One Sentence Competition, Season 6, Episode 1 - The Soft Reboot

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks

@spacemt354 - House Party Protocol
You take this prompt in a really interesting direction! Instead of just a new temporary Party Zone or summer celebration, you set up a permanent space that can serves as a party zone, bar, restaurant, and walkthrough all at once! This would be a ton of fun and Iron Man is a great choice to host something like this! The Iron Kids nights are a nice touch to keep it accessible too. You lose the energy and kinetics that a party zone adds to a land by seperating it like this, but while that is a loss you have the added benefits of being able to build the party from the ground up!

@Disneylover152 - Monster Bash- Party Central!
One of the tough things about the party zones when they've done them in the past is how it kind of takes over the area. Fine for a temporary event, but not something you want long term. Some players this round this round have tried to solve that problem by making the party fit the land better with hollywood or animation themes. You went the other way and focused on the odd man out of Hollywood Land.

Monsters Inc has never really fit well in the land, but you use the party and a few other simple things (all in the scope of a special event like this) to create a simple Monstropolis land! The changes you make are simple and effective and fun and you capture the energy that made the old parties fun very well! My only concern is that fans who want a Montropolis might see this as simply a half measure rather than a proper Monstropolis. This seems like a really fun and low budget way to temporarily (or permanently) overlay the area, but it might get some backlash from people who wanted more.

@NateD1226 - Light Up the Night with Luxo
This sounds like a fantastic addition to Pixar Pier! A great way to add some more energy and fun to an area that struggles with its identity a bit. There's already some live music back there, so this would serve as a solid expansion of that for after the sun goes down. There's a question of how much this would add to the land when in practice it would just be a more energetic twist on what they have there already. But it is the type of simple and smart idea that I read and wonder why it isn't there already.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
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In the Parks

@tcool123 - Illuminphonic
Ooooohhhh this would be really fun and exciting and a visual treat! I like how simple the effects you describe would be to implement and yet they could completely transform the land! I would adore this! I worry slightly that the theme might be too vague to attract people without an IP or an original character. But this would be such a fun and energetic experience!

@pix - Sugar Rush
It is clear just in these few sentences how much you have in mind for this! This is a simple idea that doesn't deviate toooo much from the template of Mad T Party and Tron, but done in a really fun way with some nice twists like the arcade added. I could see this including some JPop like the song from the credits of the first movie which is a really popular and rising genre now.

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Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
A fantastic Eighth Scene! This was a weirder prompt and there was a lot of clever angles people took for it. Anytime I try something more outside the box, I am always so excited to see what you guys come up with and you've never disappointed!

Everyone who submitted something gets 1 point just for playing, but medal winners will get extra points on top of that!

And now for the awards!!!!


Honorable Mention
@InspectorSpacetime - Halyx

Honorable Mentions isn't necessarily "4th Place." This award goes to a project that excelled in one area, but had something else holding it back from the top 3. In this case, this project was just slightly too niche to be realistic. But as a Defunctland fan and Disney nerd I can't help but let my mind go crazy thinking about how cool this would be!


Bronze Medal (1 Point)
@pix - Sugar Rush
This follows the format of ElectTRONica and Mad T Party pretty closely, but with some nice new touched like the arcade that help it stand out. Plus, there is a lot of potential with it being a popular IP with some amazing genres of music tied to it that could lend itself to a really fun and unique take on a party zone. Admittedly, my time spent as a movie theater usher the year Wreck-it-Ralph came out has me very familiar with its fun and poppy music that some might've missed. But it could lend a tone of energy to the area!


Silver Medal (1 Point)
@DashHaber -
Hi-Tech Hollywoodland
It is tough to describe why exactly this one really speaks to me, but it does! It is simple and would do a lot for the area while being just really fun. It's an idea that has that certain "spark" that makes it stand out!


Gold Medal (2 Points)
@TwilightZone -
DCA Nostalgic Nights
While Steps in Time itself might be niche, nostalgia in an anniversary year is not at all! This could be a great way to honor the best parts of the past while improving them to bring them to the future. Plus, anything that brings back Soarin' over California is gonna be a fan favorite.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member


The prompt allowed you to create either a food or beverages item, so it amuses me that every one of you (except Nate) went with drinks. We’re a community of drunks! To choose from this cornucopia of intoxicants, partly I’ll go with what sounds most yummily deliciousest. That’s a literal matter of taste, so thematic tie-ins will serve as a chaser.

