Official Meet thread

Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
It's Official, the Meet will be held in Dec. I know many of you will be there for the first 2 weeks and I suggest that we use the MVMCP as our main "Meet" location. We will have 2 "Meets" at the party with one being on either wed. or thurs. of the first week and on Mon. or Tues. of the second week. Just as soon as they announce the dates, we can firm this up. I strongly suggest not doing the party on the weekend because of the crowds.

I will need suggestion from all of you for other meeting places, dining suggestions if everyone would like to meet somewhere for a meal and any other ideas that you can come up with. And if anyone would like to volunteer to help out please either PM or e-mail me.

I will also need everyone who will be going to pm me with your dates and your e-mail address so that you can be contacted with important information for the Meet. It is a good idea if you would also add to this thread by telling me that you are going. If you would rather keep it private, than please PM or e-mail me with your information.

MainStreetUSA (Zac) has graciously agreed to make shirts for the affair. Thank you Zac!!
I will need everyones input on the shirts.

Please indicate in your responses on here if you would like them to be:
Long/Short Sleeve
Specific Color
A specific saying/wording

Please keep in mind that they will have Official Meet Dec. 2003 on them. And we are not allowed to have disney characters on them.

Zac will have a thread up where you can vote on the shirts that he will design. You will then order your shirts directly from him by PM. Please make sure that you include all of your information for him including size, name, address etc.

The cost for the shirts will run approx. $25 a piece. This will cover the cost of shipping also.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me by either PM or e-mail at


Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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I just want everyone to know that we are good to go for the 5th of December for the Fantasmic Dessert Party. I have sent the contract back to WDW along with the downpayment. So lets get going with signing up for it! Please contact either myself or WannabeBelle by PM or e-mail so that we can add you to the list. If you plan on going, the price is $28 per person.

A lot of us are purchasing t-shirts for the Meet from MainStreetUSA. I suggest that if you are going to MVMCP, that we wear them there so we can recognize one another.

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Dessert Party spaces are going quickly. If you are planning on joining us, please contact either WannabeBelle or myself so that we can add you to the list. We are allowed only a certain amount of people and we are getting close to it. Please contact us soon.


If anyone who is attending would like to know the menu, please contact me.
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Well-Known Member
Welcome to the Boards, William!!! As far as the meet, have you read the entire thread?? If not Ill summarize it for you.
December Meet & Greet for Disney Fans from WDW Magic
Also some Disney fans from Deb Wills' site ( will be there also and they have invited us to thier mega meet.
December 4th and 9th will be a scheduled meet at the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. Contact Disney directly for tickets to this event. Tix are about 33.00 a piece for this.
December 5th we are holding our own meet, which will be a dessert party, held in the Fantasmic Arena. If you are interested in that tix are $28 per person and should be directed to Pam (Kingdom Konsultant) as she is coordinating that party with Disney.
December 6th Deb Wills' group is having their Mega Meet, but I just dont recall where and when!!!
I think that is about it, Everyone correct me if I left something out. And William if you have any questions, please dont hesitate!! Belle
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Original Poster
Another reminder to get your name on the list for the Fantasmic Dessert Party now. For those of you who do not know what this is, here is an explanation.

It's a special meeting that will happen on Dec. 5th at approx. 7p.m. at MGM for a special viewing of Fantasmic. We have a covered patio reserved for WDWMagic members and their families/friends. We will be enjoying desserts and coffee, with selections such as miniature french pastries and warm waffles with fruit and ice cream. We also will have a fresh fruit station for those of you who have diet limitations such as diabetes. There are other selections also. The cost for this is $28 per person.

If you have any questions about this event please contact me. You can read this entire thread in order to find out what other meetings we have planned so far. I am sure that more things will be added. Any suggestions would be helpful.

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New Member
It looks like we (Myself and my mother) will be at the dessert party for sure and possibly another event:D :D. I have'nt even got a chance to do Fantasmic yet so this will be my first time and the desserts sound delicious :slurp::slurp:

Can't wait to see you all,


[edit: Thank you Pam and everyone else settin this up]:)
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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
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Ok, So everyone does not have to read through all of the old threads I will post the information here again.

Wednesday Dec. 3- Hoop de doo (if anyone is interested)
Thursday Dec. 4 Mickeys very Merry Christmas Party ( tickets are on sale now!)
Friday Dec. 5 Fantasmic Dessert Party for WDWMagic members and their families
Sat. Dec. 6 Saturday, December 6 at 1 p.m. -- VERY SPECIAL EVENT -- Experience what MouseFest 2003 is all about -- cyberfriends from all over meeting for the first time! This is the perfect place to also put faces to the names you may already be familiar with through various Disney-related websites and guidebooks! Just some of those tentatively scheduled to attend this event:

Deb Wills, founder of All Ears Net ( and Editor-in-Chief of the weekly newsletter ALL EARS (
Jennifer Watson and Dave Marx, authors of PassPorter WDW and the new PassPorter's Field Guide to the Disney Cruise Line
Bob Sehlinger, author of The Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World
Mary Waring, Mousesavers
Mike Scopa, Mouseplanet
Michael McSparran, MouseInfo
Kelly Monaghan, author of The Other Orlando and Universal Orlando
Rose Folan, ALL EARS Feature Writer and
Pam VanSyckle-Kingdom Konsultants
Scott Thomas -

Dec. 9 Mickey's very Merry christmas Party

If anyone has any suggestions or you need further information, please feel free to PM me or send me an e-mail titled Dec. Meet to

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Kingdom Konsultant

WDWMAGIC Board Sponsor
Premium Member
Original Poster
Yes, I did recieve it. It's going in this weekend.


**Just as a reminder to everyone. Please do not forget to send your money for the dessert party. We only have a limited amount of people allowed to attend. I would hate for anyone to miss out on it.
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New Member
When we went in May there was on of these parties going on for the Fantasmic show we were at. It was setup really nice and it looked like everyone was having a great time!! Only thing that was bad was the heat, but we won't have that problem. :sohappy:
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