Opinions on Splash Mountain


New Member
One thing we noticed a couple of years back.......
Have you smelt the foam grabrails in the logs? AAAARRRGGGGHHHHH! what a smell, i guess hundreds and hundreds of sweaty hands gripping them, they could definately do with being replaced.


New Member
Eeewww...I know. Those hand rails are gross! Not that I've ever stuck my nose up to it, but I've noticed the smell on my hands after getting off the ride. I try not to touch them now, which makes the drop at the end a little interesting...


New Member
Last time I went on Splash Mtn it was hardly even enjoyable on that day. At least 10 times, probably more, all the audio stopped and that recording came on- "Looks like Brer Fox and Brer Bear are causing some trouble up stream, please remain in your logs and your journey on Splash Mtn will resume shortly." We didn't hear half the ride! Of course it seemed like every ride we went on broke down that day, but that's another story...


New Member
I love splash. Its such an interesting ride, i mean its more than a log flume, and more than a water ride. Its fun. Personally, i was there in aug. n i thougt it was accually better than it used 2 b. The 1 prob i had was it seemed 2 have a lot more of stoppin n the logs gettin backed up. I know its a saftey thing but it seemed like it happened a lot more often.

ucf disneyfan

New Member
Originally posted by All4Gemini
Last time I went on Splash Mtn it was hardly even enjoyable on that day. At least 10 times, probably more, all the audio stopped and that recording came on- "Looks like Brer Fox and Brer Bear are causing some trouble up stream, please remain in your logs and your journey on Splash Mtn will resume shortly." We didn't hear half the ride! Of course it seemed like every ride we went on broke down that day, but that's another story...

I'm sorry to hear that your last experience wasn't that great. Whenever that spiel comes on it's probably because there are alot a wheelchair parties getting on and off the ride or because the person dispatching is really slow. Thats one thing nice about Splash is that if there is slow loading the ride will automatically stop and we can reset it when the dispatching gets caught up. Most of the time when rides like Space Mtn go 101 it's because they weren't dispatching fast enough, usually do to a party that was slow getting in or out.


New Member
I think every ride we went on that day was stopped at least like 3 times during it. Philhar Magic didn't even open til 10:30 (the park closed at 11) and we were only there for one day so luckily we happen to come out of Peter Pan right as they opened it and got to see PM. It was busted all day and we aren't going back for a year or 2. But I'm getting off topic now so I'll stop rambling.


Well-Known Member
I know my next comment is just asking to be stoned by a mob, but I wouldn't mind them shutting down the ride for a complete rehab and then they can make a big "splash" when they reopen. Now please do excuse me as I go running for cover.


New Member
My guess is Splash Mt is the hardest ride to keep in shape. First of, animatronics are essentially robots.

Robots = electrical = not liking the water so much...

It must be so hard to keep everything working with a constantly soaked environment, not to mention keeping everything safe for the riders.

ucf disneyfan

New Member
Originally posted by cherrynegra
I know my next comment is just asking to be stoned by a mob, but I wouldn't mind them shutting down the ride for a complete rehab and then they can make a big "splash" when they reopen. Now please do excuse me as I go running for cover.

As a Splash CM I can tell you every imperfection in the entire ride. But as I stated earlier, the average guest doesn't notice the few animatronics not working or the lack of jumping water in the Laughing Place. So there is really nothing wrong. The entire mountain is still in the process of being painted and let me tell you they are doing a great job. As soon as the painting is done it will look brand new. And those few broken animatronics won't matter. The only thing I think they do need to stay on top of is the replacement of the pads in the logs and the rear bumpers. (most are cracked) Other than that the ride is great.


New Member
I was on it a month ago and loved it. It was the first time in years and it was still enchanting to me. I'm not sure if Briar was jumping or not - he's right most of us don't notice those things - but about the smell - I can relate!
Still it was the boyfriends 1st time to WDW ( he is a 6 Flags kind of guy) and he said this was his favorite Mountain and one of his favorite rides overall.
It is great to see how many of you really care about these rides - it makes me confident when I go back when my baby is 7 or 8 it will still be a wonderful place to go :)


Park nostalgist
Premium Member
I think it's a great idea to rehab SM over a period of time and not all at once. Think about how many guests ride it over the course of a day - all those people end up riding other rides, and thus extending the queues for those rides big-time. I'd rather see them rehab like this than to take the whole ride down for a length of time. Of course, with a little more money for maintenance.... ;)

Ok, here's a question for the masses - does anyone have a good picture of the Castle lit up at night, taken from the top of Splash Mountain? I simply *cannot* get a decent picture!!! :brick:


New Member
Yes, I agree that most guests may not notice the water jets and hopping Br'er Rabbit not working, but last time we were there (in November) there was a section of the mountain missing. It was right after the last waterfall on the right where you go down the last small drop and into the Zip a Dee Dah scene. There was a 2-3 square foot section missing, and you could see valves and pipes underneath. Kind of ruined the illusion. But with all that said, Splash Mountain is a great ride, and not to be missed.


New Member
Originally posted by ucf disneyfan
As a Splash CM I can tell you every imperfection in the entire ride. But as I stated earlier, the average guest doesn't notice the few animatronics not working or the lack of jumping water in the Laughing Place. So there is really nothing wrong. The entire mountain is still in the process of being painted and let me tell you they are doing a great job. As soon as the painting is done it will look brand new. And those few broken animatronics won't matter. The only thing I think they do need to stay on top of is the replacement of the pads in the logs and the rear bumpers. (most are cracked) Other than that the ride is great.

Are they seriously painint everything? For example, when you go down the first hill after the 2 lifthill(when you go inside)are they painting that too, like on the sides cause it's pretty bad with all the water flying up there everyday. Just wondering.


New Member
I also miss the jumping water!! The small things that you say most people don't notice are some of the things that make the ride special!!


New Member
I've only ride Splash Mountain 4 times in my life, over only two visits at Magic Kingdom. I remember that the first time I ride te SM was new, that same year it opened.

Then I returned recently and I ride the other three times. There was something... I've read many posts saying that the regular visitor can't see these things, but even when I dont visit the parks often (altohough I'm a very very big Disney Fan), I noticed something. I can't tell you what, but I could sense something was outta place.

What I definetively noticed is the jumping fountains, because that was my favourite part on my first ride, I found it even inspirational. And passing in the middle of all those rocks without the jumping water was a real dissapoitment.

I believe that leaving animatronics not working is not good, and if the visitors notice it or not isn't a good reason for not fixing them, because, as it happened to me, a lot of people will sense that "this bunny should do something and is not" feeling.

This is my oppinion, thank you.

Sir Hiss527

New Member
I havn't read this thread yet, so don't bash me. I don't know if this has been posted yet, but the turtle's in the Laughing Place scene, look painted, and it just all looks fantastic. Now only if they would paint the thorns, or the Briar Patch.

Splash Mountain is an ok ride...Once you ride it a million times, you start to notice stuff, that will kind of creep you out..



New Member
It's the best ride in the whole world, IMHO. Laughing Place! Laughing Place! MUST FIND my Laughing Place!! Muhaawaa Muhaawaaaaa!!!! *evil laugh*

....must be something in that song that controls the mind... Laughing PLACE!!! MUHAAWAAA!!! BEST RIDE!!! :lookaroun

Whew, sorry about that. Now I need to go to a Small World to get "Laughing Place" out of my head...

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