One Sentence Competition: Summer Fun


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In Walt's Steps


Take a trip through the history of Disney in this new night-time spectacular, celebrating their iconic films and the influence of Walt Disney still present today. Using projection effects and fireworks set against the Chinese theater, witness some of the most iconic movie moments from Disney history along with their humble beginnings, seeing past and present come together for one simple truth: It's kind of fun to do the impossible.​


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drone show.jpg

2024 marks the 35th Anniversary of Disney’s Hollywood Studios and they plan to debut LOOK TO THE SKIES, a new nighttime spectacular atop the Chinese Theater, that celebrates thirty-five years of filmmaking from Batman to Black Panther, Avatar to Avengers, and Deadpool to Dune. At first, fog rises above the theater, lit with a kaleidoscope of rainbow colors, and accompanied by a musical score (featuring Lisa Gerrard, Michael Giacchino, James Horner, Rachel Portman, Howard Shore, John Williams, and Hans Zimmer), but when the fog dissipates, three-dimensional screens have risen behind it containing 3,000 drone-style LED lights (eliminating drones flying over people) to entertain viewers with an explosion of changing images highlighting movies from the last three and a half decades.

Tony the Tigger

Well-Known Member
X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Battle For The Galaxy!

With drones shaped like X-Wing fighters and TIE fighters, trimmed in LED lighting for visibility and motion effects, these two iconic fleets fly in formation to the classic John Williams soundtrack interspersed with audio clips like Darth Vader breathing and lasers firing.

As each one is finally “blown up,” a well-placed firework explodes behind it as its lights go dark, until the Death Star reveals itself and is ultimately destroyed by the last X-Wing, culminating in a huge (explosion) fireworks finale!

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Well-Known Member
The Chinese Theatre hosts a magical spectacle as Sisu and Mushu join forces to celebrate their mythical species through music and fireworks, summoning their friends, who each bring their own fun to the festival -- including a playful Elliot who wishes to play hide-and-seek, the poetic Reluctant Dragon, Madam Mim for a wizard's duel against the others, the wandering Nessie from the 2011 short film, and even the likes of Jake Long and a certain royal purple Figment of imagination! But, Maleficent, once again uninvited to the celebrations, crashes the party to bring her own scaly sorcery to frighten and delight guests.


Well-Known Member
The Chinese Theatre hosts a magical spectacle as Sisu and Mushu join forces to celebrate their mythical species through music and fireworks, summoning their friends, who each bring their own fun to the festival -- including a playful Elliot who wishes to play hide-and-seek, the poetic Reluctant Dragon, Madam Mim for a wizard's duel against the others, the wandering Nessie from the 2011 short film, and even the likes of Jake Long and a certain royal purple Figment of imagination! But, Maleficent, once again uninvited to the celebrations, crashes the party to bring her own scaly sorcery to frighten and delight guests.

Fricking Brilliant E.G.! I would have never thought of that.


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Original Poster
Too funny, I thought it ended Tuesday and kept checking for results. 😂 Paranoid after missing last week.
You're all good no worries :) But this does serve as a great time to remind everyone that there is less than 9 hours to submit your proposal for this challenge!

This is also a reminder that you're allowed to edit your posts up until the due date, and as such if you're not satisfied with something feel free to change it around :D


Well-Known Member

The Magic in Music

Celebrate the magic of music as drones and projection mapping on the Chinese Theater bring iconic musical scenes from Disney's library of films old and new to life in what can be best described as a love letter to music and musicians of all generations. Here, iconic scores from "The Silly Song" and "Feed the Birds" to "When Love is Gone" and "We Don't Talk About Bruno" that embody the feelings of joy, whimsy, humor, adventure, mystery, fear, sorrow, romance, unity, and love invoke the emotions of parkgoers of all ages and all backgrounds for music is a universal language.


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Golden Mickeys

Coming every night to DHS is an award show hosted by Mickey Mouse himself, where he will present awards to different characters in the Disney Intellectual property family all voted on my guests in the audience.

The performance will be via a stage show with costumed characters, and a larger video feed will be projected on buildings throughout the hub area.


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OSC Reviews.png

The Hollywood Adventure Spectacular by @Henry Mystic
Since this was your first project this will be the one that rankings later on will be based on. Focusing solely on one genre of film is an interesting way to tie together a show, and I think the various films you have listed out would work rather well together. The utilization of drones to compliment the fireworks is a smart move due to the abysmal setup for fireworks that Studios has.

