Oh, those poor Ingalls girls...


Well-Known Member
you know zombies heads explodes like a watermelon being hit by a sledge hammer


Well-Known Member
So I finally talked my husband into letting me drive up to Maine with Mom today to spend some time with my daughter and son-in-law at the cabin they're renting this week. It's about a 4 hour drive each way, but I figured if I left here by 9, we'd have the afternoon to visit, then I'd leave there arond 5 and be back by 9. I got up early, packed a little cooler with snacks and drinks and figured I'd just tell Mom when she got up. Well, to make a long story short, she's convinced herself that my brother is coming to get her today and there's no way she's going anywhere. She even packed her suitcase....It's going to be a long day.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that things didn't work the way you had hoped. It's one of those things in life where you have to believe that it will work for the best. If the weather is nice, set up a chair in the yard, take a glass of lemonade and a radio, open the little cooler, and listen for the waves hitting the shore. The sound will come to you if you try hard enough. Honest.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry that things didn't work the way you had hoped. It's one of those things in life where you have to believe that it will work for the best. If the weather is nice, set up a chair in the yard, take a glass of lemonade and a radio, open the little cooler, and listen for the waves hitting the shore. The sound will come to you if you try hard enough. Honest.

You were worried about the drive - so maybe it's for the best. I like rsoxguy's suggestion!! Hope the day works out OK!!

yeah, thanks. I guess I know it's for the best, but I just really wanted to do something "different" today - I feel like I'm just kind of withering away here if you know what I mean.


Well-Known Member
yeah, thanks. I guess I know it's for the best, but I just really wanted to do something "different" today - I feel like I'm just kind of withering away here if you know what I mean.

Essentially you retired from teaching and took a full-time position as a caretaker - it's a tough transition. Sounds like you need a "me" day!!!


Well-Known Member
Realize that between retirement and your mother's needs, much of your life has changed toward a slower pace. It isn't a strange thing that you should feel as though you're "withering away". Everyone needs a bit of stimulation. Find yours in something that doesn't require eight hours of driving round-trip. Focus also on September, and pray for good weather.


Well-Known Member
Essentially you retired from teaching and took a full-time position as a caretaker - it's a tough transition. Sounds like you need a "me" day!!!
Pretty much. That's not going to happen for a while yet though.
I really am grateful that I have the opportunity to do this for my mom (and for my brother for that matter), but I just kind of feel like my own life came to a screeching halt for this. I was a stay-at-home mom when my kids were little and LOVED every minute of it, but this is soooo different.


Well-Known Member
Realize that between retirement and your mother's needs, much of your life has changed toward a slower pace. It isn't a strange thing that you should feel as though you're "withering away". Everyone needs a bit of stimulation. Find yours in something that doesn't require eight hours of driving round-trip. Focus also on September, and pray for good weather.

September can't come soon enough!


Well-Known Member
Pretty much. That's not going to happen for a while yet though.
I really am grateful that I have the opportunity to do this for my mom (and for my brother for that matter), but I just kind of feel like my own life came to a screeching halt for this. I was a stay-at-home mom when my kids were little and LOVED every minute of it, but this is soooo different.

As a stay at home mom you were watching your children grow a bit day by day. This is completely different. I think it requires a lot more patience and understanding as well! Hang in there - you're doing a really great thing!!


Well-Known Member
As a stay at home mom you were watching your children grow a bit day by day. This is completely different. I think it requires a lot more patience and understanding as well! Hang in there - you're doing a really great thing!!

Thanks for "listening" - really!


Well-Known Member
I'm sitting at Stat Health waiting to see a doctor - I got something in my eye last night and my eye is all messed up. There is a kid a few seats away that looks rabid. Help!!

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