PhotoPass CD Increase


Active Member
Also, a couple of years ago, you could go to Downtown Disney or an area in Magic Kingdom and there was a little portrait studio set up where you could get a photo shoot done. They took probably 100 photos at those two locations alone.

"Bibbidi Bobbidi Photo Boutique - Located inside Guest Relations at Downtown Disney Marketplace and Castle Couture behind the Castle in the Magic Kingdom, small photo studios are set up for photo sessions primarily for guests who have purchased packages at Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique, however these studios are available for free use to any guest, even if they haven't had a BBB appointment. In addition, the rose garden at Magic Kingdom is also used for BBB photo sessions. Use of the studio is free of charge and requires no reservations, however priority is given to BBB patrons."


Well-Known Member
I skip the photo cd and just make the photo book! I always procrastinate about getting the photos printed anyway. The photo book is a nicer, quicker way to combining what you have and what they have all in one place (plus you can scar the photos in!)


Active Member
Hmmm, practical question here. How far in advance can you "pre-order?" We have a trip in Sept and I want to decide if we want to get the CD or not (I had a friend come into town when I was on my CP and bought the CD, I liked it). If I ordered it now, would it be valid for my trip in Sept?


Beta Return
Hmmm, practical question here. How far in advance can you "pre-order?" We have a trip in Sept and I want to decide if we want to get the CD or not (I had a friend come into town when I was on my CP and bought the CD, I liked it). If I ordered it now, would it be valid for my trip in Sept?

should be ok. You just get a code that you'll enter when you finalize your photos and check out.


While I agree that the price increase can be shocking at first glance, like several pp's have stated, when used right, it is a good deal. On our last trip in '09, we ended up with 100 photos. Once I was done adding the embelishments, we had 300. So that averaged out to $.30 per professional photo. Not a bad deal. With the price increase, it will still be a good deal, and I'll be sure that we get more than the 100 we did last time.

And now I'm banging myself in the head...stupid me...I had no idea I could upload my own photos to the photopass CD! Doh!

Anyone know what the pre-order price will be going up to? I'm guessing it'll be $120?


Active Member
should be ok. You just get a code that you'll enter when you finalize your photos and check out.

Hmmm, so it works sorta like a coupon? Kinda wondering if it'll only take the "original" discount out and I'll still be paying the price difference for the increase.


Beta Return
Hmmm, so it works sorta like a coupon? Kinda wondering if it'll only take the "original" discount out and I'll still be paying the price difference for the increase.

It should work just like park tickets. Once you pay, you're locked in. And yes, its like a coupon.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, practical question here. How far in advance can you "pre-order?" We have a trip in Sept and I want to decide if we want to get the CD or not (I had a friend come into town when I was on my CP and bought the CD, I liked it). If I ordered it now, would it be valid for my trip in Sept?

From the fine print:

While the pre-ordered credit has no expiration date, your photos will expire based on the storage policy. Please be sure to place your order before your photos expire.

So it looks like you would be okay.

Now I just need to find out if the pre-order price goes up on 3/21. If so, I'll have to pre-order for our fall trip.


Well-Known Member
I'm glad I saw this. You guys just reminded me to go ahead and pre-purchase my disc. ;) Thanks!

That is insane, to charge so much for pics. Especially since most people are probably so busy taking pictures with their own cameras they don't think to use Photopass much, anyway...


Well-Known Member
Hmmm, practical question here. How far in advance can you "pre-order?" We have a trip in Sept and I want to decide if we want to get the CD or not (I had a friend come into town when I was on my CP and bought the CD, I liked it). If I ordered it now, would it be valid for my trip in Sept?

Like others have said, the pre-purchased CD credit never expires. However, you now only have 90 days from the date of pre-purchase to request a refund on that pre-purchase. They no longer do it as a coupon code -- it just shows up as a credit in your shopping cart when you're ready to order (according to the e-mail I got with my order). I believe you can choose *not* to use it on an order and save it for another trip, but if you think you might want a full refund, don't order it more than 90 days before your trip. That being said, I ordered one yesterday for our next trip that probably won't happen until June 2013. I won't have the ability to request a refund at that point, but I can choose not to buy a CD and save the credit for the next trip.


Well-Known Member
I can confirm this so definitely pre-order.

I figured as much. Thanks for the heads-up. I'll definitely get my pre-order in. Seems like there's no downside since you can get your money back if you aren't satisfied with the pics.


New Member
Photopass CD is - like everyone has mentioned - a GREAT purchase. I am and have been a behind the scenes photographer wannabe. I have the SLR and a tonne of photos that I have taken - NOTHING can beat what the Photopass photographers take. I have purchased the CD each time I have gone to Disney and found the photos to be great. I don't want to burden the photographers with my camera and worry that they "may" not be able to use my camera. The preorder price is a great price and if it increases, I will still purchase it.

I have made the Disney photopass album and have been thrilled with the quality of the pages - truly a great album - I have made many digital albums and this one is one of the best.

Note: Don't use photos of yourself on the rides that you have "snapped" as they were up on screens as you were exiting the rides. These will be tagged in your album and you will not be able to use these photos. Trust me I have tried:p and needed to remove them from the album. I would love for Disney to put more of their "ride" photos on the photo pass card - that would be super.


Well-Known Member
I have the SLR and a tonne of photos that I have taken - NOTHING can beat what the Photopass photographers take
Then, I'm sorry, but you're just not a good photographer. Honestly. Because Photopass CM's aren't "professionals" (despite what people seem to want to believe) and their pictures are often only so-so at best. (And can ruin your memories at worse when they're too dark, blurry, badly framed, etc.)

I'd further submit that no Photopass photographer could ever in a million years hope to do as good a job as someone like our own WDWFigment - Extraordinary photos and he clearly is "beating" the Photopass photographers. (Probably with his eyes closed.)

Honestly, you can like something -which is great - but leave off the hyperbole. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Not worth it @ $99 either! Last time I went (Sept 2011), half the pictures didn't show up that we had taken and the ones that did show up were not focused/composed very well. Lots of blur and photos that looked as though they were taken with a point and shoot.

Not to mention, to get some pictures, we had to wait 5-10 minutes because someone in the party/parties ahead of us didn't want to cooperate or had to remove something to get the "perfect" picture.

I would be ticked to pay $100 to get maybe 20 pictures even with the best efforts to get as many photos taken as possible.

I agree. The last time we had photopass photographers take our pictures, we had the same experience. I'll spend my money elsewhere....


New Member
for me it's a yes

like anything else, the value of Photopass is different for everyone, depending on how much they will use it... same as the dining plan, hard ticket parties, AP, etc.

When I went in 2009 I didn't pre order the cd and paid $129 (I think?) for it after we came home, because I wanted all those pictures (without paying $15 each in the parks) with the Disney copyright boarders, signatures, and extras. Now I am DEFINITELY pre-ordering the photopass CD because I know for us, it has value, and I want access to all of those pictures with all of the effects possible.

Also take into consideration that I scrapbook, so those photos are very amazing bonuses to add to my books :)

:sohappy:183 more days!:sohappy:


Well-Known Member
I've had Photo pass CM's purposefully screw up picture on my own camera in hopes that I would purchase one of their pictures( awkward zooms and weird framings). 170 dollars? I think not... If I went through the trouble of purchasing the 170 dollar package, and then I made sure my family took a lot of picture to get their money's worth, I wouldn't want Disney telling me I now owe them more money for the 2nd blank CD that I'm using. I think the whole thing is getting really over the top.

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