Mars Needs Moms: Baby Blast! by @SplashZander
First off I want to say the artwork is splendid as it helps to deliver the core themes and topics that this concept will be sure to cover. The baby shaped fireworks going all the way to space will for sure be something to be celebrated. The cherry on top is of course Mars Needs Moms being celebrated and exonerated as the true shining achievement it was.

Disney IPs by @Disney Warrior
Genius concept that will make Chapek very happy as it incorporates all of the top four brands of the company in a true celebration of the night, but I do see you're missing some 20th Century IPs. Disney will surely go bankrupt now due to its exclusion :P

Hollywood Forever by @MickeyMouse10
I do want to start off by saying that yes this is technically two sentences, but the project is set up to read like three sentences. I understand it is hard to condense ideas into two sentence elevator pitches, but turning a two sentences into one clear run-on also isn't the right thing to do. With all that said utilizing the show as a celebration of the park's legacy was a neat way to to go about the show, and doing so the show itself is still able to celebrate Hollywood.

Roger Rabbit's Hollywood Dreams N' Toons Nighttime Spectacular by @DisneyFan32
This project is more than two sentences, and as such has been disqualified from receiving points or ranking for this challenge. With that said I can see Roger Rabbit being a catalyst for a nighttime show especially one that focuses on animation, but it still works for what you got in store.

The Muppets Take the Chinese Theater by @Brer Panther
The Muppets are a fun IP, and are well known for their antics. From original sketches to spoofing other films the Muppets are okay with doing it all, and as such I could see this working based on the concept.

The Great Movie Ride by @cdunlap
This checks out you do use the Chinese Theater as a screen at night so it meets the criteria. I for one would be entertained just by watching Robert Osborne playing every role in the show, and of course the kinetics of the chaotic golf carts would be the cherry on top.

The Great Movie Spectacular by @D Hulk
This nighttime spectacular is solid, and something I'm surprised Disney has tried to attempt already. The show is a celebration of all things Hollywood with a unique focus on the IPs of that Disney owns. The show feels like classic Disney thanks to this approach, and would likely have a long longevity.

The Great Hollywood Experience by @MagicKingdom4Ever
Starting off with the first film in the Disney canon is a logical jumping off point for a show like this. The show itself features a lineup of solid films that represent the history of Disney's film catalog well while still honoring Hollywood.

Mouse-tro Mickey's Silly Symphony of Sorcery by @mharrington
Having the show set to classic cartoon tunes from various Mickey Mouse shorts and others is a unique spin for Hollywood Studios. This show arguably celebrates one of Hollywood's biggest stars, and is able to encapsulate the many different eras of Mickey Mouse. Throw in that Runaway Railway is what calls the Chinese Theater home, and there is some nice synergy going on here.

Fantasmic by @Disney Dad 3000
This is an interesting shift for the park, but was a great way to turn the modern of Fantasmic on its head transforming it into a modern show. This focus on dragons ties into the various dragons on the facade, but I do feel like some of the charm from Fantasmics worldwide with the lack of live characters appearing. That said the visual of a giant Maleficent dragon rising over the theater would be insanely cool to see at night. The capacity improvements by utilzing the entrance to Toy Story Land was smart as well given that the backside is just flat soundstage so it would offer another compelling place to watch the show.

A Salute to All Movies But Mostly The Muppet Movie by @Henry Mystic
You got a minute and a half for this show ;)
That said I do hope that if the Muppets are ever involved in any nighttime show this iconic exchange is utilized.

One Man's Dream by @Solaris Knight
We haven't had a proper nighttime show dedicated to Walt over here in the swamps, and Hollywood Studios would be the perfect place to celebrate his legacy in not only film but in television and the rest of Hollywood as well. This would be a great show to celebrate the company's 100th anniversary, or just any legacy year. It would also work as a stellar replacement for the current shows playing on the theater as a proper celebration of Walt's Hollywood and beyond.

The Chinatown Spectacular by @TwilightZone
This was a unique approach to a show on the Chinese Theater, and work that works well given the building's aesthetic. It would help set the show apart from the rest of the resort's lineup given its lack of IP, but still tying into the park in a logical way. The actual show itself sounds like it would a spectacle to watch, and tons of fun for guests to be developed into a massive story surrounding them.

Villainous Nightmares by @Chaos Cat
A unique way to create a new show for the theater was to create a whole new ticketed event, and for that kudos to you! The show sounds unique given its entire focus on villains, and capitalizing on the various means that Disney has brought spectaculars to life in recent years combining drones, actors, projections, and more.

In Walt's Steps by @DashHaber
The name itself of the show is rather nice and memorable as it clearly states where it plans to take guests on their journey through the night. Combining the old alongside the new aids in presenting this show's concept in a light familiar to guests as they will be able to see the evolution of Disney with their very own eyes.

