While we wait for Pi to rethink his medals, here come the Bonus Reviews.
This prompt - to devise a merchandise item to go with the attraction - resulted in a fairly wide variety, from specific items to whole shop concepts. I’ll judge each idea on its own merits.
With so many cute ideas, picking a clear winner will be tough. And incidentally, with the scoring system Pi is using for this episode, that single bonus point is actually fairly valuable! Don’t disregard the bonuses!
The Witch’s Shack
When I first read “wooden coaster set,” despite the ride, I interpreted it as drink coasters. Whoops! But a model roller coaster is even better! That’s the sort of thing I would have gotten hours of entertainment from as a child...or even now. This is the sort of idea which could easily branch beyond this one attraction. How awesome would it be to have model sets for other Disney rides? There’s a franchisable “Lego” quality to this idea which I adore.
Mary Poppins’ Supergalfragilistic Day
There’s a gift shop with lots of potential, but our focus narrows in on Mary’s umbrella. Being simply a replica could be interesting enough for some guests, for the obsessive collector types who see the Disney brand as a personal identity. I think there’s a little missed opportunity here, to do something a bit more ambitious in the style of Harry Potter’s wands at Uni. Like, obviously a replica umbrella won’t help you fly, but it
could trigger effects in the surrounding Poppins sub-land!
Cookietown Sweets and Goodies
@Brer Panther
This is an interesting swerve for a “merchandise item” prompt, to create a snack instead. Honestly, I’m much more likely to buy a gingerbread man than a souvenir, and if it’s tasty then I’ll buy several more. It’s not exactly an answer to the challenge, but I like it. And of course, collectible tins and such are a merch thing which absolutely work in a bakery (moreso in Tokyo however), and with an extra few words you could’ve added something like that to your description and distinguished your idea even more.