Our Not-So-Merry Thanksgiving Vacation

This past week was my 26th vacation to WDW, and it was a complete disaster. :lol: I will attempt to put a coherent trip report together while still recovering emotionally.

My sister and I both had pretty horrible things going on in our lives over the past year and a half. In an effort to get away from the gloom and doom, our parents decided to take both of our families to Disney World for Thanksgiving 2011. They paid for all the airfare, hotels, tickets, etc. and our only job was to show up and have a good time. My sister's family and my parents live in upstate NY and I live in southern California. We were all very excited about the trip, and spent the last 6 months planning and obsessing. We were spending Thursday through Sunday at Pop Century and then moving to Fort Wilderness to go camping through Thanksgiving.

So here's who came ("the cast" or whatever it's supposed to be called in these things):

*Jerry - my dad
*Nancy - my mom
Cali - my sister
Gabe - my sister's husband
Sierra (5) - my niece
Jeffery (2) - my nephew
*Zachary (7 months) - my nephew
*Laura - me
*James - my boyfriend and best friend, also a forum member (NemoRocks)
Dylan (10) - my son
Abby (8) - my daughter

The asterisks signify the lucky people who did NOT end up with gastroenteritis on the trip.

I told my dad I'd contribute to the expense of the trip by purchasing an annual pass for myself and using it for discounts. I already had a Premium Annual Pass to Disneyland, so it was only $275 to upgrade to the Premier Passport. A couple days before departure, James and I went up to Disneyland to take care of the upgrade. While there we also did some shopping, rode Star Tours, and watched the holiday fireworks, which was nice.

Random note: the photography in this trip report will be pretty diverse. I did carry around my SLR a few times, but I just wasn't in a photography mood and didn't bring any extra lenses or anything and didn't feel like messing with camera settings. I guess I'm at the point where I've been to Disney so many times I've already photographed everything there is to photograph and now I'm just "meh" about the whole thing and didn't want to put any effort into it. I just wanted to enjoy myself and not worry about impressing the internet when I got home. So about 1/3 of the pictures in this report will be from my SLR. Shortly before the trip James bought a new compact digital camera, and honestly, it's a piece of crap and takes godawful pictures. So another 1/3 of the pictures will be what I was able to salvage from his memory card. And lastly, I had an iPhone on me, and when I didn't have my SLR and wanted a picture of something I used the phone. So the last 1/3 will be those kind of pictures. James might have more pictures from his iPhone too and he can add them later if he so desires.

Anyway, so the day before the trip I got my email to check in for the flights and discovered a lovely surprise. Though we had booked our flights back in May and had reserved 4 seats together, they decided to give our seats away for whatever reason and scattered us around the plane. They put me and my 10 year old in one part of the plane, James in another part, and my 8 year old in another part! Oh boy, was I ever furious. We just had to hope people would be kind enough to switch seats with us.

For me, James, Dylan, and Abby, vacation officially began at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday night (Nov 16th). We headed up the road to BJ's Brewhouse for dinner, before continuing on to San Diego to spend the night.


(Abby at BJ's)

We stayed at the "Vagabond Inn," which was surprisingly nice for a cheap motel. We tried to sleep at much as possible before the alarm went off at 4 a.m. We made it out the door around 5:15 and parked in the off-site airport parking lot we always park in, which requires a shuttle bus over to the airport. That was a disaster. The bus driver stopped to pick up every single person in the lot, whether they fit in the bus or not. And of course every single person had about 3 suitcases that had to be brought in and put in the storage rack, which took forever, and there was no room for anyone to move. It must have taken us a good 45 minutes just to leave the parking lot, and then another 15 minutes just to get everyone who was getting out at Terminal 1 and their luggage out of the bus. By the time we got to the Delta terminal, we were VERY late.

We then rushed through the airport and waited half an hour through the massive security line. We finally made it up to the front of the line with about 15 minutes to go before our flight left. Just as we were starting to put our carry-ons on the belt, 5 self-important members of a flight crew felt they were entitled to cut in front of us in the line, which delayed us another 10 minutes. We even told them, "hey, we're about to miss our flight!" and they just shrugged and smiled and continued to shove their way ahead of us. Jerks.

