Overhaul of Disney's Hollywood Studios (open brainstorming)


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Actually, I'm finding DHS has virtually no space. When you take out the Backlot Tour, there's room for about 2 major attractions. that's it. Taking out the Indy Stuntshow leaves you with virtually the same situation, though one big ride, and one rather small one...the park was placed in litterally the worst possibly place int he world.

I do semi-agree a few more thrill rides wouldn't hurt DHS at all. But for everything thrill ride a familyfriendly attraction/dark ride should be added...

So this means no Toontown at all can be placed here?


Well-Known Member
So this means no Toontown at all can be placed here?

Wait, why? ToonTown can definately be placed here, along with the darkride (I labeld it as a Roger Rabbit darkride) in the Narnia Soundstage...as can the Classic Mickey Mouse darkride, the Monsters Inc coaster, the UP darkride, the Muppet Darkride, and a possible SciFi darkride where Indy was (though maybe not...idk).

As for new thrillrides, we'd have the Indy Coaster, the Capt America EMV, and the Marvel Comics darkride (very much like Spiderman), and a possible new SciFi thrill ride depending on if we were to expand into the current Cast Parking or not...

There's room for everything we want.


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Wait, why? ToonTown can definately be placed here, along with the darkride (I labeld it as a Roger Rabbit darkride) in the Narnia Soundstage...as can the Classic Mickey Mouse darkride, the Monsters Inc coaster, the UP darkride, the Muppet Darkride, and a possible SciFi darkride where Indy was (though maybe not...idk).

As for new thrillrides, we'd have the Indy Coaster, the Capt America EMV, and the Marvel Comics darkride (very much like Spiderman), and a possible new SciFi thrill ride depending on if we were to expand into the current Cast Parking or not...

There's room for everything we want.

But you just said that there was no room left and the park was very poorly placed.
If I'm not mistaken, I belive Tracy ride was to be located on Sunset Blvd, but Idk for sure...

Oh yeah I didn't mean HoM wouldn't be great on Hollywood Blvd...actually though, it'd be Sunset if it were replaceing B&B, which that's perfect too. Perhaps we could bring back the Stars and Cars parade, and every evening have a Joan Rivers like interviewer standing outside commenting on their clothes, etc. as the cars drive up and the characters enter the building. I really like that actually. I'm convinced hahaha HoM should be on sunset.
As for Marvel, that'd be cool, but I'm kinda thinkin that maaaybe it'd be better to do away with the Backlot Tour, build an Adventure Studios area where you'd find an Indiana Jones Rollercoaster, a Capt America EMV Jeep attraction (Capt America would find himself in the South Pacific saving American POW's during WWII), maybe there could be a PotC attraction, and then for dining perhaps we could have Rick's Cafe Americain from Casablanca...Up would be a perfect attraction to transition Pixar Studios and Adventure Studios.
Of course with a new IJ coaster would allow for the closing of stuntshow, freeing up land for a new attraction to complete the SciFi Studios.
Other Marvel attractions would be located in the New York Studios, replacing Lights Motors Action.

Oh, and I love the idea for Bolt :)

So lets recap. Lemme know if you guys think something should be changed/done differently or if this is kinda where you all were going too...

Disney('s) Hollywood (Adventure?) --I have no idea what the name of the park should be...This is just a concpet name, nothing official. If you have ideas please throw em out here cuz we need em! haha

I'm just wondering, does everyone agree the Sorcerer's Hat needs to be removed or at the very least relocated and the Chinese Theatre should return to being the park's centerpiece?

(Hollywood Blvd)
The Great Movie Ride
The Hollywood Brown Derby--restaurant

(Sunset Blvd)
The House of Mouse--restaurant (to replace B&B)
Tower of Terror
Rock 'n' Rollercoaster

(Echo Lake)
The American Idol Experience--Actually, I really love this attraction, but it's a bit of a stretch to say it fits with the Hollywoodland theme (though it isn't the worst stretch in the world) and it doesn't fit at all with the SciFi Studios theme.
50's PrimeTime Cafe--restaurant

Toon Studios
(Animation Ctyd)
Playhouse Disney
Magic of Disney Animation (new dark ride through classic Disney Shorts) (to replace the Animation Tour)
Bolt (to replace VotLM)

One Man's Dream

(ToonTown) (behind Bolt, OMD, and Pixar Studios)
ToonTown M&G's

Roger Rabbit's ToonTown Trolley Tour--simulator attraction...mostly because there's no room for anything else where ToonTown is being placed...

Pixar Studios
Toy Story Mania
Monsters Inc Coaster (located in old soundstage)
Up darkride (located where current Backlot Tour entrance is.

