Packing tips?


New Member
Ok 7 days and 6 nights with DH, DS (6), DD (8) and myself. I'm thinking alot of stuff. Any must haves from those moms out there.
I have already purchased lots of sunscreen and after sun aloe.
The misting fans from walmart and some easy and much cheaper disney treats. But come on any really good mom tips.

I know from last trip we all need a pair of sandals for pool and 2 pair of sneakers. A backup for when the other pair gets wet from the Florida rain.
If your kids like the smashed pennies, take plenty of quarters and pennies from home. This saves a lot of times looking for change. We used the M&M quarter containers. Worked Great. My son collected a lot of pennies for his book we bought there. He likes to look back at them and remember the trip. He is 7. The pop up hamper idea is great also. We just used mesh laundry bags ($1 at dollar store). Kept the room cleaner. Have Fun!:wave:
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Well-Known Member
A few things I always bring (along with my credit card):

A big can of home made trail mix and individual zip lock bags for each person - this snack has saved many a day when the kids are cranky from getting hungry while we're in a long queue.

Ponchos - I buy these at home and bring them with me. Mine is hot pink so that my guys can spot me in the crowd (I'm short).

I also give each child an enevolpe of $ when we arrive and tell them that they can spend it on anything they choose, but when it's gone - it's gone (and I stick to this rule - no exceptions!).

Of course, hats, meds, sunscreen, aloe, yadda, yadda, yadda.

Have fun!

P.S. I never do laundry while on vacation and don't understand people that do
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New Member
I am one of the crazy ones to do laundry while on vacation. I don't want to have to bring a huge amount of clothes since we fly, plus rather be able to get home and just unpack clean clothes into the closet instead of havig to do loads of laundry for hours on end. I woud rather only have to do a load or 2 instead of 5 or 6. I do my laundry at the resort about 1/2 - 3/4 of the way through the trip.

I just go to the dollar store and buy a small bottle of detergent usually enough for 5 loads and take that along with a roll of quarters, throw the clothes in the washer or dryer while hanging at the pool. Will definately be doing laundry if we get to go in January, since we will have a 3 month old at that time. We will have the stoller, possibly car seat, plus diaper bag, as well as at least 2 checked bags for all our stuff.
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We will have the stoller, possibly car seat, plus diaper bag, as well as at least 2 checked bags for all our stuff.[/quote]

Pack as may diapers as you can buy them at the parks but they are soooo expensive...and they only have Huggies. We also bought a lightweight stroller knowing we were going to have to carry it on and off the Disney bus and airport. We were glad we did.
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New Member
Thanks, I actually plan to pack lots of diapers. I have checked out the prices at the Disney stores and you don't get enough diapers for what they charge, especially with a newborn that will go through diapers like crazy. Since he will be so little can't go to an umbrella stroller, we are registered for a snap and go though just for this trip mostly for his car seat to snap into.
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Well-Known Member
If you watch the coupon slicks, you can usually get a $1 off coupon for Tide, and Target sells the tiny 5 oz. Tide for $1, so you can pick them up free with the coupon....
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Active Member
ErickainNJ said:
Thanks, I actually plan to pack lots of diapers. I have checked out the prices at the Disney stores and you don't get enough diapers for what they charge, especially with a newborn that will go through diapers like crazy. Since he will be so little can't go to an umbrella stroller, we are registered for a snap and go though just for this trip mostly for his car seat to snap into.

The snap & go is great and my sister used that as her stroller for the first few months as it was so much easier. Although I thought I read somewhere that Jeep makes an umbrella style stroller that reclines which is much better than the regular umbrella ones, maybe someone here knows.

If you do have an emergency for diapers, etc. I would suggest taking a taxi to the new Walmart on Rte 535 (going towards rte 192), it probably would be less costly than buying the stuff in Disney.
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Well-Known Member
On the last trip I brought some of the little drink mixes that you add to a bottle of water - picked them up at WalMart before we left and they worked out well. I also pack an empty tote back to carry home the extra stuff that we buy there.
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New Member
We're taking an 8 week old in September. I don't plan on taking too much. We have been to Disney so many times that we know what we will/won't need. We'll just take the essentials for him and us. I hate overpacking-we did that the first year and we were annoyed that we lugged all the extra things home.
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New Member
If you are flying, make sure you do not over pack your suitcase. When we fly, we only pack it about halfway so that we have room to bring back what we bought.

Also, buy all your meds, moleskin (which is great), hand sanitizers, gold bond foot powder, wash powder if you plan to do laundry (laundry can wait, I'm on vacation!), etc before you go. It is expensive to buy on property. Also make sure you have batteries for your camera, and extra film before you go too.

Also, if your kids are not big breakfast eaters, like mine, we bring his cereal in sandwich bags for each day.

We usually drive so we bring our own small fridge to keep some drinks cold in case we are too tired to get our mugs refilled. I have a 3 yr old and we take small toys, like happy meal toys, hot wheel cars, etc, for him to play with in line. If he loses it, its no big deal.