Look to the Skies by @OvertheHorizon
It's always nice to see a wide variety of films represented, and the ones chosen are able to show off the wide berth of film that not only Disney can provide, but the entire Hollywood industry. Based off what has been done in recent years with drones I imagine its only a matter of time until they're incorporated stateside much like how you suggested. Studios is a prime candidate for it due to their large shells for fireworks having a fallout zone of World Drive.

X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter Battle For The Galaxy by @Tony the Tigger
With the recent news of the Star Wars nighttime show seemingly cut from the park's lineup this concept seems like a spiritual successor for it. Utilizing drones as the spaceships would be cool to see, and the various effects you tied into the flight and battle of the fleets help in making the show pop. Having the iconic trench run be the finale for the show is a logical place for the story of the show to go, and allows guests to relive Luke's winning shot in a bombastic way.

Dance of the Dragons by @Evilgidgit
Another unique concept that utilizes the dragon features of the theater, and the prominence of Dragons in Eastern cultures. Mushu and Sisu works well given its a match of newer and older Disney characters that compliment each other well. The various dragons appearing and performing tricks for guests throughout the show is a nice way to incorporate many of them, and the ways you highlighted their unique abilities was a nice touch. Maleficent being the big bad makes practical sense, and is a great way to cap off a show.

The Magic in Music by @Suchomimus
I think this is a solid way to celebrate film yet have a reason to be a best hits show; this show is similar in concept to World of Color however the focus isn't in the most colorful scenes but rather iconic music scores. The songs listed offer a wide variety of musical notes, and encompass Disney films representing many eras that act as a true celebration of the company's musical legacy.

The Golden Mickeys by @kmbmw777
Hosting this at and on the Chinese Theater celebrates the grandeur that surrounds award shows, and the location perfectly encapsulates that very grandeur expected. The guest voting would be interesting to see in person, but it will ensure that the show remains fresh day from day.​


Well-Known Member
Mars Needs Moms: Baby Blast! by @SplashZander
First off I want to say the artwork is splendid as it helps to deliver the core themes and topics that this concept will be sure to cover. The baby shaped fireworks going all the way to space will for sure be something to be celebrated. The cherry on top is of course Mars Needs Moms being celebrated and exonerated as the true shining achievement it was.
Getting you to write out "Mars Needs Moms: Baby Blast!" makes me chuckle 🤣


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OSC Results.png

First I just want to say that for this challenge you're all stars. It's a tough challenge to work with the same exact area for a fireworks show, but you all give it your own creative spin and each project managed to be unique from the last. Now onto the results of this challenge!

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Our honorable mention for this round is @TwilightZone and their concept of The Chinatown Spectacular. This concept was a unique path to take for the Studio based park, and the original story was nice to see. Placing guests right in the middle of the action thanks to the viewing areas for the show was neat, and lets guests truly feel like they're in the middle of an epic unfolding right in front of them.

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Landing in our third place is @Henry Mystic with their concept of The Hollywood Adventure Spectacular! Personally, I do think theming one of these shows around a central genre is a smart play as it gives the show more of a direction while still honoring the vast film industry. The examples given are able to demonstrate just how wide a net one is still able to catch with just adventure, and the cherry on top is the utilization of new technologies in the show helps to bring the show to life.

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In second place is @D Hulk with their concept of The Great Movie Spectacular. The concept itself is of course an evolution of the Great Movie Ride which appeases fans of the lost ride, but it also a modern take on the concept. The film is a true testament the Hollywood film industry, and highlights the power of film like no other combining the fundamentals of film history with the magic and future that Disney/20th Century dares to take the world on.

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In first place is @Suchomimus with his concept of The Magic of Music! The concept of the show is simple and casts a wide range over guests as music is one thing Disney is known for, and often time people will know songs from the films but not the film itself. In addition tying in the importance that music has on one's emotions to the overarching concept of not only the show but to films and the show's name was a great move. Great job!


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Original Poster

And WHAM! your points have arrived!

