Okay: Let's Get this Whole Tour Group Cutting Discussion Going


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Original Poster
Let's hear your horror stories. What tour groups are cutting and when, and what have you done about it. What's up with these flags some people raise up and have dozens of kids cut in line? Don't the CM's take care of this? Let's hear it.:fork:


New Member
My family was at WDW last year when there were SEVERAL :eek: tour groups in from Brazil. I am not sure if they did not know the language or there is a cultural divide but they were rude and it was very frustrating. When we went on the Haunted Mansion, the CM actually had my family move to the side to keep them all together. She even knew that they got rowdie and inappropriate. I am hoping that we don't run into the same thing this year.


Well-Known Member
tripplanner said:
My family was at WDW last year when there were SEVERAL :eek: tour groups in from Brazil. I am not sure if they did not know the language or there is a cultural divide but they were rude and it was very frustrating. When we went on the Haunted Mansion, the CM actually had my family move to the side to keep them all together. She even knew that they got rowdie and inappropriate. I am hoping that we don't run into the same thing this year.

Bummer that you had a bad experience with tour groups in the parks. The only issue I remember having was at the hotel (AS Music/Movies). When you have to fight dozens of young-ish children for your morning Mickey waffle, it gets old. Fast.

On the other hand, I'm sure while we were there, my family and myself made comments about the groups while at the parks. I just don't remember these instances. Rose colored glasses and hindsight and all that...;)


New Member
I have a few (not many) Brazillian friends/co workers and I love them all and their stories of their culture. Most of them even agree that something strange happens when large amounts of Brazillians get together in big groups...

Some of my Brazillian friends absolutely refuse to go to Disney World in the summer because they are so embarassed about the way the Brazillian tour groups get.

(Just as important to note: I worked as a CM in 1997 on the college program and believe me, it wasn't just the Brazillian tour groups that gave us all fits... We had similarly annoying tour groups from European countries and from different American groups as well!)


Well-Known Member
Group mentality affects all groups of teenagers.. no matter where they are from. In fact, some of the cheerleading groups can be louder and more obnoxious on the busses and in lines than the international tour groups. I never want to hear another chant while in the Space Mtn tunnels...


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
I never want to hear another chant while in the Space Mtn tunnels...

Imagine getting stuck in a Test Track car with 5 chanting tourists in the tunnel for 30 minutes :brick:



Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Imagine getting stuck in a Test Track car with 5 chanting tourists in the tunnel for 30 minutes :brick:

Can't be worse than being in line in front of 25 chanting/screaming tweens in those tunnels... the tunnel just made it that much worse... and yes, it actually happened Dec 2004. :mad:


New Member
dxwwf3 said:
Imagine getting stuck in a Test Track car with 5 chanting tourists in the tunnel for 30 minutes :brick:


Been there, heard that!

Unfortunately, I think I still need therapy!!! :hammer:


Well-Known Member
wannab@dis said:
Can't be worse than being in line in front of 25 chanting/screaming tweens in those tunnels... the tunnel just made it that much worse... and yes, it actually happened Dec 2004. :mad:

Well I've been in a similar situation to that before, but when I got stuck in Test Track, it was like the whole attraction was yelling at each other. The girls in my car would yell at people in front of and behind them (Yeah Single Rider Line for me) and they would start up their chants inbetween yells. The CM that walked the track felt sorry for me enough to give me passes for my whole family to come back and ride again.


Well-Known Member
dxwwf3 said:
Well I've been in a similar situation to that before, but when I got stuck in Test Track, it was like the whole attraction was yelling at each other. The girls in my car would yell at people in front of and behind them (Yeah Single Rider Line for me) and they would start up their chants inbetween yells. The CM that walked the track felt sorry for me enough to give me passes for my whole family to come back and ride again.
I can't figure out how the chaperones put up with it. They were oblivious to all the chanting. I was worried something was going to get started when people started yelling for them to shutup. A couple of minutes is one thing, but when it goes on for a long time, it's can kill the happy "I'm at WDW" mood! :lol:


New Member
TAC said:
Before one starts bashing Brazilian tour groups, please remember that there are several active posters from Brazil.

Sorry, I would never intend to insult anyone. I think the other posters experienced similar circumstances. Basically teenagers being loud and pushy and not really caring that there are families with small children. We waited a long time and spent a lot of money for our trip last year and it just seemed as though some of the groups did not appreciate what others had to go through to get there with their family. It was almost like they felt they had an upper hand over small groups of families that were attending.


Not old, just vintage.
My favorite (and I use that term loosely) experience with a tour group had to have been when my mom and I were there a few years ago during the Cheerleading competition. Not only did we have to put up with the teams all day long in the park, but when we came back to AS Sports at night we were staying in a room that was between about 10 other teams. We were on the second floor so we had cheerleaders above us and below us. They also felt it neccessary to practice on the fake football field outside of our room ALL NIGHT LONG.

I like cheerleading. I used to be a cheerleader. (i know, i know...:hurl: ) However, I dont like listening to cheers right out side my room at midnight. It's just this thing I have. We ended up calling the front desk several times a night the first two nights we were there. After we complained a bunch of times Disney moved us over to Carribean Beach free of charge. Apparently we weren't the only ones either bc we ran into two other families while at CB who had been staying at AS Sports too and were moved.

I guess Disney just puts up with it because there are so many of the groups and they = BIG $$$. Atleast they were really nice to us and upgraded our room to one free of cheerleading.


Well-Known Member
I think we've all had our share of bad experiences with tour groups. My worst was last summer at Fantasmic. We had the dinner package so were in the separate section. Right as the show started, about 35 tour members hopped over the rope divider and spread themselves out in the reserved section. Some of them sat on the ground in the handicapped section, and others sat right behind me and put their feet up on my bench. I had to watch the whole show on the edge of my seat so they weren't kicking me. I was more mad at the CMs who watched them do it and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, I've also seen some wonderful tour groups. Last July, there was a church group there. It was honestly the biggest group I've ever seen - probably 500, all wearing the same t-shirst. At MK closing time, they were all lined up at the bus stop (they were staying at Coronado Springs). We had to kind of push by them to get to our bus stop. They kept saying, "We're sorry to be in the way, we just know we have to meet here." They were so nice. I'm still glad I wasn't staying at that hotel though!


New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I think we've all had our share of bad experiences with tour groups. My worst was last summer at Fantasmic. We had the dinner package so were in the separate section. Right as the show started, about 35 tour members hopped over the rope divider and spread themselves out in the reserved section. Some of them sat on the ground in the handicapped section, and others sat right behind me and put their feet up on my bench. I had to watch the whole show on the edge of my seat so they weren't kicking me. I was more mad at the CMs who watched them do it and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, I've also seen some wonderful tour groups. Last July, there was a church group there. It was honestly the biggest group I've ever seen - probably 500, all wearing the same t-shirst. At MK closing time, they were all lined up at the bus stop (they were staying at Coronado Springs). We had to kind of push by them to get to our bus stop. They kept saying, "We're sorry to be in the way, we just know we have to meet here." They were so nice.



New Member
BeachClubVillas said:
I think we've all had our share of bad experiences with tour groups. My worst was last summer at Fantasmic. We had the dinner package so were in the separate section. Right as the show started, about 35 tour members hopped over the rope divider and spread themselves out in the reserved section. Some of them sat on the ground in the handicapped section, and others sat right behind me and put their feet up on my bench. I had to watch the whole show on the edge of my seat so they weren't kicking me. I was more mad at the CMs who watched them do it and didn't say anything.

On the other hand, I've also seen some wonderful tour groups. Last July, there was a church group there. It was honestly the biggest group I've ever seen - probably 500, all wearing the same t-shirst. At MK closing time, they were all lined up at the bus stop (they were staying at Coronado Springs). We had to kind of push by them to get to our bus stop. They kept saying, "We're sorry to be in the way, we just know we have to meet here." They were so nice. I'm still glad I wasn't staying at that hotel though!

I sure love hearing the good stories too!


Not old, just vintage.
WDWCP said:
I've always wanted to get a free room upgrade, but I've never had a valid reason to complain about anything yet. I'm glad I haven't had to deal wit hthe all night cheers like you did. Sure was a great PR move on Disne'y's part to move you. If they had the room at CB, then there isn't really much of a cost difference on their end and they probably made you guys VERY happy. Especially moving from a Value resort to a Moderate!!

Precisely. They were great about helping us move too. They came right to our room with a golf cart, picked up us and our luggage, dbrought us to the front of the resort, and then we got on a Disney van that took us to CB. When we got there we didnt have to check in or anything. They jusy handed us our keys and put us on a golf cart and took us to our new room. I also think we got vouchers to have a free meal at the food court as well.
It was a really good deal for us because we were only 2 days in to a 10 day trip so we got 8 days at a moderate for the price of a value. Not too shabby.


New Member
tiggerific418 said:
Precisely. They were great about helping us move too. They came right to our room with a golf cart, picked up us and our luggage, dbrought us to the front of the resort, and then we got on a Disney van that took us to CB. When we got there we didnt have to check in or anything. They jusy handed us our keys and put us on a golf cart and took us to our new room. I also think we got vouchers to have a free meal at the food court as well.
It was a really good deal for us because we were only 2 days in to a 10 day trip so we got 8 days at a moderate for the price of a value. Not too shabby.

How totally awesome! We try to go to WDW every year from Colorado, so I'm guessing eventually we may find ourselves in a situation where we can get a free room upgrade... I'm just glad to hear stories where people were treated "right" for a valid reason, and not just because they whined so much to get something they didn't deserve.

Know what I mean?

Wow all these cheerleading group stories are starting to scare me. DOes anyone know what times of the year they are there? I might want to change my reservations for dec.


New Member
cajunCinderella said:
Wow all these cheerleading group stories are starting to scare me. DOes anyone know what times of the year they are there? I might want to change my reservations for dec.

I've seen them a lot in Feb and April...


New Member
They were there when I was there last year. Dec 4-10. Not sure about this year. I noticed the first 4 or 5 days it was like we had the park to ourselves. We might have been lucky or they might have just been busy competing. The last 2 days we were there were very irritating though. Not so much that they were cheerleaders, but for the fact that some of them were just rude.

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