I sit corrected. Platinum package, huh? Do you find it worth the money?
Question for Mattbloom and the other photographers here - I purchased the pre vacation CD for around 100.00 a month or so ago for my vacation in Feb. What exactly did I buy? LOL. I haven't received anything in the mail but I did get an email confirmation after I purchased it. Is that all I was s'pose to get? I am assuming it is. So after my vacation in Feb how do I go about getting the CD. Thanks ya'll. See ya soon.
Somewhere in your email confirmation, there should have been a promo code. Go to the parks, grab a photopass from any photographer, have LOTS of pictures taken. When you return home, edit all your photos on the photopass website and then order the cd. Enter the promo code and the price of your cd should now read zero.
It's a whole lot cheaper to print the photos locally. I can get an 8x10 for $3 verses Disney's price of $30.
Just to clarify, Disney only charges $17 for an 8x10, not $30
I dont know if anybody mentioned this already, but if you dont want to do photopass-you can always ask the photopass person to take the picture with your camera. They are very good about doing that.
Now here is my question:
If there is no cost and no obligation, why not do both?
1. Photopass is great back up in case anything happens to your camera, computer, memory card. Warning: horror stories abound. One family had the place they were staying in broken into. They stole the laptop with all the vacation photos on it. One couple accidently deleted their entire memory card instead of one photo. One family, while riding Space Mountain, had the freak thing happen where just the right buttons were pushed to delete all their photos from their card. Now they were smart and dumped the card each night onto their computer, but still, one day's photos were lost. All these people I have met personally while they were running around the parks with photopass and their camera re-doing most of their vacation photos. Only one was thrilled that they had thought to use photopass and didn't have to re-do all their photos.
2. 75% of guests couldn't take a photo to save their life. By the same token of course, 15% of photopass photographers couldn't take a photo to save their lives. :brick:I see the photos the guests are taking by looking at their LCD screen while they are taking it. They suck. Heads in the middle of the frame, not zoomed in enough, wrong camera settings. Most of the photopass photos are infinitely better than what an average guest takes.
3. We have people who have spent hours researching the correct camera settings for each location. Some Point and shoot cameras are hit or miss whether the photo is taken at the right settings.
4. A photopass CD is WAY cheaper than buying and developing 4 or more disposable cameras.
5. Sometimes we get photos you don't. It might be a nighttime shot where our camera is on a tripod and is going to getter a great shot of the icon at night. It might be that we know our character's routines very well and know just when to look for the hug or in special cases, the kiss. Our cameras are ready while parents are enjoying the moment.
6. By the same token, your camera is good backup for when our cameras mess up. We put our cameras through a lot and sometimes they give out. Twice I have spent the night taking great photos only to find out when I got back that my camera was faulty and the photos were out of focus. They weren't blown out which would have been stupidly my fault for not focusing on the correct spot, but rather just not focused correctly which was my fault for not triple checking the camera.
If nothing else, use it for back up.