Adventure Studios (replace most of the Backlot Tour)
Captain America EMV darkride
Raiders of the Lost Ark rollercoaster
Rick's Cafe Americain--restaurant

New York Studios
Marvel attraction(s) (Xmen, Spiderman, Ironman...not sure which one(s)) (to replace LMA)
Honey I Shrunk The Kids Playset--I think there's enough room to build a new broadway theatre in this location...maybe we could bring a shortend broadway version of B&B in the park and put it in this location...I'm not totally sure though.
Enchanted Parade
Marvel M&G's

Muppet Studios
Muppet Vision 3D
Muppet darkride (to replace Mamma Melrose...maaaaybe. Actually, maybe replace the Hunchback Theatre)
The Great Gonzo's Pizza Pandamonium--restaurant (to replace PizzaPlanet)
Muppet M&G's

SciFi Studios
Star Tours
SciFi Drive-In Diner--restaurant
Backlot Express--restaurant (should be refurbished kind of like the Blockbuster Cafe in Walt Disney Studios Paris...with themed rooms based around SciFi films, for example, one room looks like the Mos Eisley Cantina, with props from the Star Wars movies...)
Sounds Dangerous
Indiana Jones Stuntshow

Now that we got that sorted out, which attractions will remain and which ones will be replaced. Up top is a list of the lands to be included in the newly rethemed park, along with a list of attractions. I replaced stuff we've already talked about replacing with new attractions (highlighted in green), and highlighted in red which old attractions I believe should be replaced...what do you guys think. And is this kinda what you were imagining or am I waaaay off?? lol

major flaws here. they cant use marvel in Disney parks in the east coast of the united states and if they replace pizza planet the attendance in that area of the park is gonna go wayyyyyy down


Well-Known Member
major flaws here. they cant use marvel in Disney parks in the east coast of the united states and if they replace pizza planet the attendance in that area of the park is gonna go wayyyyyy down

Yeah, I know, but I figure this is Blue Sky Imagineering lol so why not just go for it. It's why only two of the major additions involve Marvel Characters really. And to be honest, if we were to keep this more realistic, there's no reason the Capt America ride couldn't be traded in for a Curse of the Black Pearl ride, or even an Incredibles Attraction, and the Marvel ride could maybe be a Gangster Shootout or something.
As for PizzaPlannet, I think you underestimate the Muppets, they're really making quite the comeback. And I think that new Muppet Movie is only going to solidify their comeback. On top of that, PizzaPlannet really isn't anything special. The Great Gonzo's Pizza Pandimonium would be so detailed and so incredibly themed that it'd almost be an attraction in itself. I believe that a good attraction's a good attraction and can stand on it's own without a pop icon like Toy Story. Then there's the fact that the theme doesn't fit at all. Finally, with the brand new Muppet E-Ticket Dark Ride opening back there, a newly rethemed New York St complete with a Broadway Theatre and a Major E-Ticket (Marvel or not), etc...well I can guarentee crowds will wanna come visit this area of the theme park.


Well-Known Member
But you just said that there was no room left and the park was very poorly placed.

And I stand by that statement. The park is very cramped, and there's very little room for expansion. Take a look for yourself...

(put it in bird's eye view to best see what I mean...)

The park is litterally bordered by major streets along the areas where expansion should be possible, and on the other side is a hotel, which has a parking lot a whole intersection away from the Fantasmic stage. The location and layout of the park was designed to be a movie studio...

With the current plans we're coming up with, we've pretty well done all that can be done...we're doing alot for such a tiny little space...


Well-Known Member
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And I stand by that statement. The park is very cramped, and there's very little room for expansion. Take a look for yourself...

(put it in bird's eye view to best see what I mean...)

The park is litterally bordered by major streets along the areas where expansion should be possible, and on the other side is a hotel, which has a parking lot a whole intersection away from the Fantasmic stage. The location and layout of the park was designed to be a movie studio...

With the current plans we're coming up with, we've pretty well done all that can be done...we're doing alot for such a tiny little space...

So if the park is so locked in like you say (and the view indicates), how can we put in a Toontown? It would probably end up being less impressive than even Toontown Fair.


Well-Known Member
So if the park is so locked in like you say (and the view indicates), how can we put in a Toontown? It would probably end up being less impressive than even Toontown Fair.
I really wish that map was bigger. I have it all drawn out, in waht I believe would be a realistic and plausable way to bring it to DHS...


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A darkride, restaurants, and M&G's. It may be possible to squeez another ride back there...

So only two rides, some restaurants and meet-n-greets? I have a sneaking suspicion that this Toontown might end up being less impressive than the one at Disneyland or even the MK's old Toontown Fair.

Anyway, I was originally thinking of having some of the rides from Toy Story Playland (at Walt Disney Studios Paris and soon to be added to Hong Kong Disneyland) be added to this Toontown. You can look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toy_Story_Playland. But in this case, the themes of the rides would be replaced by more appropriate themes to fit in with the land.

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