Park Pet Peeves


New Member
Original Poster
I just wanted to ask if anybody had any specific pet peeves at the parks when they visit.

Of course, as always when someone asks this sort of question, it's because they wanna tell you THEIRS, so here's mine:

Definitely, absolutely, the worst... the one that ruins it for me? HAS TO BE talking during some sort of important part of a rides show.

Best example is probably Haunted Mansion.

"Our tour begins here in this gallery..."

Random tourist:"Jessie...JESSIE! Stop it! Hey, when are the Big Thunder fastpasses for? Are we gonna eat lunch after this. Susie, stop scaring your brother!"

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! FRIGGIN' SHHHHHHH!!!! The ghost host is talking...

...and I'd be lying if I said it'd be better if they lowered their voices. Nope. It'd be better if they sat their in awe of the stretching room! Hey, that's why it's a peeve folks.


Well-Known Member
Last visit I was so put off by people talking on cellphones at every darn opportunity that I actually researched cell phone signal killers. Their not too expesnisve either. Next visit theres going to be a lot of dropped calls!

On the flipside, I felt that strollers and ECV's were very well behaved compared to earlier trips.


Le Meh
Premium Member
Last visit I was so put off by people talking on cellphones at every darn opportunity that I actually researched cell phone signal killers. Their not too expesnisve either. Next visit theres going to be a lot of dropped calls! realize that some people use those to keep up with other family members in the parks....


Oh Meyla Weyla
I just wanted to ask if anybody had any specific pet peeves at the parks when they visit.

Of course, as always when someone asks this sort of question, it's because they wanna tell you THEIRS, so here's mine:

Definitely, absolutely, the worst... the one that ruins it for me? HAS TO BE talking during some sort of important part of a rides show.

Best example is probably Haunted Mansion.

"Our tour begins here in this gallery..."

Random tourist:"Jessie...JESSIE! Stop it! Hey, when are the Big Thunder fastpasses for? Are we gonna eat lunch after this. Susie, stop scaring your brother!"

SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! FRIGGIN' SHHHHHHH!!!! The ghost host is talking...

...and I'd be lying if I said it'd be better if they lowered their voices. Nope. It'd be better if they sat their in awe of the stretching room! Hey, that's why it's a peeve folks.

I too am bugged by talking when I'm trying to listen. My other pet peeve is the "bump and run". We all sideswipe other people at Disney, it's gonna happen, it's understandable. What bugs me is the people who slam right into you full force and don't take the time to even say excuse me. A little politeness goes a long way :)


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
Last visit I was so put off by people talking on cellphones at every darn opportunity that I actually researched cell phone signal killers. Their not too expesnisve either. Next visit theres going to be a lot of dropped calls!.

Wow, I thought that was a pretty good idea. :wave:

Then, I did a little research - I don't think it's such a good idea now! :eek: realize that some people use those to keep up with other family members in the parks....

Keep up with them outside the attractions though!

Do they have to call each other and tell them about the attraction that the other isn't on?
What ever happened to the Family Vacation?
Why can't they just stay together?

What did they do before cell-phones?


Well-Known Member
People who stop at the end of a moving escalator or other automated surface. The people behind them have no where to go other than to run into them.

Yep that happened to me yesterday in The Land pavilion. Lady in front of me stopped when we got to the top of the escalator and I ran into her butt. She didn't even seem to notice. :eek:



Well-Known Member
Last visit I was so put off by people talking on cellphones at every darn opportunity that I actually researched cell phone signal killers. Their not too expesnisve either. Next visit theres going to be a lot of dropped calls!

I wouldn't do that...they are illegal, in addition to being quite rude. My wife and I use them to keep in contact with each other when we each take a child to do something that the other child does not want to do.


Well-Known Member
People who stop at the end of a moving escalator or other automated surface. The people behind them have no where to go other than to run into them.

Yep that happened to me yesterday in The Land pavilion. Lady in front of me stopped when we got to the top of the escalator and I ran into her butt. She didn't even seem to notice. :eek:


Yeah...I've actually had to raise my voice and ask people to move a few times at The Land. Idiots just get off of the escalator and stop...never mind that there are people behind them...duh!


Last visit I was so put off by people talking on cellphones at every darn opportunity that I actually researched cell phone signal killers. Their not too expesnisve either. Next visit theres going to be a lot of dropped calls!

If I catch you doing that when I'm there, I wouldn't hesitate to ratting you out. It's ILLEGAL, even though cellphone users sometimes irritate me as well, your method to shutting them down is a no no. :mad::mad::mad:


My pet peeves at any theme park:

- Obnoxious behavior on rides, including cell phone talking and camera flashing. I came to listen and watch the show/ride, not you!
- People who skip in line
- People who are unapologetically rude to their kids, cast members and other guests (lighten up its a theme park)


New Member
I haven't really had a major issue with anything when visiting the parks, although I'll jump on the bandwagon and say that if I had to choose a pet peeve it would be the lines and people who are just straight up rude to you or anyone else for that matter.


Well-Known Member realize that some people use those to keep up with other family members in the parks....

I'm sure the OP was complaining about people who use their cell phones inappropriately like at your table in a restaurant (which is rude), or during a ride/attraction, etc.


Well-Known Member
Using your cell phones WHILE ON A RIDE - thus spoiling the experience for everyone around you - is rude. Using your cell phone between rides - or while waiting in line - to keep in touch with other family members is appropriate.


New Member
Original Poster
My pet peeves at any theme park:

- People who are unapologetically rude to their kids, cast members and other guests (lighten up its a theme park)

I know right?

That's always been my thing. I've never understood how I can see someone all ticked off at CM's for stuff at Disney. I mean, I've had my moments... like the old lady under the sorcerer hat at MGM who treated me like I was an a-hole for even asking where the "egg roll stand" was (it was in my Birnbaums guide listed under 'must have snacks'... we never found 'em)

But I mean 99.9% of the time CM's are trying to do you a favor or at least doing the best they can.

Except for that waiter at Spoodle's who I waved to to see if I could get the check and he got all hissy at me like I had just flipped him off.

Ok, so I've had two moments. I'm human.


Active Member
blocking cell phone signals.. yeah good idea:brick:. god forbid something bad happens while your enjoying your vacation, you need that phone call.

yes there are people who are annoying with their cell phones but you cant do something like that and i didnt know until i read this thread but good thing its illegal. i just dont know with some people :shrug:


New Member
People talking when on a ride or a show winds me up a treat...In line is long as they are not over the top and damn right annoying..but some people are just like that, they don't think of others


Yeah I am pretty sure the FCC would have a problem with unlicensed people interfering with reserved frequenies. I believe cell phone carriers reserve certain frequencies of radio waves and then they have the sole rights of operating over those frequencies. It is similar to the legality of making your own FM radio station. You have to have a license to operate at that frequency if your transmission has a range above a certain distance. That is why it is legal to use FM transmitters in your car for ipods and such, but illegal to set up a radio station in your basement.

Sure, it is hard to track small disturbances like that and the FCC has limited resources, but like others have said, it is illegal. Another problem is that you probably wouldn't have very good range and it would be hard to smuggle it in through park security. I don't think it would be worth getting in trouble with the feds over something like this.


Follower of "Saget"The Cult
blocking cell phone signals.. yeah good idea:brick:. god forbid something bad happens while your enjoying your vacation, you need that phone call.

yes there are people who are annoying with their cell phones but you cant do something like that and i didnt know until i read this thread but good thing its illegal. i just dont know with some people :shrug:

Oh please...there's always a pay phone. What do think people did 10 years ago?!

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