We made it to the plane just in time, and thankfully some people were willing to switch seats so my 8 year old would not be sitting alone. James and the kids were all able to sit together while I sat in a middle seat on the other side of the aisle between 2 strangers. I was angry that I didn't get to talk to or spend time with my family throughout the 4 hour flight, but I couldn't think of anyone to scream at, so I just kept my nasty thoughts of hatred of Delta to myself. :lookaroun (Really though, this seems to have been an isolated incident. I almost always fly Delta and have never had a problem except this one time.) I kept myself amused by watching this very drunk, low-class woman across the aisle order beer after beer (at 7 in the morning). One flight attendant would tell her "sorry, you've had enough", so she'd wait for another unsuspecting attendant to come by and order another one. The poor man sitting beside her looked horrified.

During a very rushed Atlanta layover we quickly grabbed some Chik Fil A to eat on the plane and immediately boarded the flight to Orlando. We actually got to sit together in the original seats we had booked (imagine that). We touched down in Orlando around 4 p.m., having lost 3 hours of the day from crossing time zones. The Magical Express line was soooooo long.



After a grueling 60 second wait, we boarded the bus to Pop Century.

I was all like, "hey I'm gonna take a million annoying instagram pictures during the trip!"

But then I forgot I said that so that was the only one I took. :lookaroun

Yay, vacation!

We made it

Our room was easy to find. Everyone else in the group had arrived a few hours earlier than us, and my mother had decorated all the doors.

The bag on the door was filled with coloring books, crayons, candy, and other fun stuff. We then headed over to the other rooms where everyone else was and said hello. My mother handed us our refillable mugs from the free dining plan and some delicious Mickey Mouse cake pops that she had made.


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Next we headed to Universe of Energy to kill 37 minutes until the rest of the group arrived at Epcot.

James desperately wanted me to recreate his favorite picture of me from 1984.

Meh…I tried. :lol:

We spent like an hour shopping at Mouse Gear, still waiting for the rest of the group to get there, and Abby ended up buying a backscratcher of all things. (We had given her a bunch of Disney dollars as a reward for completing the triple mountain whammy challenge.) She just LOVED that backscratcher and played with it incessantly for the next several hours. :lol:

The group finally showed up and told me about some trouble they had with a cast member at the monorail station. They were waiting in line to board the monorail to Epcot and Dylan was trying his best to help them with the babies and strollers. In the process of trying to help, he had accidentally bumped into a gate, which apparently had triggered some sort of sensor that made the monorail stop. An old lady cast member came running over and started going berserk on Dylan, screaming at him and saying horrible things to him, scaring the living hell out of him. My mother said she would not lay off at all, and just kept right on yelling and yelling. Dylan just stood there horrified and embarrassed. My entire family was stunned and disgusted that a Disney cast member could be so horrible to a little boy who made a simple mistake, just trying to do the right thing and help his family out. The woman is truly lucky I wasn't there, because when adults bully my children, I don't tolerate it, and I'd have let her have it. I also would have gotten her full name, contacted management, and written letters. What she did was completely unacceptable, and boy do I wish I was there to do something about it. This was our 3rd day in a row dealing with godawful cast members and I was pretty fed up.

Anyway, with the group together we went on Living with the Land (again).




Then we rode Journey Into Imagination (again)

And we all thought everything was going fine, and we were planning to grab some lunch and then head over to World Showcase, but then my sister grabbed Gabe, Jeff, and Zach and randomly stormed off, never saying a word to anyone about what was going on. They went back to the hotel, and we were all left dumbfounded and upset. So my mom and dad took Sierra off to do who knows what, and James, Dylan, Abby, and I realized we were on our own for the rest of the day. It was very disappointing because we had planned to do Kim Possible with all the kids and take them to the character spot and all kinds of things. We had also wanted a nice group picture of everyone, but since the group had vanished, we just got a family picture instead.



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We ended up going over to Test Track. Dylan used to be terrified of it, but he decided to man up and give it a shot. He ended up loving it and said it was his favorite ride of the trip.


We were hungry for lunch at that point, and didn't feel like eating at Sunshine Seasons or Electric Umbrella, so James checked for some dining availability on his phone. Mexico had an opening, so we headed there. I hate Mexican food, but I have always wanted to eat there just because it's so neato, so I gave it a shot.