Blue Lemonade Wine Cooler

Whatever the quality of your dance party, it hasn’t leant itself to an obvious beverage. The steps from “DCA nostalgia” to “Steps in Time” to “Under the Sea” to “wine cooler” are rather baffling. Blue lemonade wine cooler, on its own, that’s the polar opposite of the drinks I enjoy. With more fun, goofy touches like glow-in-the-dark ice cubes or wacky cups, I could’ve appreciated this as an offering for other guests, but without those touches it lacks a certain “Disney” flair.

Bunsen Brew
@Brer Panther


Thematically, the name and the character choice are all spot-on for a Muppets dance party. There is a lot of wonderful dreaming going on here!

But the drink itself sounds disgusting! All the world’s alcohols, mixed together and dyed green?! EWWW! Had you applied any classic cocktail to the Bunsen Brew concept, that really all this idea needed.

W.C.’s Pineapple Juice

Now this whets my whistle! The thematic tie-in to the Hollywoodland event is spot-on...and actually somewhat obscure. Did you have to research W.C. Fields to think of this or was this a jolt of inspiration? The drink itself sounds gratifyingly tasty as well, thanks no doubt to a real world recipe derived from the drunken Fields himself. It’s the sort of good beverage, combining flavors deftly, which might not be to everyone’s taste all the time but in this setting would be absolutely ideal.​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
The Pink Elephant

Here’s another drink which simply sounds delicious. It’s another case of taking a genuine cocktail, and plussing it slightly. I question if the champagne and the pink lemonade would clash or complement each other, but I’m curious enough to try it out. The Dumbo thematic tie-in works nicely too. If I had to choose between this or @DashHaber ‘s W.C. Fields concoction...I’d eventually go with this, simply because the direct Disney tie-in gives it a boost.

Drinks of the Underworld

Ooooooh...booooooy! Five drinks, each deadly on their own, together an unholy combination of tequilas and rums and vodkas the likes of which I haven’t endured since undergrad. Is this what Drinking Around the World is like? If so, then kudos on introducing a classic Drunk Disney Experience™ to California. And kudos on fitting everything to Disney’s Hercules before @NateD1226 could.

A Fleet of Beverages

A FLEET of beverages?! You had my curiosity. Now you have my attention.

After sampling all of your competitors’ concoctions, I’m grateful that you included virgin options so I could recover. You start out with a nice hint of detail by describing “Eos,” the tequila sunrise. It’s a good sampling, and I would at least to know the names of some other drinks.​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
We Have a Hulk


Monster Mix-Up

This is another intriguing recipe! You'll have to make it and report back how it is. I'd imagine it's a little overly sweet, but good. The Harryhausen's setting is expected, but appreciated. The nonalcoholic element is a welcome gift to non-drinkers. In a dance party setting, an alcoholic version would be much warranted, and in your proposal it is sorely missed.

Luxo's Light


It isn't easy to stand out with late submissions, so creating the first food proposal works very well in your favor. This is a frankly inspired dessert concept. It nails the theming with the Luxo Jr. serving container, hitting near Tokyo levels of cute. And with the Dragon's Breath recipe (link very much appreciated) you've found a snack item which sounds scrumptious and completely new. This is a triumph on all levels!​

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
The Rainbow Zinger


Simply as a recipe, this is one of the night's very best. I'm not sure if it would be the most to my taste, but it is precisely the sort of wild combo of colors and gimmicks and creativity which defines the best Disney beverages. In that category, your libation is a home run - incidentally, GO DODGERS WHOO! - which only pales to some other ideas due to a more generic party theme.

Finish Line


Finish Line...great name for the final proposal! Your drink is a smashing triumph in the same vein as tcool's, simply because it is a ridiculously off-the-wall concoction. I've heard of these cotton candy margaritas before - never tried 'em - and from an authority such as you I trust they are quite good. The Wreck-It Ralph tie-in is good too, adding that extra "Disney" cherry on top of an already delicious drink.

Bartender! I’d like another round of my favorite drink of the night, please.
@NateD1226 WIN BONUS!
Tasty, adorable, perfectly matched for your party, and completely original! Fantastic!


Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Scene Nine
Little Black Box


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.

