Perhaps I'm just paranoid...


New Member
Hello folks. I'm going to be at WDW in approximately 10 days! Although very excited, I can't help but to be a little worried about the weather. It looks like it's supposed to rain every single day from now until then! For you Florida folks (or just those who may be more knowledgeable and calm than myself) it is really raining all day, every day? Man, I know WDW rain is better than Texas rain any day, but I was just hoping for some FL sunshine on this vacation. Is any one else concerned about the rain/hurricanes? Any local folks have any advice? Thanks in advance!


New Member
Of what I know of Florida weather, it might rain every day but not all day. And "usually" the rain should cool off the temps if its a hot day. Last time we went to WDW, for 9 days... it rained 6 of the 9 days.... for about 20-30 minutes.... but only once (maybe twice) a day.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
We were there last week. The long-range forecast for our trip was for thunderstorms every day. In reality, we had afternoon drizzle for less than twenty minutes each day but one and one late-day rain that shortened our day, but not by much. One day with no rain at all out of nine, but we didn't get wet other than on Splash Mountain, just a bit damp during the drizzle, which dried quickly.
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The Mom

Premium Member
I hesitate to say this, but we are entering the rainy season. For instance, it rained off and on all day today, with the same predicted for tomorrow and perhaps through the weekend. Granted, this was further (about 3 hours drive) north of WDW, so the weather might have been more summer like there.

The good news is that it's a warm rain, so as long as you have a poncho, and a spare pair of shoes, you should be fine. many of us enjoy touring in the rain, as the crowds are sometimes lighter.
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Well-Known Member
If it's a really hot day and you get rain sometimes that doesn't make it feel a lot cooler. Sometimes you get the total sauna effect. Pleasant, I know.

I grew up in Central Florida. From spring 'til fall it's likely to rain most every day at least a little. During the height of summer it rains every day without fail. That doesn't mean you won't get any of the Florida sunshine. It'll start out super clear, cloud up as the hours pass, rain, then clear back off. There's always exceptions but that's the general pattern.

Hurricanes. So far so good but you never know when those things will pop up. Just keep an eye on the weather forecasts. YOu'll know if something is up. Personally, we have such fabulous luck with hurricanes (they follow us) that we don't dare plan anything for August thru November. That means my actual anniversary is September 18th but in May of '08 we took our 15th year celebratory trip. We knew better. It's a good thing, too, because for 9/18/08 we were here at home ripping apart the water damaged walls & floors from Hurricane Ike listening to the hum of the generators as we prayed for electricity to come back soon. Fun stuff!

You'll have fun rain or shine! Go make the most of it and trust that the hurricanes will come here and not there because I'm not going to WDW until January. :wave:
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New Member
We arrived for our 2008 trip with Tropical Storm Fay, on a Tuesday. We didn't see the sun until Saturday, but since it was basically a rain event, without very much wind, we never missed a beat. Carry ponchos/raincoats and enjoy the lesser crowds. On our 2009 trip (Aug 19-29) forecast was for T-Storms every day, but again, we never missed much of anything. The storms roll in in the afternoon, which is always a good time for a break, and makes it easier to get the kids to take one. Simply be flexible & adaptable in your plans and enjoy your stay!
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Well-Known Member
I agree with what everyone else has rained every day, almost all day, during my honeymoon in May. When we arrived we immediately went to the BWI souvenir shop and bought ponchos, kept them in our bag, and whipped them out at the site of rain. (As an aside, my poncho ripped a couple of times, and I took it to other WDW gift shops and they replaced it for free, so keep that in mind.) The crowds really were very light - we got on everything we wanted to pretty easily.

One mistake I made was not bringing enough spare shoes/clothes...we'd go back to the hotel in the middle of the day to relax/shower/change and I didn't have any dry shoes! :hammer:That was miserable.

Just remember that you're at DISNEY, and try to make the best of it (though I know it's discouraging when all you want is that Florida sunshine). :wave:
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New Member
Ariel484, a good shoe drying trick is to stuff newspaper into your shoes. Might not get them completely dry, but should be comfortable enough. We found last year that it didn't matter, we were soaked 5 minutes after heading out.
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Well-Known Member
Ariel484, a good shoe drying trick is to stuff newspaper into your shoes. Might not get them completely dry, but should be comfortable enough. We found last year that it didn't matter, we were soaked 5 minutes after heading out.

Newspaper, eh? That's interesting...thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind for the next trip, though hopefully I won't need it. But I know what you mean, it took 2 days for the shoes to dry out and then I wore them out again and they were soaked immediately. :mad:
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Well-Known Member
I agree that it probably won't rain all day, everyday. Most often, in my experience, the rain comes around 4:00 PM and passes as a big storm. However on my last trip, we had 3 of the 7 days be solid rain from sun up to sun down. So it can go both ways. You just have to be prepared, and not let possible rain ruin your trip. We still had 4 days of beautiful sun!

Rain chases people outta the parks - so bring your poncho and enjoy the small lines. :) And enjoy the days you have without rain, because you will have them!
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New Member
Original Poster
Thanks for all of your input, guys! We are just going to suit up and make the best out of it regardless! You all sure know how to make a mountain into small...I forget. :shrug:
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