Hope this helps!:) :)
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Active Member
permanent dark Sharpie marker- this isn't technically an item to take to the park, but to use before entering the park....I take high school students to WDW every Easter and I have several who write my cell # on their upper inner arm! This would work very well in reuniting lost children with parents:cry:
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Active Member
Haha I can see that "Hi, my name is Tommy if you find me and I am alone I am lost, please call my mommy and daddy at 123-123-1234." hahahaha teenagers doing something similar to this would be even more funny :lol:
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I agree with pretty much all the stuff others have said. I do not do any wash while at Disney though, but the suggestions you've had regarding that are good, if you chose to wash while there.

I don't have children (yet!) but I've read many posts and articles about parents coming up with something to "tag" their children in case they get lost. One thing that is sticking out in my mind is something similar to a clear luggage tag and looping it through the belt loops on the child's shorts. On the card it would have information such as: your cell #, medical conditions the child has, and any other information you feel pertinent. Then, show the children how cast members dress and explain to them to look for the name-tags. Then, if the child does get lost, they can locate a cast member and show them the information on their card. I think I've also read about something similar being tied in the child's shoelaces.

We pack breakfast foods so we can eat in our room in the morning, which saves us paying for breakfast or using a dining credit. Things like, dry cereal, nutrigrain/granola bars, things like that. Milk can be purchased in the resort gift shop.

As others have said, sweatshirts or hoodie jackets are a must bring, any time of year. It could get cooler in the evenings, especially if it rains.

Have a fun trip!! :wave:
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New Member
:veryconfu Honestly, I don't understand why anyone would want to wash any clothes at any time while on vacation. I mean, that's the whole point of vacations: leaving all the household chores and labors behind for a week. And yes, I do have kids (2 daughters to be precise), and they do occasionally make a mess. But it's really not a big deal to pack 2 or 3 extra changes of clothes. Kids clothes really don't take up a lot of space, I know from experience. We never overpack, but we do bring enough extra changes to cover the "just in case" issues that may pop up. And we all only have one suitcase per person. You just have to pack wisely. You don't need 3 pairs of shoes. Really good pair of sandals and a really good pair of sneakers (which you'd probably wear on the trip down) are all that's required in footwear. More than that is just unnecessary and takes up space in the luggage. Also, you should put an empty gym bag or small duffle bag in one of your pieces of luggage to carry back any items you might purchase. I've heard this advice elsewhere before, and it works out great!:animwink:

Trust me, forget about the laundry thing. Go have fun!
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Original Poster
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks! You all are great!
I love the idea of packing all the clothes in as outfits. That way we don't forget socks(we did that for my daughter last trip, oops).

I also second the tip of a ziploc for your camera and camcorder as last year's trip to beach cost me my digital camera, oh darn we had to buy new one.
ha ha
But better beach than WDW. We also bought a very small dvd camcorder to take this time. Small enough to fit in pack. I think we will only carry this a few times, but we sure wish we had it last trip.
I am NOT doing laundry on vacation. I know a few of you swear by it, but II only get ONE vacation a year and only get to WDW every other year. I am playing the entire time. No chores, no laundry. I will do it all when I get home. Or make DH do it,LOL.Thanks for reminding me of chapstick and both kids and adult headache meds. I always pack the advil but good tip to bring kid stuff.

I like the one suitcase per person idea too. That way each can roll their own thru airport. My kids will love it.
I will pack a few snacks in our suitcases and just get water, juice boxes, pop at grocery stop.

Thanks again.
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New Member
Thanks. Thanks. Thanks! You all are great!
I love the idea of packing all the clothes in as outfits. That way we don't forget socks(we did that for my daughter last trip, oops).

I also second the tip of a ziploc for your camera and camcorder as last year's trip to beach cost me my digital camera, oh darn we had to buy new one.
ha ha
But better beach than WDW. We also bought a very small dvd camcorder to take this time. Small enough to fit in pack. I think we will only carry this a few times, but we sure wish we had it last trip.
I am NOT doing laundry on vacation. I know a few of you swear by it, but II only get ONE vacation a year and only get to WDW every other year. I am playing the entire time. No chores, no laundry. I will do it all when I get home. Or make DH do it,LOL.Thanks for reminding me of chapstick and both kids and adult headache meds. I always pack the advil but good tip to bring kid stuff.

I like the one suitcase per person idea too. That way each can roll their own thru airport. My kids will love it.
I will pack a few snacks in our suitcases and just get water, juice boxes, pop at grocery stop.

Thanks again.

:sohappy: You go, girl! That's right, you work hard enough all the other days of the year, you don't need to be doing laundry while you're supposed to be on vacation! My wife and I have never done it, and never will. Like you said, it can most certainly wait until you get home. This is your time; enjoy it!!
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Well-Known Member
Well, we do laundry on some of our trips. 2 out of the last 3 trips were 11+ days each, so we'd have had to bring 2 weeks worth of clothes and extras for "accidents"...knowing our girls will want to swim at least once per trip (usually more), we just split one watches the girls and one washes the clothes. no big deal. besides, I can't handle disorder and we take along the bongo bag to store the dirty clothes until laundry gets done. but short trips (week or less shouldn't be a big deal if you don't mind doing the laundry all at once when you get home).

With small kids, you might want to get each of them their own disposable camera so they can take some of their own photos. My girls love that.

If you do forget something you can pretty much get anything you need aside from chewing gum and tobacco (I think you can get cigars??), but of course you'll be paying a premium!
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