28 (Tied). @SplashZander - 1
28 (Tied). @ThemeParkPriest - 1
28 (Tied). @FulcrumSolo - 1
24 (Tied). @James G. - 2
24 (Tied). @Honey Bee (Rebooted) - 2
24 (Tied). @Shannoninthemagic - 2
24 (Tied). @NateD1226 - 2
21 (Tied). Henry Mystic - 3
21 (Tied). @MisterPenguin - 3
21 (Tied). @Hoopa- 3
20. @InspectorSpacetime - 4
19. @Disney Dad 3000- 5
14 (Tied). @DashHaber - 6
14 (Tied). @kmbmw777 - 6
14 (Tied). @mharrington - 6
14 (Tied). @Solaris Knight - 6
14 (Tied). @DisneyFan32 - 6
13. @spacemt354 - 7
7 (Tied). @Disney Warrior - 8
7 (Tied). @cdunlap - 8
7 (Tied). @TwilightZone - 8
7 (Tied). @Evilgidgit - 8
7 (Tied). @Brer Panther - 8
7 (Tied). @MagicKingdom4Ever - 8
3 (Tied). @OvertheHorizon - 9
3 (Tied). @Tony the Tigger - 9
3 (Tied). @MickeyMouse10 - 9
3 (Tied). @D Hulk- 9
2. @Chaos Cat - 10
1. @Suchomimus - 11

@Suchomimus has taken the lead in points, and now leads the competition. In addition many users have broken away from being tied with others so the points are starting to be noticeable BUT the game isn't over yet. And this can be anyone's game!​


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Original Poster

Pack your bag imagineers as our seventh challenge is about to take off at the One Sentence Competition: Summer Fun! For this challenge you're all tasked with charting a whole new Adventures by Disney journey to any destination not currently offered by them.

Pitch a new Adventures by Disney journey.

- You may use between 1 to 2 sentences and up to 1 image.
- If you breach any of these rules your project will be disqualified, and will not be counted for rankings nor will it receive a review from me.
- The deadline is Wednesday, July 20th at 10:00 PM EST.

K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple, silly. Try not to complicate or overthink things too much. It’s a simple, casual competition – there are no eliminations. Propose as you please, let your imagination soar!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it (generally) realistic?
Does it heavily rely on runon sentences?
Does it fit thematically/visually?

BONUS: Holiday Spirit


For this bonus challenge explain how your destination makes for the perfect holiday while only utilizing up to one additional sentence and image.

Good luck everyone! If you have questions, please feel free to ask! Enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Adventures By Disney Presents: Indonesia

Disney invites you on an island hopping journey around Indonesia and its many natural and manmade wonders on some of its many islands. From the imposing volcano Mount Tambora and the grand Borobudur temple to the towering trees of Sumatra and the splendid streets of Yogyakarta, Indonesia offers a plethora of unique features and experiences that are as diverse as its many islands.

Indonesia is unique in that it is the world's largest island country, with over 17k islands, many of them steeped in natural beauty and biodiversity, as well providing ample outdoor activities such as snorkeling, surfing, and hiking for those looking to be one with nature.
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Disney Warrior

Well-Known Member
Southern New England

Journey through the beautiful beaches, stunning vistas, and historic buildings of the wonderful states that make up Southern New England (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut). As a change of pace from AbD’s Northern New England adventure, learn about our culture as you visit famous places like Lake Compounce, Newport’s Mansions, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Fenway Park, and many other museums and attractions throughout famous cities like Providence, Boston, Hartford, Springfield, and New Haven.


Just look at this stunning image of Providence in the fall, Southern New England has a very unique atmosphere that cannot be replicated elsewhere, and there are so many experiences that families and travelers can do, there really is something for everyone here.

(Don’t count this as a sentence): I know that there is already an NE trip, but this one is different, I had to mention this

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Well-Known Member

The Chocoholic Tour featuring Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Poland and Germany.

See famous Chocolate Factories and Museums that offer guided tours for their World renowned chocolates like Freia; The tours include a history lesson in cocoa and chocolate and a chance to make your own, The other things included in the package are boat and bus transportation and even a Scrumptious Chocolate buffet.


This would be a perfect tour for the Chocolate Connoisseurs out there, Because it gives them what they want and doesn't hide it.
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Well-Known Member
Southern New England
View attachment 653375

Journey through the beautiful beaches, stunning vistas, and historic buildings of the wonderful states that make up Southern New England (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut). As a change of pace from AbD’s Northern New England adventure, learn about our culture as you visit famous places like Lake Compounce, Newport’s Mansions, Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard, Fenway Park, and many other museums and attractions throughout famous cities like Providence, Boston, Hartford, Springfield, and New Haven.

View attachment 653378
Just look at this stunning image of Providence in the fall, Southern New England has a very unique atmosphere that cannot be replicated elsewhere, and there are so many experiences that families and travelers can do, there really is something for everyone here.

(Don’t count this as a sentence): I know that there is already an NE trip, but this one is different, I had to mention this

Damn! I thought we were going to get a tour of your house.

"Here is where Disney Warrior plays video games."
".... and this is the toilet he spent time hugging after consuming too much Soda and Cocoa Puffs."

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