OH No Grumpy wants to take it back


New Member
My husband changed his mind and doesnt want to go to Disney next year. But we will go anyways but he wont like it. Yes thats right he wont like it and try to ruin it for us. And sure to try to embarass us by yelling and acting like a fool.
Have anyone seen one of these fools in the park?

I told him he wont be able to ruin it for me this time. I plan on having too much fun with my DD.

I missed the fireworks the very 1st time to MK (my very 1st trip ever to WDW) with him he said there overrated and we needed to get back to daytona.. I made him take a picture with Mickey Mouse in the tents and if you could see the picture he looks like he is shooting daggers out of his eyes towards mickey. So sad. But Mickey & I looked great. lol

I eat sleep thinking WDW for the past 2 months now its all i talk about.:sohappy:


New Member
I guess misery does like company, Its good to know I am not the only person to make Disney trips with someone who is a stick in the mud. My ex wife was one of those people who was never satisfied with anything. She wasnt happy unless she was complaining about something and she ruined several trips to Disneyland for me. Fortunatly she never joined me on two trips I made to WDW while we were married, I made one alone and another with a friend and had a great time. My GF now loves Disney and we will be making our second trip to WDW in as many years in November. She says next year she might not want to go to WDW so I told her I would go alone or with a friend and she has no problem with that. I have also made a lot of trips to D/L (I have an AP, ex and her kids didnt) alone and with friends and really had a great time.

I was at D/L a few months back alone, GF couldnt make it and as I entered the MK I heard a lady complaining non-stop, it really started to upset me, reminded me of my ex. Then I thought about it and my GF's positive attitude and relised she isnt with me, get away from her, she can make her husband and kids miserable but I didnt have to be around her so I just put distance between us and had a great day.

I dont see any reason to take someone anywhere they dont want to be, especially a Disney park. Leave him at home and have fun with the kid/s. Just say to him you would like to take the kid/s to WDW and you know hes not interested and you dont have a problem with him skipping the trip. You might suggest he take his vacation somewhere a bit more enjoyable for him or stay home for some time alone or with his buddies. If budgets an issue such as you can only afford one room somewhere suggest some of the other things to do in the area. Theres lots of golf, the cape, beach's he can go do without buying a ticket to the parks. If he insists on going set down the law before you go, let him know you are not going to allow him to ruin your good time, if hes going to be a downer tell him he can stay in the room or go off on his own.

When I go now I tell everyone I'm with they might not want to hang around with me all the time, I know I can be hard to deal with (I'm not, but I try to make it sound like I'm the one whose a pain and not them) and if they want some time away from me no problem. I will do the parks opening to closing and if they want to take a break go ahead and we can meet up later or if they want to do something different thats OK with me.

I also tell people when I go to Disney parks with them that I expect them to have a good time and if they dont plan on having a good time, and want to be grumpy and miserable, I will ditch them first chance I get because I dont want them to ruin my trip. So remember where I parked if you want a ride back to the motel.
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Well-Known Member
I hope that he changes his grumpy ways...my dad was grumpy on every vacation we ever took when I was a child.
That is one of the main things that I remember from our vacations.
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New Member
My husband is never grumpy...but he is tired of going. He wants to go to Vegas! I have no interest in Vegas. I told him that he could go with some of his friends but he won't. So he will just have to suck it up and go with me back to Disney! Honestly he is a good sport! Besides I would never tolerate it :ROFLOL:
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Well-Known Member
So he would rather go to daytona? so he would prefer either watching bikers do stupid things or cars turing left? My grandparents lived around there years ago and the area was less than desireable but i guess if you're into that sort of thing....
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New Member
Aliceinwhoville let me start off by saying how sorry I am for you! Now that being said leave him at home or even better leave him period! Im not a psyc doc but I have been in law enforcement for 10 years and believe me it isn't Disney that your Husband is upset with these types of problems only escalate and hardly if ever resolve themselves. He is probably mad at the world for something you never did or can fix. There is ppl and groups out there that will help you, this forum is nice to have and most of the ppl in here are good ppl to vent to, but it isn't helping your problem w/ Grumpy. Take care Alice and I hope your WDW vacation is MAGICAL like it should be.:wave:
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New Member
Why doesn't he go to daytona and you and the kids go to Disney? My DH doesn't like FL (too hot for him) so He's staying home while I visit my grandma and the mouse :D in September. This way, I get to visit someone I haven't seen in 2 years and really miss, but he's not miserable because it's hot. just my $.02
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Well-Known Member
My DH isn't into the Magic as much as I am, either. He went twice with us when DD was small; we did have a really nice time, but he really has no desire to go back. He would rather spend his vacation hunting in Montana, so the last two trips have been just DD and me. It actually works out better for us since we have a farm and it's hard for us all to leave for that many days. This way one of us is home to see to the chores while the other is able to indulge in their idea of fun without feeling guilty. We do plan a lot of family activities and try to take a couple small, weekend type trips together throughout the course of the year.
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Original Poster
He doesnt want to go anywheres i'd love for him to stay home and I am sure he would love to stay at home but he isnt about to let me drive 16hr to get there or fly with my daughter. He is way too paranoid and i think Bi polar. We are such opposite personalities. I am happy go lucky with always a smile he is the frowner, lasher outter, ugly personalityand volitale. Dont even ask what i saw in him I cant figure that out anymore.

I have had in my mindset for 2 yrs now if he ruins it, I am getting the hell out of here. Disney is my final straw. Depends how cranky he is depends on how much to complain about. He already knows if he dont like it to go back to the hotel and dont get in my way i am going to have my fun which i deserve.

Why am i still here is a better question? why do i keep hearing his garbage
I dont know anyone (was) in my situation to talk too.

I mean will a kid be messed up if one parent is always yelling and trys to control but cant seem to? Well thats how he grew up with both parents like that. But my DD has me.
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Active Member
I mean will a kid be messed up if one parent is always yelling and trys to control but cant seem to? Well thats how he grew up with both parents like that. But my DD has me.

I would like to share what happened with my cousins. My aunt (now ex-aunt) and uncle have two kids. Years ago before they split up my aunt and uncle were constantly bickering and yelling and fighting often in front of the kids. My aunt is also bi-polar (or some sort of pych. disorder). The kids were two of the worst behaved kids you ever saw. They ran wild, disobeyed everyone (though it didn't help that their parents never followed through), were rude and disrespectful. They were on ADD medicine though neither parents took responsiblilty for making sure they took it all the time.

Since then my aunt and uncle split up and both have found new partners. Both seem to now be in good happy relationships. Instead of one extreamly screwed up home they have two stable homes. They are now two of the nicest most well behaved kids you've ever met. They help out without even being asked and I can't even remember the last time they were rude or disrespectful towards anyone (well other than each other like siblings are but nothing major).

I don't know the extent of your situation but am glad to hear your DD has one level headed parent. I'm sure that makes a big difference. I think the best advice anyone could give would be that only you know your situation, look into your heart and do what is right for you and your daughter.
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Well-Known Member
He wont allow himself to be happy, his words. Yes we are on property and plan to ditch him and go about our disney happiness lol.

That's so sad. Doesn't he realize that he's missing some of the best moments with his family. Life is too short to be so grumpy...especially at such a wonderful place!

Why ruin things for those you love?

I wish you the best of luck. And no matter how horrible grumpy gets, don't let it bother you or your DD. At least you're making memories together that will last a lifetime...if he chooses not to, that's his problem that he'll most likely regret later.

Have a blast...do it for your DD and yourself...after all, you deserve it!
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