Pal Mickey?


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Original Poster
Anyone know anything about this? I saw it on the WDW site. Certain attractions are "pal supported" sites where the mickey toy talks to you about them or something? You buy them in the park it says. How much and what do they do?



Well-Known Member
Last I heard they were $60. and not worth it in my opinion unless you have a young child. I know theres plenty of people who love Pal Mickey, just didn't impress me much


Well-Known Member
Pal Mickey is a really neat bit of technology. Whether he's worth it to you or not is a personal thing. Some people like him (I do) and some people don't. He's $60 and what happens is as he walks through the park, he picks up on transmitters located throughout all four parks. They trigger him to make a comment relating to the area you're in. Come off of Big Thunder and he'll talk about gold. Go near Buzz and he'll talk about defeating Zurg. That kind of thing. Mixed in are jokes, games and songs as well.

I find him fun. You can check out the Pal Mickey's grown-up Pal club at also for more info. Additionally, do a search since the topic's been covered in great detail here on the boards in the past.

the unofficial wdwmagic pal mickey expert,


New Member
Pal Mickey also offers park tips, like the parade starts in 30 minutes you still have time to find a good seat or the line at Pirates of the Caribbean is really short right now. He shakes a little when he has something to say and you press his hand. The games are a fun way to make time pass while in line. Yes, he's pricey...but we bought ours a couple of years ago and take him with us every trip.


Well-Known Member
as the 1.4 zillion threads here state (that you'd found if you searched via search) you can have much fun with it :D

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
dance2874 said:
I have a 4 yr old girl and this is her first not sure if it is worth it or not.
Well, it's not just something that is only for the parks, he works at home as well. Squeeze his hand and he tells jokes, he can be turned off, the batteries can be changed, and from what I've heard if he needs it there's a way to upgrade him so he changes with whatever is happening in the parks. So it's the gift that keeps on giving. Besides my wife finally got one and it's kinda cute. :D :animwink:


Well-Known Member
and from what I've heard if he needs it there's a way to upgrade him so he changes with whatever is happening in the parks.

nooooo *screams like a girl* not again ... why after so many threads comes this false informed topic on all the time :veryconfu

fixed phrases .. end of story .. still fun to have


Active Member
dance2874 said:
I have a 4 yr old girl and this is her first not sure if it is worth it or not.

We got Pal Mickey in 2003 when he first came out. My 16 yr old son and 15 and 13 year old nieces and 40 yr. old brother kept fighting over who could would carry him. We bring him back every year.


Well-Known Member
I wish they had PAL Mickey when I was a kid!! Then again when I go to WDW I'm a kid at heart, perhaps I'll buy one!! Can I rent a stroller for him so I don't have to carry him around the parks? :lol:


New Member
Found this thread very helpful and will consider getting one for our little guy.

One question: does he say the same thing over and over when (example) you revisit Buzz Lightyear?
We bought Pal Mickey on our last trip because my DH loves new toys especially if they involve technology. When we first bought him it took 3 Pal's before we got one that worked. Once we finally did receive a working one it was pretty neat, but he does say the same thing at the same times through out the park (no different Buzz messages, etc). We only got one ride update during the whole week. It was nice to hear goodmorning and goodnight when entering and leaving the park.

We let some of our family borrow him for their trips, the kids thought he was cute but quickly got tired of carrying him around because he can get a little heavy.

It was a nice thing to try, but I don't know if I would buy it again...once you have heard all they sayings in a park you have heard them all, so if you return to that park or walk back through certain areas you hear the same thing all over again.

Have fun on your trip!


Well-Known Member
One question: does he say the same thing over and over when (example) you revisit Buzz Lightyear?

some triggers are deactivated for some time .. some have replacement jokes

but I had a glitch on one place in mgm (where mermaid,disney animation and playhouse is ) we stood there for 5 min l.. and whenever I turned mickey towards mermaind entrance he giggled all the time .. over and over. . had no such glitches before or after that


New Member
dolbyman said:
some triggers are deactivated for some time .. some have replacement jokes

but I had a glitch on one place in mgm (where mermaid,disney animation and playhouse is ) we stood there for 5 min l.. and whenever I turned mickey towards mermaind entrance he giggled all the time .. over and over. . had no such glitches before or after that

:lol: That's pretty funny, actually!

Thanks for answering my question, guys. I think it's worth it for the little guy so will probably get one next trip.


Well-Known Member
dance2874 said:
I have a 4 yr old girl and this is her first not sure if it is worth it or not.

You used to be able to rent them at the stores in the Disney resorts. If you want to keep it, the rental applied to the purchase price and the'd give you a brand new Mickey, still in the box.


Well-Known Member
~LeeLee~ said:
Found this thread very helpful and will consider getting one for our little guy.

One question: does he say the same thing over and over when (example) you revisit Buzz Lightyear?

Depends on the location. He's programmed to play between alternate phrases for locations. We walked around Epcot twice one day with our Pal and he said different things in different places as he tracks what's been used. That is, the first time we walked past an attraction he said one phrase, the second time he may have told us a joke instead at the same location. He also tracked the fact that we walked all the way around. This was cool because he said something to the effect of "Thanks for carrying me all the way around the lagoon Pal." (It's been awhile since I've heard him unfortunately.) He also knows (if his nose is exposed since that's his IR sensor) if he's entering or leaving a park and makes comments accordingly.

Now as far as being re-programmed....though some people hea say he's fixed, that's not completely true. We had a problem when we first got our Mickey. We took him to the store and the re-flashed his firmware. I watched them do it...laying his poor little head on their oversized IR emitter. The process took a few minutes. Additionally, his communication link is bi-directional as they can query his unique ID and reflash him. So, can he be upgraded, absolutely! Do they upgrade him dynamically as you walk into a park or such?:veryconfu...only an engineer can confirm unless someone has heard Pal mention an attraction that's new that did not exist when they bought him. I'm going to test that this year as we didn't take Pal last year. If I hear anything about "Lights, Motors, Action", "Nemo & Friends", or specific reference to the new parade by name....the nay-sayers are busted.


Not old, just vintage.
I bought a "lightly used" Pal Mickey on eBay. I am going to take him for his first test run in WDW in 13 days. I hope he is worth it.

One problem however, whenever I turn him on at home, he just giggles and shakes repeatedly (kinda like he is having a seizure) Is he playing some kind of game or is mine fried?


Well-Known Member
tiggerific418 said:
I bought a "lightly used" Pal Mickey on eBay. I am going to take him for his first test run in WDW in 13 days. I hope he is worth it.

One problem however, whenever I turn him on at home, he just giggles and shakes repeatedly (kinda like he is having a seizure) Is he playing some kind of game or is mine fried?

I know when I turn mine on at home he does shake and giggle at first but then it stops. then when I press his hand or stomach he'll talk or play a game etc. If yours doesnt stop shaking and giggling I'd say there's something wrong with him. Just my opinion of course.

I bought a Pal last november and he was alot of fun but he did get a little heavy. I had him across my shoulder and by the 2nd day I decided to leave him at the room. So this time I'm going to bring him to the 2 parks I missed last time. But in the parks he really is cute.


Not old, just vintage.
Ok. Out of curiosity I just tried to play with mine again. I never got to use him in the parks but when he first came he was talking, etc. Then he went to this mode of jus giggling and shaking non stop. Now he just shakes constantly and makes a clicking noise (sorta like a CD skipping)

Is there some kind of repair program or is it just a lost cause?

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