Packed Lunch Ideas?

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Cosmo said:
... but the water tastes and smells fine! My inlaws were visiting from AZ recently and didn't mention anything about it.

Arizona water isn't any better than Florida water. Arizona IS in the desert, and most people I know who live there drink bottled water or have a filter system of some sort. The stuff from the tap is totally nasty.

My guess is that you all are used to inferior water.

Water should not have a smell to it, and it shouldn't be cloudy when it comes out of the tap.


on the plus side, the more of you guys from out of state who buy bottled water, the more $$ you contribute to the tax rolls and (hopefully) the less I have to drink up!!! :p :lol:

let me just apologize before i hurt someone's feelings. I'm normally a pretty laid back guy, but my biggest pet peeve is people who come to florida and complain about stuff! (weather, water, whatever!) it just drives me batty. I don't want you here! If you don't like it so much just go away. Especially people who actually live here and refer to it as terrible and talk about how much they hate it! I just don't get that. Once again, i apologize if i've ticked anyone off...I will now get down off my soapbox. :rolleyes:

"Leaving Florida? Take a Friend!" :fork: (sorry, couldn't resist! :p )

..just having a bad day... :cry: please ignore me.


Well-Known Member
Cosmo said:
ok..a little off -topic, but i keep reading about how people hate the water. i don't get it. it tastes fine. what's the deal? Granted, I grew up in FL (thank GOD!) but the water tastes and smells fine! My inlaws were visiting from AZ recently and didn't mention anything about it.

Must be that the water up north is rank and y'all just aren't used to good water! :lol:

The water in Florida has a sulfur taste to me. My water here comes from a spring fed lake and even though its treated sometimes it still tastes like lake water. :hurl:

Now my inlaws live near Tampa & the water there tastes fine to me. *shrugs*


New Member
A peanut butter and jelly on a thick rich whole bread, nuts and cashews, fruit, cheese and water is actually quite filling for me, and none of it needs to be refridgerated! :)

Yellow Shoes

Well-Known Member
Cosmo said:
I'm normally a pretty laid back guy, but my biggest pet peeve is people who come to florida and complain about stuff! (weather, water, whatever!) it just drives me batty. I don't want you here! If you don't like it so much just go away. .

I totally agree with you. It makes me nutty as well.

If you're going to complain, at least have the class to do it in the privacy of your hotel room or car.

Don't insult your "hosts"--the residents of Florida.

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