-The Problem-
Disney has SO MANY IPs and characters that they've either made or bought that there's no way they could ever include ALL of them in the parks! Leaving a lot of IP as underutilized or lost entirely. The strategy to fix this might just be the rumored Black Box Dark Ride that Disney has been rumored for a while to be looking at. Named for a Black Box Theater, a Black Box dark ride would be a trackless ride through big empty rooms with very little props and no animatronics with projections on nearly every surface. This would allow Disney to retheme these for a very low price in a very quick time. Which means they can either include some riskier IPs with out actually risking much. If people hate what they do, the ride can be transformed into some trendy IP like Froz3n in only a month or two!
So, what theme should they start with?


There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
Propose a Black Box Dark Ride!
This is your chance to use a weirder or obscure IP! Or something like a TV Show or Video Game or other source material that Disney doesn't seem to want to use!
Almost total blue sky for what IP you choose.
Hollywood Land in DCA and Animation Courtyard in DHS are the two rumored locations for Black Box Dark Rides, so try to stick to one of those locations.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Friday, October 30th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


Good Luck everyone! Have fun! Go create!

Keep an eye out for the bonus from some big, angry, and GREEN!


D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Scene Nine
Little Black Box


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.

-The Problem-
Disney has SO MANY IPs and characters that they've either made or bought that there's no way they could ever include ALL of them in the parks! Leaving a lot of IP as underutilized or lost entirely. The strategy to fix this might just be the rumored Black Box Dark Ride that Disney has been rumored for a while to be looking at. Named for a Black Box Theater, a Black Box dark ride would be a trackless ride through big empty rooms with very little props and no animatronics with projections on nearly every surface. This would allow Disney to retheme these for a very low price in a very quick time. Which means they can either include some riskier IPs with out actually risking much. If people hate what they do, the ride can be transformed into some trendy IP like Froz3n in only a month or two!
So, what theme should they start with?


There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
Propose a Black Box Dark Ride!
This is your chance to use a weirder or obscure IP! Or something like a TV Show or Video Game or other source material that Disney doesn't seem to want to use!
Almost total blue sky for what IP you choose.
Hollywood Land in DCA and Animation Courtyard in DHS are the two rumored locations for Black Box Dark Rides, so try to stick to one of those locations.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Friday, October 30th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


Good Luck everyone! Have fun! Go create!

Keep an eye out for the bonus from some big, angry, and GREEN!


Using a single sentence (and NO pictures), propose a viral marketing campaign for your dark ride.

Whether you do the bonus or not will have absolutely NO effect on the main prompt's winners or the medals. BUT the best bonus will get 1 Bonus Point towards the overall rankings!​

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
Original Poster
In the Parks
Scene Nine
Little Black Box


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.

-The Problem-
Disney has SO MANY IPs and characters that they've either made or bought that there's no way they could ever include ALL of them in the parks! Leaving a lot of IP as underutilized or lost entirely. The strategy to fix this might just be the rumored Black Box Dark Ride that Disney has been rumored for a while to be looking at. Named for a Black Box Theater, a Black Box dark ride would be a trackless ride through big empty rooms with very little props and no animatronics with projections on nearly every surface. This would allow Disney to retheme these for a very low price in a very quick time. Which means they can either include some riskier IPs with out actually risking much. If people hate what they do, the ride can be transformed into some trendy IP like Froz3n in only a month or two!
So, what theme should they start with?


There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
Propose a Black Box Dark Ride!
This is your chance to use a weirder or obscure IP! Or something like a TV Show or Video Game or other source material that Disney doesn't seem to want to use!
Almost total blue sky for what IP you choose.
Hollywood Land in DCA and Animation Courtyard in DHS are the two rumored locations for Black Box Dark Rides, so try to stick to one of those locations.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Friday, October 30th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


Good Luck everyone! Have fun! Go create!

Keep an eye out for the bonus from some big, angry, and GREEN!

@PostScott if you'd like to play you're welcome too! You just use 1-3 sentences to pitch an idea for the prompts! Plus, an extra sentence for the bonus if you'd like.


Well-Known Member
Scene Nine
Little Black Box


You're an aspiring Imagineer in an elevator with Disney's CEO, Bob Chapek. You overhear him on the phone talking with Imagineers about a problem in the parks.

-The Problem-
Disney has SO MANY IPs and characters that they've either made or bought that there's no way they could ever include ALL of them in the parks! Leaving a lot of IP as underutilized or lost entirely. The strategy to fix this might just be the rumored Black Box Dark Ride that Disney has been rumored for a while to be looking at. Named for a Black Box Theater, a Black Box dark ride would be a trackless ride through big empty rooms with very little props and no animatronics with projections on nearly every surface. This would allow Disney to retheme these for a very low price in a very quick time. Which means they can either include some riskier IPs with out actually risking much. If people hate what they do, the ride can be transformed into some trendy IP like Froz3n in only a month or two!
So, what theme should they start with?


