Beta Return
This is exactly how it happens;
You come up to the register with your photo number. If you want a digital copy, it is $14.95. When you order that, we give you a ride photopass, which is slightly different from the normal photopass. We scan your photo, & you go to the website with that code on the back. Once you put the code in you have 10 days to download your photo. You can download the photo 10 times & I believe from what I have been told it is a 4x6 size. If the shop can not edit your photo then you can not edit your photo on the website. You can just download it & do whatever you want with it.
If you buy any photo package, you get the digital download with the photo package. So you can buy the 8x10 & get 10 more downloads with that.
The difference between the ride photopass & a regular photopass is once you get a ride photopass, you can't add photos from around the park onto that, yet we can add your ride photo to your regular photopass. So if you have a regular photopass, & you go on the website to look at your photo, something should pop up & tell you that your ride photo is ready to download. I haven't seen it first hand yet but that is what I was trained.
So, are you saying you CAN or CANNOT put your ride photo on your regular photopass account like you can at Test Track?