James and I each got some sort of chicken and rice concoction and I had them skip the sauce because it had "things" in it. I also ate a lot of the chips and some of Dylan's chicken tenders so I at least didn't starve. Halfway through the meal we realized that Abby's backscratcher was missing. We checked around the tables, in the lobby, everywhere to no avail. Her tears started flowing again because she had spent half of her Disney dollars on the damn thing, and I couldn't stand to put her through anymore heartache so I told her we'd just buy her another one on the way out.

Our service was some of the worst service I've ever had at Disney. There was hardly anyone in the restaurant, but our waitress was no where to be seen throughout the meal. When it came time to pay, we sat there for a good 20-30 minutes waiting for her to show up with the check. Dylan had to go to the bathroom, so James and him just left while I continued sitting and waiting. Finally she showed up and asked what the kids wanted for their desserts. I said, "I didn't even know their meal included dessert, and they already left, so I guess we're out of luck." She knew that she had done a horrible job serving our table and ended up giving us ice cream "to go" in covered styrofoam cups, and also comp'd James' margarita, so I felt that was good enough.

We went over to Gran Fiesta Tour and they gave us a hard time about the "drinks" so we had to explain that it was just ice cream from the restaurant and we didn't even have spoons so it would be impossible to eat it on the ride anyway. They decided to let us ride, which is good considering how edgy I was getting as the day progressed. :lol: We then went over and rode Maelstrom and then Dylan began having a meltdown because he wanted to go to Mission Space next. But we hadn't even walked around World Showcase a single time on the trip and James really wanted to see Impressions de France. So Dylan stormed off and pouted in one of his pre-teen moods and proceeded to hate life while we sat through the movie. Then we wanted to do Kim Possible, but Dylan's tantrum had escalated because now he was "hungry" and the tears were coming down and he was going nuts. So Abby and I did Kim Possible in France while James took Dylan to the bakery. Once he had a snack, the meltdown ended so we could carry on with the night. Geesh.


The Kim Possible thing was way cool. Epcot really does a great job thinking of fun things for kids to do in World Showcase.

Next we went over to Mission: Space and talked Dylan into riding the orange version. I'm so glad some of his wimpiness is starting to subside. He loved the orange version, and it was all he talked about for hours. He loved the blast off feeling and went on and on and on about it. Now if I could just get the kid to ride Splash Mountain and Tower of Terror…


We had 3 Test Track fastpasses leftover because everyone had left Epcot so early in the day. I was pretty exhausted, so I let James take the kids on the ride while I sat and recovered. This is when another one of my own personal meltdowns began. I was already extremely upset with everyone for leaving us alone at Epcot all day. It was our last day on the trip and I just wanted to spend time with everyone. I live across the entire country from these people and never get to see them (my sister and my parents live across the street from each other, so they see each other 24 hours a day). Then my sister sent me a text message saying that something happened back at camp, my mother was fed up, she was canceling Thanksgiving dinner, and she was leaving first thing in the morning.

I completely lost it at that point and could not believe this was how the trip was ending. When James and the kids got off the ride I was really upset and just wanted to go back to the camper and pack my stuff. James and the kids wanted to shop and have dinner, but both our phones had died and we didn't want to separate from each other without any way to communicate. So we argued for a bit over where to go next. We didn't really want to go back to camp where things were so heated, but I needed to get started on the packing because we had to be out of the camper by 9 a.m. We decided to at least head in the direction of camp so we got on a monorail, and then transferred to another monorail and got off at Magic Kingdom. I said I was going to camp to pack, and the rest of them could do whatever they wanted. They decided they would just go back to camp with me so we all hopped on a boat to Fort Wilderness.

When we arrived back at the camper I expected a huge crisis, but there was nothing going on at all. Everyone was in a pleasant mood and there was no hostility or fighting or anything. So then I was even more upset for having spent my whole final evening in Disney crying and stressing out over something that apparently blew over really quickly (but I had no way of knowing that because my phone was dead). I was so emotionally spent at that point, I went into our bedroom and packed for the rest of the night and didn't say a word to anyone and didn't look at anyone. When I finished packing, I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. :dazzle: (PMS is the best, ugh.)


