Oy. I might be "That Guy."

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The guy that looks like he doesn't need any assistance like a wheelchair, but does and then provokes the ire of everyone around him for "cheating the system."
I've been diagnosed as having a herniated disc, L3-L4. It's irritating the nerve that runs down my right leg. It's a bit like sciatica. It often feels like something is reaching in my leg and yanking up on it. I can be just standing and then all of a sudden need to lift my right leg like a flamingo. For the past few weeks it's been practically all-consuming. Just agony. I'm seeing a pain specialist and chiropractor and acupuncturist. Apparently, despite decent blood pressure and a low pulse, I am a ball of tension and can relax to the point where a chiropractic adjustment can take the pressure off that nerve to stop the pain in my leg.

I received a painkiller injection last week. I could get another, though a side effect is a raise in my blood sugar; I can be practically on an atkins diet and still have higher blood sugar than I ought to have. So I'm trying to exercise as much as I can (which isn't much) to strengthen my core and make it easier to get the back-crack I need to get to stop irritating the nerve.

The insult to injury - it hurts to pick up and hold my children. To say No, I can't pick you up Daddy's back hurts, to a 2 year old, is like saying I reject you and withhold love from you. Lot of tears in the house until I can get to a couch or on the floor and give hugs.

On top of all this, we're planning our WDW trip. At this point, never mind the kids, *I'VE* been looking forward to this trip too much to cancel it. Even with the 20 hour drive, I won't let this get in the way of going. But I worry that the standing in line is going to be agony if the injected painkiller starts wearing off. If that happens, my doctors told me I should get a wheelchair, plus then my 2 year old can at least be on my lap which will take pressure off my back versus standing and holding her. But I can already hear the comments from other guests - I'm not in a cast, my legs are attached to my body, I show no outside symptoms of injury, no shaking, no nerve damage bending my leg in unnatural ways, etc. Therefore I must be faking it for sympathy and line cutting privileges (yeah, I know, FP+, you still wait, blah blah blah, it's all perception vs reality), hey where did you get your wheelchair, loser I want to cut in line too, etc. Wow, you sure got out of that wheelchair easy, jerk, too good to wait in line with the rest of us?

I gotta get better. Either that or a fake cast so I "look the part."


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about what others think. They don't know the circumstances. Last September my mom used a wheelchair most of the time while we were there. She was able to get up easily and didn't look like she was that bad off. I know we got the looks from others, but didn't care because we knew the cancer made it difficult for her to be able to stand for periods of time.

let people think what they want. You are not there to impress them. You are there to have a good time with Mrs. slappy and the kids.


Well-Known Member
.......other people. You don't answer to them. They're not out anything by you using equipment that is needed. It's none of their business anyway. The fact that you're even worried about this proves you are most definitely not "that guy" because that guy wouldn't give it a second thought. Focus on your family and your trip, and ignore anyone who thinks they know what you're doing.

I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I've seen enough people go through that to know it's not fun. Feel better soon!


Well-Known Member
We've been wondering along the same lines ourselves as my wife has been receiving sacroiliac joint injection for chronic pain (not successful) and will be receiving RF ablation of the SI joint (denervation) next. It's the standing and walking that will pose the problem. Otherwise she looks as healthy as can be! We don't want our kids to have to hear the snide comments that are bound to be spouted.

slappy magoo

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Thanks all. Were it just me alone, or just my wife and me, I wouldn't care as much. As you may have noticed with my time here, I don't mind the occasional confrontation if I think I'm in the right :D
But I don't want my kids having to deal with comments from strangers, and as we all know, there's no shortage of pantloads anywhere on Earth even at WDW.


Well-Known Member
I am going to tell you what I tell my husband. He doesn't listen so don't feel like you have too ;) Will you ever see any of these people again? Who cares what they think. This is what is important...you will blink and your 2 year old will be 20 (it happens I know). It is important to spend quality time with that child now with as little pain as possible so you have fun too.

My husband uses a walker and will NOT use a scooter no matter how much I beg and plead. I have even told him to at least use a wheelchair but he won't. Frankly, I am beginning to think he likes playing the martyr to my Disney obsession. Okay that was mean, sorry.


Well-Known Member

Full stop, folks.

If your kid was in pain and needed a wheelchair, would you want them to be toughing it out in agony so that rude strangers wouldn't make remarks? Of course not. It is absolutely not acceptable to reject necessary medical care/assistance for fear of what strangers might say, and it's a terrible lesson to teach children.

