Who wouldn't want to walk up to a Country Bear and give him a hug? In the real world hugging a bear is foolish. The fun, anthropomorphic bear AA connects with you. He addresses you. He brings you into his world and away from your own. The connection can be had because he physically exists in front of you. He looks at you. (By the way, the realism of an AAs eyes are the of the most important facial feature for connection)
The re-tread of Mission to Mars that was created by imagineers originally was vastly superior to the original attraction. It combines monaural sound with physical effects that created a frightening immersive experience. The AE was wonderful marriage of innovative new tech and old tech. You were connected to the attraction because of all it's elements.
Then came the STENCH remodel. The AA does little to improve the experience and most of the show effects are hit and miss. It is not an immersive experience. It is annoying. You are not connected to this attraction in anyway.
Will some of the newer attractions build "nostalgia" for guests many years from now, who knows. I do know that the difference in attractions that connect with you and attractions that do not, isn't difficult to realize when you experience them.
Indeed, and well laid out in layman's terms.
I was touching on that 'connection' earlier, but i like your examples used for AA based experiences.
I'm a huge fan of Animatronics, and have worked in the animation field with puppeteered creations and Animatronics in the past.
The art of giving a figure a believable and entertaining performance is a fine art and a great challenge, whether it be programming a mechanized figure or a hand manipulated puppet.
I loved doing that work...and still do.
You are creating a connection with your audience through a figure that within the context of the Show can be 'alive' for them.
Most people have no idea how complex a process it is to create that performance. So many things to consider.
It really is a fine art, much like graphic art or Traditional Animation provides.
I've always enjoyed the Stage based AA presentations, but today it is considered 'old school'.
I would love to see a new type of Stage based AA Show but with today's budget roller coaster and general attitude towards such presentations i don't see it happening anytime soon.
The perspective within the Company seems to be that today's Guests want 'thrills'.
Sometimes i think they forget that a 'thrill' can also mean having a completely enveloping experience in a themed environment.
That alone can be a 'thrill' for some of us.
The misconception that only fast thrill rides or coaster Attractions are what is 'wanted' is partially misplaced in some respects.
I don't think most people would associate 'Pirates of The Caribbean' with the 'thrill ride' category...but it is one of the TOP Disney Attractions ever created.
It is right up there with 'The Haunted Mansion' and neither of them are 'thrill rides' in today's context of the word.
But why are they do successful..?
It is because they are incredibly themed Attractions that take you to a place you could not otherwise go...and you have a amazing experience in that place.
The eye candy, settings and scenes, the sense of being completely enveloped in that environment takes your breath away and creates a magical, memorable, and UNIQUE experience.
Almost 50 years later, and to this date still nothing has topped those two in overall scope, execution of Show, and appeal with Guests.
This is why the 'World of Harry Potter' themed areas over at Universal has been such a big hit over at Universal Orlando.....and Cars Land over on the West Coast at DCA.
Guests eat this stuff up.
Let's hope Disney invests more in such heavily themed additions that have substance and offer more then just physical thrills.
I might be old school , but i like to have some cerebral thrills to.
I guess that's why i loved EPCOT Center so much...and those Attractions of yore that used to be there.
They left you in awe...they inspired you...they took you to places you could not otherwise go.
And you remembered them long after you had left the Park.
How many of today's more recent additions can claim that...?
Oh...and i agree, hugging a Country Bear is a must !