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The next day was Thanksgiving and it was a new day. Everyone had lightened up and was trying to make the best out of our last few hours together. The only person who wasn't happy was Gabe, because he caught the stomach bug and had been up all night throwing up. Even though we had to really push it to get the camper completely emptied out by 9 a.m., it was done pleasantly without any fighting or yelling.

Here's the camper, all ready to be hauled away.

Once we had everything together, my dad, James, me, and the kids got our suitcases and went to the bus stop to wait half an hour for a bus to the front of Fort Wilderness so we could check in for our flights and stow our bags. I must say, Magical Express is the greatest thing in the world. It is so convenient makes the whole luggage and air travel thing so much easier. It was great to be able to get our boarding passes and check our suitcase right there at Fort Wilderness. One less thing to deal with at the airport. They also really helped us out big time with James. The rule is, you are only allowed to have 10 people on a campsite. James was person #11, so he basically stayed there "illegally". It really wasn't a big deal, because one of our 10 people was a tiny baby, but in the system, they would not allow James to be a part of the site. So because of that, he didn't have any way to get a Magical Express voucher home (he had one for leaving Pop Century on Sunday, but that obviously wasn't going to work). The Magical Express people were so helpful, and ended up just giving us a free pass for James to use, which made life so much easier. Without that, he'd have had to paid for a Mears shuttle or my mom would have had to cram him in her overflowing, cramped van and given him a ride all the way out to the airport herself.

Once we were checked in and our bags were all in storage, we waited for another bus to go back to the other end of Fort Wilderness. We had a 12:00 reservation at Trail's End for our Thanksgiving lunch. Our Magical Express passes were for 1:20, and we knew it could take up to 20-30 minutes to catch a bus back to the other end of Fort Wilderness, so we were a little concerned about making it on time. We knew we'd need to get out of there by about 12:45 to have any chance. We checked in half an hour early and told the hostess the situation and she said she'd make sure to let us in first, the minute they opened the doors at 12:00. The kids spent the next half hour enjoying the playground and hula hoops.


They all worked together to make a Mickey

Apparently the hostess forgot about her promise to us, and let about 10 other families in ahead of us. By the time we were seated it was around 12:15 so we had to eat really fast. The buffet was pretty good, but I would have liked a few more desserts. They only had pumpkin pie, cookies, and one other thing that didn't look appealing. *Need moar piez*

Jeffery played peek-a-boo with his cookies for some reason.

Everyone was finally happy again and getting along so it was a nice way to end the trip. Gabe grabbed a passing manager who was kind enough to stop and get a group photo for us, which was a pain in the butt because James' new camera is so awful (have I mentioned that yet?).

And I have no idea why my dad has his mouth wide open.

With that, the trip was over. The 4 of us gave everyone hugs, and rushed out to the bus back to the front of Fort Wilderness. The Magical Express was there waiting for us, which was physically painful to see. Even an awful trip to Disney World is still better than being home.


I hated leaving. It was a combination of missing my family and missing my favorite place. Even now, a few days after getting home, I still feel miserable because I miss Disney World so much. It's ridiculous. I don't want to go back to school or work. I neglected my homework all weekend because I'm mad that my vacation is over, as crappy as it was, and I refuse to admit that reality has returned.

Our trip back to California was uneventful. Orlando International Airport was completely dead. There was no security line whatsoever, and the whole place looked nearly abandoned. What a great day to fly! James didn't get to sit anywhere near us on the flight to Atlanta, but he was only one row away on the longer flight. The most horrible part was that we were getting home right as Black Friday was beginning, and James works at Fry's Electronics. Fry's was "kind" enough to schedule James for a TWENTY-TWO HOUR SHIFT, beginning an hour after we arrived home. It truly sucked for him. We got home from San Diego International Airport at 10:30 p.m. (which to us, felt like 1:30 a.m.), and James had to be at work by 11:30 p.m. He had to work straight through the night, and through the entire next day, and didn't get off until 9:45 p.m., only to have to go back into work again the following morning and work a 13-hour shift. I can't imagine any worse way to be thrown back into the real world after a Disney vacation.

Some final thoughts:

-Disney hotels are the best. I used to be a "no value resort" snob, but after being away from WDW for so many years I've forgotten just how nice even the value resorts are. I have stayed in so many cheap, filthy motels around California in the last couple years (LA, SF, SD, etc.), I truly appreciated how clean and safe Pop Century felt in comparison.