There isn't much time left in this elevator ride, but now is your chance to impress the Big Cheese and propose a solution that will earn you a place in the Imagineering Hall of Fame!

-The Prompt-
Propose a solution!
Propose a Black Box Dark Ride!
This is your chance to use a weirder or obscure IP! Or something like a TV Show or Video Game or other source material that Disney doesn't seem to want to use!
Almost total blue sky for what IP you choose.
Hollywood Land in DCA and Animation Courtyard in DHS are the two rumored locations for Black Box Dark Rides, so try to stick to one of those locations.

You may use between 1 and 3 sentences and up to 1 picture.
The deadline will be at 11:59 PM EST on Friday, October 30th


K.I.S.S - Keep it simple, silly.
This is an elevator pitch, not a full project!
It isn't about more detail, it is about the right details!

-Judging Criteria-
Is it creative?
Is it realistic?
Does it fit thematically/visually?


Good Luck everyone! Have fun! Go create!

Keep an eye out for the bonus from some big, angry, and GREEN!

@PostScott if you'd like to play you're welcome too! You just use 1-3 sentences to pitch an idea for the prompts! Plus, an extra sentence for the bonus if you'd like.
Man how is everyone around here so creative and nice ? 😂
The Great Fantastical Disney Movie Ride


What about Mickey's Philharmagic + Fantasmic but on steriods? Mickey has accidentally unlocked the Disney continuity door and all the animated disney stories are spilling out. Think of it as all of the most popular disney animated stories all together in the same universe interacting, but with that comes all the villians from their perspective universes. Help Mickey and his newfound friends defeat these villians and send everyone back home!

I'm thinking alot of color splashing around from all the different color palettes of the movies and alot of breaking through walls (screens) to escape to the next room (movie).
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Well-Known Member
101 Dalmatians Daring Escape!


Replacing Monsters Inc. at DCA comes this high-octane adventure that will literally have guests "seeing spots"! Inspired by the 1961 Disney classic, this ride has guests riding aboard trackless versions of Jasper and Horace's truck, aiding Pongo, Perdita and the 99 puppies in their daring escape from Cruella de Vil. Of course, projections make it feel as though the dogs are running right alongside us, but the climax involves a close encounter with an animatronic Cruella and a daring near-miss!

Bonus: On the Disney Parks Blog and social media outlets, you can "see spots" by turning on a special color scheme that will give the screen a Dalmatian-inspired makeover!


Well-Known Member
Monster Mix-Up

This is another intriguing recipe! You'll have to make it and report back how it is. I'd imagine it's a little overly sweet, but good. The Harryhausen's setting is expected, but appreciated. The nonalcoholic element is a welcome gift to non-drinkers. In a dance party setting, an alcoholic version would be much warranted, and in your proposal it is sorely missed.
Actually, here's a little fun fact about me. I learned how to bartend during quarantine! This drink is actually one of my favorites, and the final product creates this cool sunset-looking drink!


Well-Known Member
Steps in time: Ready to Rock!


Opening soon after the introduction of the new dance party comes this ride to tie it all together. Guests board a magical couch that takes them into an expanding tv screen which teleports the guests into the magical world of Disney. All the IPs are recreated lovingly and beautifully with the new screen technology, bringing a whole new world to the beloved movies.

Bonus: Disney+ will show the history of the stage show and the new ride based off of it as part of the Imagineering Story

Brer Panther

Well-Known Member
Ralph Breaks the Internet: #CoolRide
Based on Disney's 2018 advertisement for the franchises that make them the most money... uh, I mean, immensely popular sequel to that film about video games from 2012, this brand new dark ride takes the place of that totally dull and outdated Peter Pan's Flight ride at the Magic Kingdom ('cuz who even cares about Peter Pan anymore?!), taking guests on a madcap tour of the internet hosted by Vanellope and her posse of Disney Princesses! Physical sets are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1975 - this ride uses entirely SCREENZ, plus some static figures of such beloved Disney characters as Olaf, BB-8, Groot, the live action remake version of Simba (getting Donald Glover to reprise his role for the ride is where most of the budget went), Maui, and Peter Griffin, culminating in a surprise appearance by Rough-It Rick or Wrath-Ing Ron or whatever his name is (y'know, the big dumb brown-haired guy who's Vanellope's sidekick) making a fool out of himself again by RickRolling the riders, but fortunately girl boss Vanellope and her squad are there to save him from himself (that's right, the big strong man is the one who needs saving this time - how woke is THAT?!)! Of course, the ride exits out into a gift shop, where you can buy mucho merchandise of all the characters you saw on the ride - so be sure to bring your wallet!

Bonus: To promote the ride, Disney will create a series of HILARIOUS web animations (animated in Adobe Flash, because traditional hand-drawn animation is too expensive) starring those [INSERT SOME RANDOM SLANG THAT KIDS ARE SAYING NOWADAYS HERE] Disney Princesses!

...yeah, I really think the "black box dark ride" concept sounds lame, so I decided to go straight-up satirical with this prompt. And with how many crappy things Disney has done this year, I think they've earned some mockery.


Well-Known Member
Ralph Breaks the Internet: #CoolRide
View attachment 508857
Based on Disney's 2018 advertisement for the franchises that make them the most money... uh, I mean, immensely popular sequel to that film about video games from 2012, this brand new dark ride takes the place of that totally dull and outdated Peter Pan's Flight ride at the Magic Kingdom ('cuz who even cares about Peter Pan anymore?!), taking guests on a madcap tour of the internet hosted by Vanellope and her posse of Disney Princesses! Physical sets are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO 1975 - this ride uses entirely SCREENZ, plus some static figures of such beloved Disney characters as Olaf, BB-8, Groot, the live action remake version of Simba (getting Donald Glover to reprise his role for the ride is where most of the budget went), Maui, and Peter Griffin, culminating in a surprise appearance by Rough-It Rick or Wrath-Ing Ron or whatever his name is (y'know, the big dumb brown-haired guy who's Vanellope's sidekick) making a fool out of himself again by RickRolling the riders, but fortunately girl boss Vanellope and her squad are there to save him from himself (that's right, the big strong man is the one who needs saving this time - how woke is THAT?!)! Of course, the ride exits out into a gift shop, where you can buy mucho merchandise of all the characters you saw on the ride - so be sure to bring your wallet!

Bonus: To promote the ride, Disney will create a series of HILARIOUS web animations (animated in Adobe Flash, because traditional hand-drawn animation is too expensive) starring those [INSERT SOME RANDOM SLANG THAT KIDS ARE SAYING NOWADAYS HERE] Disney Princesses!

...yeah, I really think the "black box dark ride" concept sounds lame, so I decided to go straight-up satirical with this prompt. And with how many crappy things Disney has done this year, I think they've earned some mockery.
Don't forget Rickey Mouse and Monald Muck!

Kingdom Hearts: Gummi Ship Starway
Through the use of black box technology and perception-bending magicvision comes an adventure into the beloved realms of Kingdom Hearts. Stepping through a Gummi Ship launch bay infected by Heartless, guests board individual Gummi Ships (trackless vehicles) and sail through the stars, aiding Sora, Donald, and Goofy as they defend the worlds from invading swarms of starfaring Heartless ships.

Sidebar -- Black box ride sounds like the dumbest, laziest, cheapest way to make attractions...sounds right up Chapek's alley.


Well-Known Member
The Disney Afternoon Adventure


Negaduck's latest plan to conquer the world has opened up a rift to our world, sending us "channel surfing" on our couches through some of the classic cartoons from the Disney Afternoon, such as Darkwing Duck, Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers, and TaleSpin.

Bonus: Glitchy links appearing on the Disney Parks Blog and social media outlets will link guests to special blog entries written by characters from Disney Afternoon cartoons, and Disney+'s main page receives a temporary new "totally radical" design scheme...complete with Disney Afternoon cartoons getting a prime listing on the front page.
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Let's Dance in Hollywood Land

Adventurelandia — The Mickey Mouse Club (1955)

With Hollywood Land being themed to the 1930's, it felt fitting to respect the fun swing and jazz music that flourished during that time. That is why Monsters, Inc. Mike & Sulley to the Rescue will be replaced with Let's Dance in Hollywood Land where guests can hop into a 1930's Cadillac and have the car dance in the Hollywood Land streets to swing-jazz music. The ride features everyone's favorite characters in traditional 2D animation form like Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Goofy Daisy, and more as they dance with dancers to the music.

Bonus: For the viral marketing campaign, all of Disney's social media platforms will be transformed into a 1930's theme with all the future posts being drawn in 1930's animation style for 2-3 weeks after the ride opens.​

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