It's okay to need a wheelchair. It's okay to need an insulin pump, a pacemaker or a cane. If you need to sit down for a few minutes, that's fine. It doesn't matter if strangers stare or make comments, just behave normally and try to be patient with people who are ignorant. There is literally no way to avoid being judged at WDW or any other public place: your clothes, your weight, hairstyle, type of stroller, number of children, lack of children, brand of sunglasses and beverage are all good enough reasons for a nasty or insecure person to make snide comments.

Do not give those people power. Listen to your doctors about pain management. Get your wheelchair if you need one. Anyone who doesn't like it can go straight to...

...the hotel pool for a swim. (Because this is Disney.)

Gig 'Em Mickey

Well-Known Member
I went a whole week at disney with a herniated l5-s1. The pain sucks, but activity can actually help, in my case.
That said, who cares what other think. You're there to enjoy your vacation. As long as you're considerate of others while hot-rodding in your cart you'll be fine. ; )

From someone who's been in your position though, the steroid shots can help some, but ice and stretches are going to be your best friend. If it's actually herniated get it fixed. I tried all the conservative treatments, and my bulge eventually herniated. I had a microdiscectomy. Easy as pie and fixed me up. And a chiropractor and accupuncture is unlikely to address the actualy cause though it might temporarily mask the symptom.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all. Were it just me alone, or just my wife and me, I wouldn't care as much. As you may have noticed with my time here, I don't mind the occasional confrontation if I think I'm in the right :D
But I don't want my kids having to deal with comments from strangers, and as we all know, there's no shortage of pantloads anywhere on Earth even at WDW.
I understand. But, on the flip-side, this could also be used as a learning experience for the kiddos. Even if it's not a lesson learned right now down the road your kids will know a person's medical needs can't always be seen from the outside. "Remember when my back was messed up & I needed the ECV?" In the moment if people are being DBs to you or being rude that's a fabulous opportunity to teach the kiddos how not to act. Or how a grown-up handles jerks as they'll surely have their share of experiences with jerk kids on the playground someday. Your example would be the one they base their behavior on.

I say don't add this stress to your already full load of burden to bear in life. Go. Enjoy. Do what you need to. Don't live by what the jack-weeds of the world might or might not have to say. Hold your head high and keep on trucking. Let the jerks be the jerks they are and you just do you. K?


Well-Known Member
The guy that looks like he doesn't need any assistance like a wheelchair, but does and then provokes the ire of everyone around him for "cheating the system."
I've been diagnosed as having a herniated disc, L3-L4. It's irritating the nerve that runs down my right leg. It's a bit like sciatica. It often feels like something is reaching in my leg and yanking up on it. I can be just standing and then all of a sudden need to lift my right leg like a flamingo. For the past few weeks it's been practically all-consuming. Just agony. I'm seeing a pain specialist and chiropractor and acupuncturist. Apparently, despite decent blood pressure and a low pulse, I am a ball of tension and can relax to the point where a chiropractic adjustment can take the pressure off that nerve to stop the pain in my leg.

I received a painkiller injection last week. I could get another, though a side effect is a raise in my blood sugar; I can be practically on an atkins diet and still have higher blood sugar than I ought to have. So I'm trying to exercise as much as I can (which isn't much) to strengthen my core and make it easier to get the back-crack I need to get to stop irritating the nerve.

The insult to injury - it hurts to pick up and hold my children. To say No, I can't pick you up Daddy's back hurts, to a 2 year old, is like saying I reject you and withhold love from you. Lot of tears in the house until I can get to a couch or on the floor and give hugs.

On top of all this, we're planning our WDW trip. At this point, never mind the kids, *I'VE* been looking forward to this trip too much to cancel it. Even with the 20 hour drive, I won't let this get in the way of going. But I worry that the standing in line is going to be agony if the injected painkiller starts wearing off. If that happens, my doctors told me I should get a wheelchair, plus then my 2 year old can at least be on my lap which will take pressure off my back versus standing and holding her. But I can already hear the comments from other guests - I'm not in a cast, my legs are attached to my body, I show no outside symptoms of injury, no shaking, no nerve damage bending my leg in unnatural ways, etc. Therefore I must be faking it for sympathy and line cutting privileges (yeah, I know, FP+, you still wait, blah blah blah, it's all perception vs reality), hey where did you get your wheelchair, loser I want to cut in line too, etc. Wow, you sure got out of that wheelchair easy, jerk, too good to wait in line with the rest of us?

I gotta get better. Either that or a fake cast so I "look the part."