-Aside from the deplorable bus service, Fort Wilderness is truly fantastic. I would do the whole "rent a camper" thing again in a heartbeat. It's such a relaxing, laid-back place. So different from the other resorts. No scooters in sight, no crazy families running around with strollers (except my sister's family :lookaroun). It was just calm and quiet and friendly, just like you'd expect a campground to be. People went to great lengths to decorate their campsites for Christmas, so it was like an attraction in itself just to see everything lit up at night.

-You could not pay me to use the bus transportation at Fort Wilderness again. Boy was it awful. It really ruined our time there. If I ever get the opportunity to stay at Fort Wilderness again, I am RENTING A DAMN CAR. Or a golf cart at least. The main bus that caused the headaches and wasted our time was the one that went through the campground. The buses to and from the parks weren't bad at all. My father was so disgusted with the bus service, he said he was never going to stay at a Disney resort again. And this is a guy who has been to WDW every single year since it opened. I'm not one to complain, and I'm very patient and will defend Disney to the end, but it really was awful, and we missed a lot of fun and opportunities because of it. We must have spent 4-5 hours a day just dealing with buses, and the transportation situation made it extremely difficult to meet up with everyone. Ridiculous.

-My biggest fear for the trip was using the SCARY PUBLIC SHOWERS at Fort Wilderness. I'm one of those people who hates camping and public bathrooms and I was petrified of the thought of using a Fort Wilderness shower. There was no way 11 people could share a shower in the camper though, so I had no other choice. But it turned out not to be bad at all. For the most part, they were clean and spacious, and they offered total privacy. I was concerned they'd be crowded, but most days I was the only one in there, or maybe 1 other person was in there. I know they aren't cleaned every day though, because I ended up in the same shower 2 days in a row, and 2 days in a row it had the same nasty, used bandaid laying in the same spot. Ew. Wear your flip-flops and don't touch anything and you'll be fine.

-Some of the cast members really need to reevaluate why the hell they are working at Disney to begin with. From the guest relations woman with the heart of stone who sat there watching Abby cry instead of just letting her into Magic Kingdom for a couple hours, to the idiotic girl who would not stop badgering Abby about the train we bought that she had nothing to do with, to the horrible woman at the monorail station who screamed at and humiliated Dylan in front of everyone...very disappointing. There used to be a time when you could go on a Disney vacation, and if anything went wrong, the Cast Members were there to help you get through it and fix the problems, even if you were the one who made the mistake. And they certainly didn't used to make it a point to bully and harass little kids. :shrug:

-There was definitely a pretty significant decline in the quality of the cast members, the food, and the transportation between my trip 2 years ago and this trip. It's too bad.

Eventually, James can chime in and add to my already extremely long trip report with his comments. He's a way better trip report writer than me, but with him working so much this past weekend, I decided to just do it myself. Plus it was cathartic to write it all out.

Well folks, this concludes our trip. So thanks for bearing with us to the bear end and barrel around to see us again! :wave:



Oh Meyla Weyla
Holy crap that's a lot of stress for one vacation! :eek: You must feel like you need a vacation from your vacation now.

I wish we'd been able to spend more time with you, but it turns out that it's not as easy to do that when there's work and stuff to deal with. I'm so used to being on vacation when I hang out with friends that it's hard getting used to me living real life while other people are on a trip. :eek: Now I know what James felt like when we were at DL and he had to leave that day to go to work. :(

I hope you guys get to come back, just the 2 of you, so you can get a little more done. :D

Fun fact: Your daughter is adorable, I love my memory of her "Magical Moment" :king:


Well-Known Member
Oh wow, that was not a great trip! I'm so sorry! I'm glad that you were able to find some fun moments here and there though!

The pictures of your kids in front of the castle are hilarious by the way. I love them!:)

Silver Figment

Active Member
Yeah, wow, that didn't sound fun at all, but i do agree with you on something you said. A crappy Disney World trip is still better than being stuck at home. I really can't wait until our trip in January. :)


Well-Known Member
Being sick on any vacation is no fun, let alone a Disney one! :(

Sorry you guys experienced so much un-Disney like attitudes from CMs. We experiences some not-so-friendly ones on our trip as well a few weeks ago. Maybe they need some refresher training on the Disney attitude!!!

I loved the part about Sierra and the big white ball. So cute! :)


Brilliant...and Canadian
In the Parks
Still sounds a lot better than being stuck in Canadialand and stalking you from afar! :(

Your kids have both grown so much! :king:

I'm sure you'll recover. :kiss:

Pioneer Hall

Well-Known Member
Sounds rough, but I suppose it means that you need to plan a new trip to make up for it. Hope there were at least a few bright spots for you guys.


A naughty bit o' crumpet
Premium Member
I'm so, so sorry to hear you all got sick on your trip. Nothing can be worse. :(

I loved the camper though. We're already starting to look at some for when we retire. :)

And hopefully your next trip can't come quickly enough.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you had a hell of a trip.

-My biggest fear for the trip was using the SCARY PUBLIC SHOWERS at Fort Wilderness. I'm one of those people who hates camping and public bathrooms

This would be (is) one of my biggest fears as well.


Well-Known Member
So sorry to hear about all the young ones getting sick...
BEEN THERE DONE THAT ... June 1997!!!!
It was the worse:(
But we have been back many times & have had some wonderful trips :sohappy:

Glad you are all home safe & sound :wave:


Well-Known Member
You know it's not a trip to DisneyWorld unless somebody gets sick :lol:

Things may not have gone as planned, but you were all able to get together and that's what matters. I can't believe how big the kids have gotten! Seems like they were just babies not so long ago *sigh*

Once again you have provided some beautiful photos that make me feel as if I was right there with you! Great job!! :cool:


Well-Known Member
Some similarities between our trips. Our daughter got sick a couple of times when we were there both times this year. The nurse lady at the Wellness clinic said it was most likely due to her not being adapted to the greasy theme park food, but we've been there in 09 and 08 as well and this never happened. We also had a meltdown on our last day and it pretty much ruined the trip.

Sorry to hear you had such a bad time, but I hope that you guys get back there in the near future and have a better time!


Premium Member
I'll go ahead and contribute to this trip report with some photos of the pretty darn good food we had on this trip :king:

First: Beef & Bleu Sandwich w/kettle chips and a dirt cup at Pop Century on arrival night. This was not bad at all, though I did wind up taking the onions off the top. It got even better after that. Oh, and notice our resort mugs - while we were checking in and such Laura's mom texted her and asked us each to pick a color for no reason whatsoever. Little did I know she was picking our mugs out when I said "pink." :lol:


This is breakfast at Pop Century the next morning - French toast and sausage. Pretty basic stuff.


Lunch at Pizzafari in DAK… cheese pizza w/caesar salad and chocolate mousse. The pizza, as usual, was no better than a microwavable DiGorno. :lol:


Here's the 'Bounty Platter' for breakfast Pop Century. Eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes, French toast sticks, and a biscuit. The sticks were soggy, but good stuff otherwise.


Laura got the All-American Picnic Burger at Sci-Fi on our Studios visit, so here it is in all its (blurry) glory. I wasn't as adventurous and stuck with the basic cheeseburger, and I'm not gonna lie - they make a damn good burger here now. I used to eat at this place a lot when I lived in Orlando in '08-'09, and it was nothing like this. Good fries, too.


Our Boardwalk Bakery dinner consisted of a lot o' pre-made sandwiches… and I had the turkey, bacon & swiss on multigrain bread. It was refreshing to have a such simple sandwich after all the burgers, pizza, and fries we'd been eating.



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This was my dessert from Boardwalk Bakery - a s'mores cupcake. I had been looking forward to eating this the entire trip since I had seen a pic and description somewhere around here a few months ago. But I never did get to eat this thing - I was too full at the Bakery cuz I had also eaten a smaller cupcake in Studios before dinner, and then the next day was all craziness with Abby sick and the move to the camper. It got lost in the shuffle. :(


My mom, dad, and I all got the "stegosaurus steak & cheese sandwich" (hold the onions) at T-Rex. This thing was GIANT and oh-so-juicy. I barely put 3/4 of it down.


Here's a basic chicken caesar salad for dinner at Sunshine Seasons on an evening at Epcot Center. I have to say, I was incredibly disappointed by Sunshine Seasons this trip - I don't know what's going on there, but the menu boards are no longer video screens and they had about 2-3 choices at each station. That's it. The bakery side had a completely empty and darkened case, too, and all the hustle and bustle that usually took place behind the counters was all gone. I sure hope it doesn't stay like this.


OMGGGGG - I present the Ham 'n' Swiss from Earl Sandwich. I was missing this thing like CRAZY. I'd been eating at Earl since they opened at DTD, as well as at my local mall in West Palm Beach and the Turnpike plazas when I was still at home. The nearest one to here is in Vegas, and while *I* think it's worth the four-hour drive every now and then for this ridiculously amazing sandwich, I don't think it'd fly with Laura. :lol: And BTW, not pictured is their brownie and chocolate chip cookie that we had for dessert - those are also super awesome.


You've seen the burgers and cheese fries, but here's the yummy milkshakes at Steak N Shake:


I was pleasantly surprised by this fried shrimp at Columbia Harbor House. They definitely weren't the tiny little things I was expecting to show up on my plate - real big and thick, just like I like 'em. :lookaroun



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Here's the "classic margarita" that I got for free at San Angel Inn. This was the first drink I have legally consumed in World Showcase. :lol: The plan had been to make more stops for beverages "around the world," but with all the craziness going on that just didn't get to happen. Next time for sure!


And this is the "pollo a las rajas" dish that Laura and I each had for lunch. I dunno about her, but I actually enjoyed this quite a bit - and Mexican food is very scary to me. Just had to eat around the peppers and other weird stuff and all was well.


We got a chocolate chip cookie and a chocolate croissant from the bakery in France - both super awesome.


I'll share some pics from Thanksgiving lunch at Trail's End to end the food part of this post. :slurp:



This was my first plate - some salad, some random pasta, cornbread, mashed potatoes, and ham. So, so good. My next plate consisted of more of the same, 'cept turkey instead of ham and I had a chicken leg. Yum.


And here's dessert - really good pumpkin pie and a chocolate chip cookie.



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Finally, to finish things off, I'll pull a Jerry Springer too and offer some final thoughts:

- The camera I use is the Canon HS 100, which I think did a mighty fine job for *some* of the nighttime shots. :lol: I just have to get a feel for the settings. It's quite different from the Sony P&S I had been using before.

- The Splash Mountain talk around here is completely warranted. My God did that thing look awful. The Laughing Place had no jumping fountains, and the turtles that float on top of the geysers or whatever you wanna call them had their support posts completely exposed. It was such a joke, and such a shame.

- I too was scared of the Fort Wilderness experience, as I've never gone camping in my life, but it turned out to be great. The community showers were a breeze and the whole place was just so pretty and peaceful. I told Laura we need to buy a big camper someday so we can drive down, park it there and stay for a week or two. I would definitely not do it without a car or golf cart, though. :lol:

- We had some "interesting" experiences with Guest Relations the couple of times we visited them. On at least three occasions we encountered CMs who didn't speak English very well and didn't really know how to handle our situations. When we asked to purchase Tables in Wonderland at DAK, the woman asked us how many people were in our party like we were trying to make a dinner reservation. :confused: And no one on property seems to know a thing about the Premier Passport, which hasn't changed since I was living there. It seems to be common knowledge around Disneyland, but that might just mean it's more of a California thing.

- Note the BAD@$$ EPCOT Center shirt I'm wearing on our final Epcot day. I'm not sure how new or old it is, but it's so awesome. I spotted it in the ImageWorks shop early in our trip and immediately picked it up. Thankfully I had brought along the perfect hot pink Sox cap to go along with it. :lol:

- If you want a cheap Duffy, go to the Disney Character Warehouse at the Premium Outlets on Vineland. We bought a Halloween one for $4.99 and took the clothes off. Voila, a normal, naked Duffy. We also bought another one sans clothes for $9.99, but the trick they pulled wasn't uncovered until the next day. You see, the special occasion Duffy bears are smaller than the normal $30 ones, which I hadn't realized until we tried to buy clothes for the two Duffy bears. At that time we looked at the tag still attached to the plain Duffy and saw that it was a "2011 Graduate" Duffy with the clothes clipped off. So new clothes weren't going to fit either of them. Damn outlet stores. :lol:

Even with all the sickness and craziness, the good times were still great and I simply enjoyed being with family in one of my favorites places in the world. I definitely can't wait to do it again. :king:

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