people per room question


Active Member
ok i know it says for a studio & 1 bedroom it holds up to 4 people. but how strict are they with this? we were just down & the family we were with had 1 room with 3 adults & 3 kids. & i am pretty sure it was a studio type room.


New Member
They are very strict. You have to understand there is an extra charge for the 3rd Adult in any room. They do not count children under 3, and most of the rooms will have bedding for only 4 people. Plus there is the added risk. God forbid of a fire, you don't want to be sneaking people into a room. Fireman will go in thinking they only have 4 people to get out and now you have a big problem, as they would not be looking for more. Babies, although they are not counted are listed on the reservation so there is a count of occupants for the room.
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The Mom

Premium Member
They are pretty strict, especially with the extra adult. Is someone going to come in and count heads every night? Probably not. But, the Mousekeeper might notice, and mention it to her supervisor, and there could be problems.

Also, you would not be issued the extra room cards, so your whole party would not be able to take advantage of EMH.

The room occupancy numbers are based on safety (fire code) and comfort for all guests. I find it very crowded when our room is at full occupancy; I can't imagine putting extra people in. :lol:
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Active Member
Original Poster
i totally agree with it being crowded. the thing i don't understand is that they booked it through disney that way. they all went on the bus. all had room keys. the real reason i ask is we are DVC members & we stay in 1 bedrooms all the time. with us 2 & now the 4th child being here soon i just realized what are we gonna do. we don't have enought points for a 2 bedroom for a week.i figure we will have to buy more points as some time but can not do it right now. one more thing. at what age does a infant/child count towards the people per room?
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Well-Known Member
As far as booking, they won't book more than the allowed amount people per room. But nobody's coming by every night to check how many people are in the room. If you choose to have extra people in your room, they won't have room keys.
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We have stayed tice now at the POP, we have 2 adults, and 4 kids. One was 2 the last time, 1 the first time. We book it with the two middle kids mysteryiously off the reservation. We use the room for sleeping,and dont need alot of room, anythng bigger is A LOT more money to remain on site. No one has ever asked us about it. CM have even remarked that we have a cute family as we leave the room. We just grab WYW passes at the park the first day for the two not on the room, or Downtown Disney the night we get there. We never had to show all our room keys for the EMH, just myself or my wife usually show ours and we all are ok. When we get caught, or told we cant do it, well go off property I guess. And for a family on a budget, if anyone has a better Idea, let us know. We cant get there at the off season times because of work schedules. We went the last week of Feb last 2 years.
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New Member
They are pretty strict, especially with the extra adult. Is someone going to come in and count heads every night? Probably not. But, the Mousekeeper might notice, and mention it to her supervisor, and there could be problems.

Also, you would not be issued the extra room cards, so your whole party would not be able to take advantage of EMH.

The room occupancy numbers are based on safety (fire code) and comfort for all guests. I find it very crowded when our room is at full occupancy; I can't imagine putting extra people in. :lol:

not everyone in the party needs to have a room card to take part in EMH...when i was working EMH at DAK we had were told to ask for everyones room card to make sure we were handing out the same # of wristbands but if a family of lets say 5 came through with only one card...we would scan the one card to make sure it was still vaild, then override the card scanning system for the other 4...and i also went to EMH at Epcot one night and me and a couple of friends who were staying onsite only had to show one room keep to get our long as you are all staying in the same room you all technically dont need a room card with you.
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although....we have never gone to the morning early hours, were just not get up and get going people with 4 kids.....i assume we would need room passes for all of us if we want to get in the hour early, is that correct?
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Well-Known Member
I've gotten in some local friends (who were not staying in my room) into Epcot EMH back in June or so. They were going to head back home, but the CMs gave them wristbands as well.
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Well-Known Member
We have stayed tice now at the POP, we have 2 adults, and 4 kids. One was 2 the last time, 1 the first time. We book it with the two middle kids mysteryiously off the reservation. We use the room for sleeping,and dont need alot of room, anythng bigger is A LOT more money to remain on site. No one has ever asked us about it. CM have even remarked that we have a cute family as we leave the room. We just grab WYW passes at the park the first day for the two not on the room, or Downtown Disney the night we get there. We never had to show all our room keys for the EMH, just myself or my wife usually show ours and we all are ok. When we get caught, or told we cant do it, well go off property I guess. And for a family on a budget, if anyone has a better Idea, let us know. We cant get there at the off season times because of work schedules. We went the last week of Feb last 2 years.

I've gotten in some local friends (who were not staying in my room) into Epcot EMH back in June or so. They were going to head back home, but the CMs gave them wristbands as well.
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Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
This forum is not the place to discuss ways to cheat Disney. Moderators???

If you have issues or concerns with other individuals' posts. Report them by clicking the little red triangle by the post number. If a moderator agrees, they'll take appropriate action, if not, they'll leave well enough alone. Comments with "Moderators???" after them or links to the forum rules without actually reporting the offending posts are a waste of your time. Moderators do not have the time to read every post.
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The Mom

Premium Member
I think that it's perfectly clear that it is against the rules to have more people in the room than WDW's occupancy limit, and to do so is cheating them.

This website (and it's moderators) do not condone it in any way. But there are going to be people who have a different outlook on what is or isn't justifiable. I really don't wish to get into an argument about individual morality, and when it is or is not "OK" to do something immoral/ long as you are aware that what you're doing is wrong, and you are prepared to accept any consequences for your action without whining, complaining, or getting angry.

But we really would prefer that posters not share their stories/methods about getting around the rules without being caught.

Thank you.
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Active Member
Occupancy numbers are for the safety and comfort of the guest. Should the unthinkable happen, i.e. building collapse, the resort will say, room 1103 contains the Smith family, 2 adults and 2 children ages 4 and 2. As the rubble is cleared, they find 2 more children they cannot identify, now what happens. I know this example sounds extreme but I work with the Safety department at work, and this is how we think. Safety rules are for your safety.
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New Member
Nansafan you are so right. The unthinkable, or the attitude it will never happen to me is outrageaous. Example: Fire code calls for 4 people plus and infant. Number of people occupying a room is listed on the resorts computer. You now, have a fire, they go in and take out 2 adults and 2 children happy that they got everyone out. But they don't, there is no knowledge that there are 2 other children in that room. Need anymore be said!!!!!
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