seconds I'll wait, if not I'm walking through because in the past I've tried to be polite only to have some fool with a camera acting like Annie Leibovitz taking an insane amount of time trying to get everyone just so so... Well sorry but your shooting with an iphone you photo isn't going to be earth shattering so just snap it and move on. Frankly the only time people should even be considerate of other's space are at the places like the entrance just past the ticket takers where there is a large open space for people to take photos of their groups with the train station behind them... A place like that I'll respect and not pass through the photo, otherwise people should realize pathways are there for people to travel down not stand around posing for photos that will likely just be popped on facebook where they might be glimpsed at by a few friends and family.