Last month me and DW were pulling up to BWV for check-in. We had our MBs on but the line to pull in was long and not moving. When I finally had a chance I pulled to the right lane for guest staying there with the automatic gate when you use your MB. The gate wouldn't go up. I got out of the car to let the guard in the shack know that the gate won't go up. That's when he said all their systems were down. Ok, at this point I'm waiting for him to either raise the gate or come see my MB, or whatever they do. I sat there for about another 5 minutes and nothing. So I got out again and said asked if he could let me in. He said when he checks my ID. Basically DW pulled out her ID and from 10 feet away he said ok and then lifted the gate. I'm just wondering what kind of security is that. The next day we were pulling in and we just pulled up to the shack. Guard said the same thing, systems are down. He asked for ID. I asked him if he had a list with guests name on it and he said no. Then what is the ID for?