My husband has the same thing - he actually has herniations in L3-L4 and L4-L5. He has the numbness down his leg, pins and needles that won't go away - it's brutal. We went to WDW in February and he used a scooter (we used scootaround.com - they were fantastic). It was tough negotiating the crowds in MK but for the other parks - and getting to EPCOT from Beach Club - it was a necessity. He also went to the hot tub EVERY DAY in the afternoon for 15-30 minutes and when he came back to the room used a TENS unit I picked up at Target for around $30 and put more heat on it (we have a microwavable heat wrap and WDW gave us a microwave). The walking was tough but moving around actually helped with his pain. Be VERY careful with lifting things even if you start to feel better. He had slow progress and actually got to the point where he was feeling minimal pain and decided to have a truckload of mulch delivered and he has had constant pain since April. Good luck - I know it's not easy.


Well-Known Member
Try and not worry about what you might hear from other people. That's hard to do but their crazy opinions on that would just be stupid and ignorant. Hopefully you and your family will be too busy enjoying WDW to hear any judgmental comments. There probably won't be any anyway. I hope there wouldn't be.


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake once, a few months after I had my leg injury. I had been scheduled to accompany my Daughter and Son in law and two grandchildren to WDW. I didn't go because I felt that since I could get up and walk and even stand for a while, I couldn't do it for long periods of time, I would be subject to the wrath of others. I was sure that if I rented a scooter, because that is what I needed, I would be looked at and judged as being either a cheat or a lazy fat slob.

I do regret my decision to stay home instead of going with them. I thought later that I really wasn't going to use it for much of anything except getting from attraction to attraction, parking it and joining the regular line. I, however, thought that would draw even more attention to it.

The moral of the story... Screw what everyone else thinks. They don't have to live your life or experience your pain. Flip them a "mental" digital response:devilish: and go on your merry way. I know that, if I had it to do again, that would be my approach.:)


Well-Known Member
I understand your feeling about how everyone else will view you. I have MG and it's very hard for me at times to stand in line as my muscles fatigue easily. I don't "look" like I would need a chair and have struggled with justifying it as well. I have not used a chair but hang on to my DH to keep my balance. We have a trip very soon and we've talked about " what if I can't do it this time", he just says if we have to get a wheelchair we will!! Get the chair and enjoy !!!!


Well-Known Member
The guy that looks like he doesn't need any assistance like a wheelchair, but does and then provokes the ire of everyone around him for "cheating the system."
I've been diagnosed as having a herniated disc, L3-L4. It's irritating the nerve that runs down my right leg. It's a bit like sciatica. It often feels like something is reaching in my leg and yanking up on it. I can be just standing and then all of a sudden need to lift my right leg like a flamingo. For the past few weeks it's been practically all-consuming. Just agony. I'm seeing a pain specialist and chiropractor and acupuncturist. Apparently, despite decent blood pressure and a low pulse, I am a ball of tension and can relax to the point where a chiropractic adjustment can take the pressure off that nerve to stop the pain in my leg.

I received a painkiller injection last week. I could get another, though a side effect is a raise in my blood sugar; I can be practically on an atkins diet and still have higher blood sugar than I ought to have. So I'm trying to exercise as much as I can (which isn't much) to strengthen my core and make it easier to get the back-crack I need to get to stop irritating the nerve.

The insult to injury - it hurts to pick up and hold my children. To say No, I can't pick you up Daddy's back hurts, to a 2 year old, is like saying I reject you and withhold love from you. Lot of tears in the house until I can get to a couch or on the floor and give hugs.

On top of all this, we're planning our WDW trip. At this point, never mind the kids, *I'VE* been looking forward to this trip too much to cancel it. Even with the 20 hour drive, I won't let this get in the way of going. But I worry that the standing in line is going to be agony if the injected painkiller starts wearing off. If that happens, my doctors told me I should get a wheelchair, plus then my 2 year old can at least be on my lap which will take pressure off my back versus standing and holding her. But I can already hear the comments from other guests - I'm not in a cast, my legs are attached to my body, I show no outside symptoms of injury, no shaking, no nerve damage bending my leg in unnatural ways, etc. Therefore I must be faking it for sympathy and line cutting privileges (yeah, I know, FP+, you still wait, blah blah blah, it's all perception vs reality), hey where did you get your wheelchair, loser I want to cut in line too, etc. Wow, you sure got out of that wheelchair easy, jerk, too good to wait in line with the rest of us?

I gotta get better. Either that or a fake cast so I "look the part."

I'm so sorry to here this! OUCH!!

Don't worry about what others think. You need to mend your body and enjoy your trip!!

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