What an improvement this will be! This project is just one of the many ways they are dramatically improving the whole experience of DCA by drastically re-themeing pockets of mediocrity around this park.
That said, the
interior of Pizza Oom Mow Mow was a hidden gem of DCA 1.0, with it's 1960's surf culture museum it featured throughout the lobby and dining room. So many great vingate posters and pictures and memorabilia from the SoCal beach scene circa 1957-70 were found within, and yet few people ever ventured inside (get it?... Ventured? The Ventures? Oh... nevermind.) this restaurant to appreciate the interior design.
Sadly, like so much of DCA's original version, WDI just didn't have the cash to give it the 100% that it needed, and the rather corny and cheap looking exterior let down the more unique interior. There could have been such an amazing DCA experience based on the 1960's surf culture, featuring Disney's own Annete Funicello, that could have even included a fabulous dark ride and/or water ride. But they just couldn't dedicate the resources that type of thing required with Paul Pressler and Cynthia Harris at the helm during the 1996-2003 time frame, and thus we only got half-baked ideas like
Pizza Oom Mow Mow in its 2001 format.
Still, at least Annette and the rest of the 1960's Surfers, Bunnies, Gremmies and Hodads got nearly a decade of recognition via the
interior of this Yesterland DCA restaurant.
But, happier times are ahead with the 1920's retheme for this corner of Paradise Pier. :wave: