Creative people I know of like to dabble into some activities I no longer go into. It helps them be "more creative". In Fantasia, the China dance scene with the dancing mushrooms can bring a smile from ear to ear!It has always been up to the "creatives" to sell their idea to the money. If they are successful the project flies, if they can't sell or it is a crap idea that won't tip the money hopper their way it goes to the hopper. More than just dreaming up a concept they have to sell the concept, play the politics listening to the room, get the green light and sheppard the project to completion fighting cuts all the way to open.
It's always been that way, the current crop seems to be short on the creative end and the money is not dictating what gets built but if there were truly superior concepts they would get green lighted. Rehashed, reused, mediocre concepts are what they decided to do so that is what we get. You still buying tickets to that?
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