Packing Lists


Active Member
I love planning and packing list but i do not use them for every trip. For our two week trip i will def make an list. I should start on it soon actually. For clothing i usually pack day by day and adding some evening clothes as an extra at the end. Also i usually take 2-3 extra clothing sets for 'problem' you never know when you will get dirty so be sure to pack extra's. When it comes to cosmetics and stuff i pack by routine. So showergel.. shampoo... deodorant.. hairbrush etc... just go trough your whole routine to get ready and you want take too much or little.

Also you might want to make an essentials list with sunscreen, camera, chargers, medication.... Be sure to pack most essentials in you carry on luggage especially your medication and or glasses/contacts.

Always keep in mind that besides your essentials all other things can be bought. You'll be a stress free packer! And i actually never forgot anything important with that in mind. I guess that if you are trying to forget nothing to hard you will forget something.
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Susan Savia

Well-Known Member
I used to make a list, but in the 30 years we've been visiting the World, it's become routine what to pack. My only list consists of reminders for the house...fresh water for the animals daily, leave the blinds in living room open (cats like the sun) etc., as my daughter takes care of the house.
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Well-Known Member
I use my lists from previous years. I actually don't pack as many clothes as I use to. I do laundry twice during vaca while we are sitting around the pool, once in the middle of the week and once before we leave. (I, being the only woman in the family and in charge of packing, bring more;))

I have had a lot of great advice since I have been on this website. One of the best recommendations was to bring clothes pins to hang the swim wear. Just passing along the advice as long as we are dscussing packing:cool:
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Super structures are my specialty!
Premium Member
I'm a nerd and creature of habit and I admit it. I draft an itinerary, park hours, restarautns, flight info, etc.. on the computer for each trip and save it. For the next trip I work off that boilerplate and modify it, then save that one too. I do the same with a packing list. While we are there, if we took something and didn't use it at all I make a note of it. Likewise if we found we wanted something we didn't' bring that time, I make a note of that and it gets added to the list for next time. It evolves a little but I work off the same main list of staples. We went down for MVMCP and that threw me for a loop. Whole different time of year and season.
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Well-Known Member
I made a master packing list for our last trip (based on some "ultimate packing lists" I found online), which I pared down ruthlessly as our trip got nearer. It worked beautifully, so I'll be using the same one this time around.

We are light packers, taking only 1 carryon bag and 1 "personal item" (purse or backpack) apiece. We've found that a small, 21" carryon (per person) has plenty of room for our clothes for a week (for me: shirts for each day, shorts to be worn twice each, one swimsuit, one sundress that doubles as a swimsuit cover-up, 1 pair sandals, socks and undies, all organized in mesh packing "cubes"), plus a few toiletries and sunblock, meds, miscellaneous items (e.g., wet wipes, clothespins, a nightlight, empty laundry bag, cell phone chargers) and breakfast items, since we eat breakfast in our room (mini cereal boxes, granola bars, dry flavored coffee creamer, disposable bowls and plastic spoons -- we buy milk at the resort). We wear our bulkiest clothes to travel (sneakers, pants, a fleece jacket) and bring other miscellaneous items (cameras, extra batteries, books or toys, for the kids etc.) in our "personal items." Honestly, that is all you need. If you find that you just don't have enough clothes, laundry facilities and supplies (and even your hotel sink - I'm told that the Disney shampoo works nicely as a light detergent, in a pinch) are readily available if you need them. As a previous poster said, you don't need to worry if you forget something: there is virtually nothing you can't borrow or buy once you get to Disney World.

For me, a good list takes all the stress out of vacation planning. Once I'm satisfied that the list covers all the essentials, I can rest easy, knowing that once all those items are packed and checked off, I cannot have forgotten anything important.
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Well-Known Member
I am an over planner, OCD Disney freak! I always start in advance with the itinerary, which park, parade, fireworks according to crowd level for each day. I’m up in the early morning to make our dining reservations and like to create an index cards with the times and confirmation numbers of our dining reservations for my DH to carry in his wallet. We’ve actually used it several times! I always make a packing list several weeks in advance. We always bring more than enough but you never know when you might need something. Some important things I have needed while on vacation was Band-Aids/moleskin and hydrocortisone cream. Some of you may think this is crazy but bring a flashlight. We stayed at BC one year and a tropical storm hit and the lights went out. Being organized and planning ahead will make your trip more enjoyable!
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Pooh Lover

Well-Known Member
I have a "cruise list" and a "WDW list" that I keep on my computer and print off every year. I also do a WDW calendar that lists all flight info, limo info, ADR numbers and times, park/parade hours and where we are headed each day. OCD a little? No, A LOT!
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Jessica Meier

Well-Known Member
I am obsessive as well. When I went away for college, I was packed for 3 months before I left. Sad but true. Disney Trips give me an excuse to pack and organize. Maybe that is the real reason I love going!
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New Member
I am an over planner as well. I have check lists saved from previous trips on my computer.Then I make another list from what worked and what did not. I also love to look at other people's Disney packing lists. I always find something that could be useful!
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Well-Known Member
Much depends on when we're going, what special things we're doing and where we're dining. I much prefer packing for summer trips b/c i can just pack for one season and the clothes are lighter...still, 2-3 outfits per day for me and the girls. DH Is on his own and can pack whatever he'd like :p Beyond that- I have sublists for cameras, hair stuff, makeup, summer comfort things (like sunblock, aloe, hats, bodyglide, etc), meds - especially our emergency allergy stuff (hence why last trip I left the generic first aid kit on the bed :rolleyes: at home), summer stuff (suits, goggles, etc), and so on. It's really all in the seasonal sublists. :D
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